I work in the hospital. Yesterday I was working with my friend, an ER nurse. She was having a good day. Then just a few short hours went by......as of last night she was admitted into the ICU with and was put on a ventilator. She tested + for Covid19. She had no symptoms before the crash.
She was (is) a healthy young female before she spiraled into the grip of this devastating virus. She is fighting for her life as I type this.
I am not trying to hype or scare. I am trying to relay information as to how quickly and easily this virus can take hold of people, even the young and healthy.
And yes, I realize this indicates I was exposed as well.
Please stay safe. Don’t go out and about just to go out and about. Don’t be the tough guy. Covid will whip your ass before you even know you have it.
Sorry for the situation. This virus hits people different ... and for a nurse to go from no symptoms to ICU within a day is alarming.
Glad to see some members here taking it seriously instead of whining about no gyms or 'media hoax'. Working in a hospital, you know how real this thing is.
There are cases where people have ZERO respiratory symptoms, sick for weeks and then when tested, they are positive.
Early in the month, docs said wife has it (though tests are not available). She is high risk. We have been quarantined for 3 weeks so far. Her breathing is rough but not needing respirator. I have very mild symptoms and would otherwise not think anything of it. It is like a weird asthma in upper lungs but not responsive to albuterol. Time will tell.
A family of 3, friends of ours, went to the ER beginning of the month. Were told they have it (again no test available) and to stay home. Yet 'officially' their county has only 1 confirmed (tested) case.
There must be many sick or carrying that don't know it. Some Epidemiologists are suggesting the USA being the worst hit industrialized nation with 3.3 million deaths by end of summer. And quarantining just the high risk people underestimates the risk for low-risk people - hospitals will still be overloaded. We will just have to see what really happens.
Very nice of you man, truly.
In my hospital we (employees) are limited to one mask per day because we simply don’t have enough and we are required to wear it our entire shift.
In Albany, NY, visiting nurses for high risk people (chemo, immunocompromised, etc.) don't have mask available at all. The hospital simply can't get them. So they could introduce this to these vulnerable people ... or catch it themselves.
The federal government keeps out-biding the states and is stockpiling them for their own purposes. The major production of masks is in a region of China hit bad by this virus. So relief is not near. US manufacturers have not yet stepped up to making needed medical supplies.
Hope your 1 mask a day works for you. Sorry that you are in such a situation.