Going to play devil 's advocate a little.
It seems to me that
@VaDImadi 's issue was not strictly with OP taking the weightloss drugs, per se (although he's deffo not a fan).
His issue was with OP being congratulated about it, when he simply sees it as a means to lose weight without personal agency.
OP took it, he lost weight. End of. That’s how he sees it.
And why the hell are you congratulating him about this?
What was missed, I think, was OP's willingness to take action and stick with it.
Moreover, having lost weight (yes, not through hard dieting and willpower and hours of cardio etc), OP is now in a position where he can physically do things he couldn’t do before (so now he is weight training) and he is enjoying his life in ways he couldn’t, before.
So, Mr V you came across a bit harsh and you got it back, obviously.
I can see you are very black and white, uncompromising and very straightforward. I sympathise with that.
But I am sure you can join us in wishing OP success in his journey to better health, in whichever way that has begun.
He is doing it.