Corona hits home

Very nice of you man, truly.
In my hospital we (employees) are limited to one mask per day because we simply don’t have enough and we are required to wear it our entire shift.

Sorry to read of your friend/coworker who is having an acute reaction to COVID-19. Hope she pulls through.

We all really owe so much to medical teams putting themselves at risk everyday for all their efforts. Just the other day a friend on instagram asked me and his followers for our prayers telling us he's a medical bed sanitizer and is scared shitless as he disinfects the medical beds of people who lost their battle to this nasty disease. There are so many people out there we don't even think about who are soldiering through this. You all are amazing and my wish is that you all pull through and are safe.
Sorry to read of your friend/coworker who is having an acute reaction to COVID-19. Hope she pulls through.

We all really owe so much to medical teams putting themselves at risk everyday for all their efforts. Just the other day a friend on instagram asked me and his followers for our prayers telling us he's a medical bed sanitizer and is scared shitless as he disinfects the medical beds of people who lost their battle to this nasty disease. There are so many people out there we don't even think about who are soldiering through this. You all are amazing and my wish is that you all pull through and are safe.

I second this.

It's so difficult right now.
Alot of our hospitals here are out of Tyvek suits as well.
So the risk exposure of even a bed cleaner has gone up drastically.
Keep up the good fight and take precautions.
Thabks brother.

Not too worried TBH
She makes nails look soft as fuck.
My brother looks after her..
He even hires people to help put her gardens in..
Hired some 20ish year olds to help.

She sent them home because they're "Too slow and weak" lol

Shes already getting better, solid doses of AntiVirals.
What country are you in? Or from?

glad all is going well.
Shit is spreading pretty quickly here.

Too many Chinese from Wuhan flew here and our Prime Minister said it was "racist" to not accept the with open arms.
Thats why they come. Now canada has the burden of caring for them and many are too old to work. So they mooch off the system they never paid in to. I know the GTA like the back of my hand. Paks, indians, chinese. And its THEIR territory and they know it. Nothing like 50% taxes for "free" (social) programs
Thats why they come. Now canada has the burden of caring for them and many are too old to work. So they mooch off the system they never paid in to. I know the GTA like the back of my hand. Paks, indians, chinese. And its THEIR territory and they know it. Nothing like 50% taxes for "free" (social) programs

Pretty much sums it up.

My wife is from a Socialist country.
She shakes her head at these college/University fuck heads who are pro socialism.
Following Crazy Bernie or Cuck Trudeau

Mostly because they have no idea what Socialism actually is.
They only understand the principles as preached in a classroom.
Never had to breathe it in... never had to live it or taste it.
Ultimate power, Umtimatly corrupts.
They wouldnt talk shit if they had seen a Socialist party member club a person for looking at them wrong, while police (Military police) laugh

And yeah, I'm in the GTA, getting shittier by the week.

Hilariously enough, I've had to throw 10s of thousand to get my wife in the country (Lawyers)
Despite her being under 30 with a degree.

While we take fucking refugees from everywhere and cut them tax revenue checks with ZERO incentive to EVER get a job. (because you cant make 50k a year working at fucking McDonalds)

So they sponge.. and our communities fall apart.

But sorry...
I went on a rant... my bad lol.
Pretty much sums it up.

My wife is from a Socialist country.
She shakes her head at these college/University fuck heads who are pro socialism.
Following Crazy Bernie or Cuck Trudeau

Mostly because they have no idea what Socialism actually is.
They only understand the principles as preached in a classroom.
Never had to breathe it in... never had to live it or taste it.
Ultimate power, Umtimatly corrupts.
They wouldnt talk shit if they had seen a Socialist party member club a person for looking at them wrong, while police (Military police) laugh

And yeah, I'm in the GTA, getting shittier by the week.

Hilariously enough, I've had to throw 10s of thousand to get my wife in the country (Lawyers)
Despite her being under 30 with a degree.

While we take fucking refugees from everywhere and cut them tax revenue checks with ZERO incentive to EVER get a job. (because you cant make 50k a year working at fucking McDonalds)

So they sponge.. and our communities fall apart.

But sorry...
I went on a rant... my bad lol.

A justified rant!
I live about an hour away.. Not to be racist but It's backwards that they come to our country with no expectations of them, and we're expected to change our ways to integrate them into our society..
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I realize it takes time to produce Covid19 tests and if someone tests ‘clear’ they would need to be tested later when they get it or some other flu - so even more tests are needed.

But it seems probable that testing is being limited for sociological and political reasons as well. Insufficient testing limits confirmed cases and makes the situation look better than it is. This helps calm panic. But it also makes the government look like it is doing a good job to “flatten-the-curve” when it is merely masking the short term.

Perhaps this reasoning is cynical but the behavior of ‘leaders’ does not exactly inspire confidence. And it is a common technique - not just governments.

To illustrate, we could, for example, eliminate AIDS by refusing to test for HIV. There would just be a bunch of people who die from an unexplained immune failure. Governments could save a bundle by not treating people because they have an undiagnosed illness. All that needs to done is to 'redefine' the situation.

Sticking one's head in the sand is a common denial technique that 'redefines' the situation. People use it to cope and control anxiety. But in the long run, it is better to learn how to face one's demons and hold your head up. Then one is in a better position to handle what may come. Perhaps this is just 'male' reasoning.


Normally one develops antibodies against a virus, which provides immunity for the future. Plenty of experts are saying this will be so for this virus … but they don’t know for how long.
Up to 10 percent of coronavirus patients leaving medical facilities in Wuhan after being tested negative for Covid-19 seem to have subsequently been re-infected, according to the South China Morning Post. This is not the first time that there have been reports of re-infection. Nevertheless, scientists say that it is unlikely that the virus is striking twice.”​
"The researchers then tried to reinfect two of them but failed, which suggests the animals were immune. That finding is very encouraging, as it suggests that it is possible to induce protective immunity against the virus"

You can be infected with other coronaviruses over and over. We don’t know if that’s true for this virus”​

So if lack of long term immunity is a problem, it rather takes the wind out of the developing antibody tests. Again we wait and see. Perhaps this is a place to hope positive since no good will come from excessive worry - but that isn't the same as sticking one's head in the sand, lol.
In your opinion, is it possible some people could be more immune to covid for any reason? Or is everyone at the same risk given the exact same scenario?
Our Governor is set to close our school system for the rest of the school year. It will be announced this week. Seniors will graduate and every other grade will move to the next.

Prolly a trend we will see for the rest of the US as well.
Our Governor is set to close our school system for the rest of the school year. It will be announced this week. Seniors will graduate and every other grade will move to the next.

Prolly a trend we will see for the rest of the US as well.
Crazy but a strong possibility for my state too. Keep your kids safe out there!
This one is a biological weapon. Thus "man-made".
Well, it's actually man-modified. Somebody took the SARS backbone and chemically modified it to make it more contagious and deadlier.

what’s your source on that?? Otherwise I call tinfoil hat bullshit. Like E said, I’m also not saying it’s not beyond possibility but if it could be proved it’s grounds for complete and total WW3/annihilation. I
I work in the hospital. Yesterday I was working with my friend, an ER nurse. She was having a good day. Then just a few short hours went of last night she was admitted into the ICU with and was put on a ventilator. She tested + for Covid19. She had no symptoms before the crash.

She was (is) a healthy young female before she spiraled into the grip of this devastating virus. She is fighting for her life as I type this.

I am not trying to hype or scare. I am trying to relay information as to how quickly and easily this virus can take hold of people, even the young and healthy.

And yes, I realize this indicates I was exposed as well.

Please stay safe. Don’t go out and about just to go out and about. Don’t be the tough guy. Covid will whip your ass before you even know you have it.

I’m sorry to hear this brother. Wish your firend all the best and praying you don’t catch anything. Take good care brother.
In your opinion, is it possible some people could be more immune to covid for any reason? Or is everyone at the same risk given the exact same scenario?
Everyone's immune system is different. There are actually some people who are immune to AIDS. Their system is different enough that the HIV virus just can't make them sick. Innate resistance to HIV - Wikipedia

With Covid19, upwards to half have no symptoms at all - they don't get sick (though they can spread it). Most who do get sick don't end up in the hospital.

Age is a example. The whole body gradually malfunctions including the immune system. All flues are particularly risky for the elderly. Covid19 is about 30 times more lethal than regular flues so the risk is greater for everyone but the toll really adds up with the elderly.
Everyone's immune system is different. There are actually some people who are immune to AIDS. Their system is different enough that the HIV virus just can't make them sick. Innate resistance to HIV - Wikipedia

With Covid19, upwards to half have no symptoms at all - they don't get sick (though they can spread it). Most who do get sick don't end up in the hospital.

Age is a example. The whole body gradually malfunctions including the immune system. All flues are particularly risky for the elderly. Covid19 is about 30 times more lethal than regular flues so the risk is greater for everyone but the toll really adds up with the elderly.
Much appreciated. Hearing this makes me even more aware that I need to be more careful than ever, even though I have been trying. My line of work is essential and I'm constantly around people.
Thanks for your efforts. I’ve got family in nursing and medicine and I can’t even imagine the stress levels right now knowing you are stretched to the max and fighting something we’ve never seen before with the limited resources available.
Shit is spreading pretty quickly here.

Too many Chinese from Wuhan flew here and our Prime Minister said it was "racist" to not accept the with open arms.

Conspiracy theory. From Chinese medias, the first infected case in Italy was found in last Sept. And, lots of US marine cases found as well. The saying that this virus from Detrick Fort Biochemical Base is the most spreading story.

All the media is fucking and fooling the people. The truth, who knows?