Considering adding AAS to weight loss peptide therapy


New Member
Currently weight is 374lb. Down from 465. On 10mg tirz weekly. Been strength training for a few months steadily and considering adding a small dose of AAS. Years ago would have chastised someone for considering AAS with my stats but my test levels are in the toilet, thinking could make a dramatic swing without a dramatic use. Thoughts?
Trt at the absolute most, other than that, absolutely not yet. You're way too big and it'll cause more issues than solutions at this point with side effects and such.

Getting on actual testosterone replacement from a doctor is the only thing anabolic you should even begin to consider yet.

Get to at least 20% bf (preferably less) before opting for anything else.
Currently weight is 374lb. Down from 465. On 10mg tirz weekly. Been strength training for a few months steadily and considering adding a small dose of AAS. Years ago would have chastised someone for considering AAS with my stats but my test levels are in the toilet, thinking could make a dramatic swing without a dramatic use. Thoughts?

First things first, congrats for your decision to make that change. Now, where is your test levels sitting at? Do you have labs or just estimate?
also lol at calling it "therapy" as a way to downplay things "oooh its just therapy bro"

so when you injecting testosterone you will be doing muscle building steroid therapy too right?
Trt at the absolute most, other than that, absolutely not yet. You're way too big and it'll cause more issues than solutions at this point with side effects and such.

Getting on actual testosterone replacement from a doctor is the only thing anabolic you should even begin to consider yet.

Get to at least 20% bf (preferably less) before opting for anything else.
A TRT dose is what’s on my mind.
Yeah big congrats on deciding to inject yourself with a drug to stop you feeling hungry

boy what an achievement eh

is the bar really that low
I understand where you’re coming from. Like I said I would have crushed myself years ago for this. The mental change that occurs when you allow yourself to blow up for years is insane. Eventually you mentally give me and stop giving a shit. Going thru the merry go round of crash dieting and blowing up over and over is horrible but I’ve been doing it for 3 years. I needed a dramatic change so the meds are helping. I plan on being on this shit for a while because I need to get my mind right and at this point in my life think it’s the only way to do it. The way I look at a TRT dose is giving my body and my mind some positive change to go along with my healthy eating and lifting to keep the motivation going. After all my test levels are under 200, I could use some help. You think the bar is low, I think it’s right where it needs to be at the moment. Because I made the decision to take the meds It helped me to get back in the gym every day for the last 100 days. Thanks for the input.
I wouldn't add it expecting weight loss. But if you really are testing less than 200 a true replacement dose could be beneficial to overall health, well being. With those numbers you could probably go through insurance if you want that hassle.
I wouldn't add it expecting weight loss. But if you really are testing less than 200 a true replacement dose could be beneficial to overall health, well being. With those numbers you could probably go through insurance if you want that hassle.
I don’t expect the loss, I’m expecting change in body comp as I’m going. I’m also thinking about the positive effects it will have to my overall well being physically and mentally.
A TRT dose is what’s on my mind.

Right on! The way you phrased it I thought you meant a more in depth cycle. TRT isn't AAS, it's a bioidentical hormone for overall health and wellness.

Being sub 200, it's probably one of the best things you could do for yourself. E2 will be tricky to manage with your total body fat, but there's ways to mitigate that. (More frequent pinning, sub q vs IM, etc)

Just make sure you keep up on regular bloods. You're going to have to watch your e2 carefully, and firing away AI'e blindly is never a good idea.

Keep at it man!
Gold medals for all the runners up, congratulations guys you're all winners!!!!
The difference in that statement and his positions is it’s not a fucking contest for a trophy. The fact is it’s someone’s life and you’re making a joke about him wanting to do something about it. Changing to a healthy lifestyle isn’t the easiest task in the society we live in where everything is in a hurry. It’s not ok for him to use a glp1 to help aid in weight loss but it is ok for someone to use aas to get the body they want they can’t achieve naturally?? Make it make sense. You’re a hypocrite and a joke at best downplaying the value of someone’s life. Doesn’t matter the choices he made in the past to get him to that point all that matters is the choice to change. People like you are a disgrace to this community and take everything away from the gym culture that it’s intended for. Incase you didn’t know it’s to better yourself not to compare. So just fuck off and keep that same mentality when your dying in the hospital and they offer you a treatment to save your life, tell them no if I can do it on my will power let me be CLOWN
The difference in that statement and his positions is it’s not a fucking contest for a trophy. The fact is it’s someone’s life and you’re making a joke about him wanting to do something about it. Changing to a healthy lifestyle isn’t the easiest task in the society we live in where everything is in a hurry. It’s not ok for him to use a glp1 to help aid in weight loss but it is ok for someone to use aas to get the body they want they can’t achieve naturally?? Make it make sense. You’re a hypocrite and a joke at best downplaying the value of someone’s life. Doesn’t matter the choices he made in the past to get him to that point all that matters is the choice to change. People like you are a disgrace to this community and take everything away from the gym culture that it’s intended for. Incase you didn’t know it’s to better yourself not to compare. So just fuck off and keep that same mentality when your dying in the hospital and they offer you a treatment to save your life, tell them no if I can do it on my will power let me be CLOWN

Ok you're dumb, I will explain it slowly for you

What you quoted was an character based insult, showing he is the type of person who congratulates anyone, even the losers, making it false and meaningless and what creates a weak society

At what point did I say it wasn't ok for OP to use anything? Hint for the dumbass, (you) I never did

I just made a joke about him calling his weight loss injections a "therapy"

That's all

Now look at you getting all emotional and having a meltdown drop your dose you silly little female
What about injecting steroids to build muscle?

Are you an ex fattie being mad that other fatties have it easy now?

Why are there so many dumb people on here

Did I quote OP with those words? No I quoted another member, he is the one I was mocking, not OP

It's really not difficult
Currently weight is 374lb. Down from 465. On 10mg tirz weekly. Been strength training for a few months steadily and considering adding a small dose of AAS. Years ago would have chastised someone for considering AAS with my stats but my test levels are in the toilet, thinking could make a dramatic swing without a dramatic use. Thoughts?
Congrats on the changes and the weight loss not easy walk-in a gym at 465 bro. +1 for trt only. Keep it up bro
Is the Tirz doctor prescribed? If so then talk to your doctor about the test levels.

Assuming it's not you should still see a doctor about your levels. 200 is real low and between your remaining obesity and long term dieting it won't improve those levels any time soon. You'd probably feel better if you were in the normal range.
Is the Tirz doctor prescribed? If so then talk to your doctor about the test levels.

Assuming it's not you should still see a doctor about your levels. 200 is real low and between your remaining obesity and long term dieting it won't improve those levels any time soon. You'd probably feel better if you were in the normal range.

Zepbound was doctor prescribed. Can’t get it affordable so I’m running tirz. I have previously spoken to my doctor about trt that’s how I know my levels are where they are. At the time my weight was at its peak and had concerns about trt at that weight. Doc will prescribe whatever I ask within reason but I didn’t really feel like his advice was that valuable since he just tends to prescribe whatever I think I need. My insurance won’t pay for trt so I was just thinking about self managing.
was doctor prescribed.