Constant crash outs

Maybe I’m retarded lol but maybe your test is too high. I had issues sleeping when my levels were constantly too high.
Thanks for your replies

My test is to high at 692 that's interesting and your first to bring that up actually
My e2 and the rest are normal so perhaps I just keep monitoring it and the fatigue goes away..
On one hand, your smart enough on some things like CNY. You know your way around the soapbox, I'm sure you got the basics down.

AND THEN start yet another thread asking a question you already know the answer to.

Please share your experience in a educational , honest way. You lonely Old man.

Personally I would find Porn more satisfying than trolling this board. Yet Deca only cycles may make that hard for you.

I'm thinking your fucked in the head.
Lol yeah but porn will fuck your life up almost as bad as drugs. Trolling is probably somewhat healthy for the mind.
I usually eat something when i wake up in the middle of the night, but then again im not on a cut.

are you ignoring total test, believing that free test is more accurate? what is your estrogen?

could be the hgh keeping you awake, doing something to your sleep cycle so you wake up earlier when it clears. i would try pinning in the a.m or not at all
Yes I'll try switching up the gh to am..
You got sleep apnea or something? That messed up my ability to get deep sleep big time. I can sit down in a chair and it’s lights out in a minute or two