Corona hits home

The media and their big numbers. If we read between the lines, 25,053 of the 25,590 have survived.

i noticed the media doesn't like to break numbers down. Like how many of those remaining 25,053 have been or are currently hospitalized or how many had absolutely no idea that they were even infected?

Not to take away from the overall message here, i mean this whole situation is nucking futs, something we'll likely only ever see once in a lifetime, but remember, the media is a business. Big numbers and doom and gloom puts asses in seats and keeps people tuned in for any breaking developments.

The good news (something the media won't report) is that IF you get this virus, your chances of survival far outweigh your chances of dying. The odds are in our favor.

We need less doom and gloom and the media won't gamble losing viewers and readers by helping them read between the lines.

Ironically all this is coming from a hard core pessimist. Who'd have thunk it, right?

You have a great point in this! THUMP UP!! The death ratio is way lower than the survival one. Be safe and be with a hope.
One more point is the politics handling. In my opinion, when there is a focus news, it could be a chance for the politicians to show their living ways. That's their knife and forks. What they are good at is to play the worlds in their hands. To make you panic, ok, it is a good chance for campaign. To buying more toilet papers? Good, their factories and supermarket can get more stock to rob your wallet. So does the guns traders and others.

Maybe only I am the very only one to provide no raised-price raw source. Hahaha....
The middle class will be paying this outbreak off forever!!!!
Oh and China will buy up all the business in North America that are on the brink of bankruptcy. China will own everything imo
So one wacky theory goes China released this virus on the world to later buy up every damn business lock stock and barrel!
Been looking at Worldometers Coronavirus Update (Live): 1,041,119 Cases and 55,203 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer
Add to this if you have stage 6 cancer with hours to live, and you test positive for cv19, you are officially killed by the virus, not the cancer. I have been trying to make sense of the current available mortality stats on various causes, and I confess my total confusion.

On this being a once in a lifetime event, I suspect this is a very optimistic viewpoint. I believe this is a FIRST in a lifetime event. What are they going to do to us next flu season?
Been using Worldometers Coronavirus Update (Live): 1,041,119 Cases and 55,203 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer

If you view the country list and click on USA, you'll get a breakdown of state.

As of this post one reads:
1,040,997 cases
763,470 active
277,527 closed
222,332 (80%) Recovered / Discharged
55,195 (20%) Deaths​
So with closed cases, one sees a 20% mortality rate !!!

However, these are the number of people who have been tested and the test was positive. Very few have been tested. It is doubtful that poorer places such as much of Africa, India, Bangladesh, etc. have much testing done at all - so there will be not just cases but unreported suffering and deaths.

On the flip side, many don't get tested because they aren't sick from it. Iceland did a project of testing 5% of its population. At that time, 1% tested positive and only 50% had any symptoms.

If in this early time of the pandemic, 1% of the population have it, then the total cases would be 78,000,000. But it will still take time to learn the real Recovered/Died ratio.

So one wacky theory goes China released this virus on the world to later buy up every damn business lock stock and barrel!
Some have suggested that this virus was manufactured and released on purpose. If so, look who finds the 'cure' first. They'll make a bucked of money on this one. Of course it could have been an accidental release.

This article is interesting (pointed out by another member Scientific studies show CoVID-19 has HIV inserts. Full damage to show YEARS after infection like HIV)

(PDF) Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag
"The finding of 4 unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV, all of which have identity/similarity to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature."​
So one wacky theory goes China released this virus on the world to later buy up every damn business lock stock and barrel!
Unfortunately it's not that wacky and very possible. China will be back to business very soon, while the rest of the world is still reeling. This lock down will continue longer then most think. My uneducated guess another 4 months atleast.
The idea that China "released" this virus is just grasping at straws. There is zero proof, only half baked theories based on a couple of facts and a thousand assumptions. The most realistic scenario of this virus "escaping" a lab is what some have suggested about labs possibly selling animals used in experiments to wet markets when done. Still, no solid evidence. But to purposely release a highly contagious virus in your own country in hopes that you will contain it while simultaneously hoping it spreads around the globe is a ludicrous idea. If they wanted to "release" something to harm us, they would infect a few people who are on their way to the United States instead of turning one of their major cities into ground zero. Why would they want us to get such an advance warning that a deadly virus is heading our way while causing chaos and havoc in Wuhan?
Also, odds are they are lying about their current numbers. If they are, they won't be able to hide it long as it will just grow out of control again. I think in a month we will know if they have been lying about current numbers.

Zoonotic viruses have made the jump from animals to people countless times in the past. We are extremely lucky that most of the time they don't transmit from human to human very well. Not to downplay the death and destruction, but we are almost lucky to have COVID-19 as a wake up call to the fact we are not prepared for real pandemics. While it is devastating in general, it is a cakewalk compared to other potential outbreaks. MERS was transmitted to humans from camels in the Middle East. Most people haven't even heard of MERS because it killed less than 1,000 people. It also is not nearly as contagious as COVID-19, and people usually are not contagious until they have obvious symptoms. The fatality rate however, was around 34%, meaning around 1 out of every 3 people who caught it died.
COVID-19 should be a real wake up call that we need a worldwide response ready for the next pandemic, because it WILL happen again, and we may see something far worse than what we are currently seeing the next time.
The idea that China "released" this virus is just grasping at straws. There is zero proof, only half baked theories based on a couple of facts and a thousand assumptions. The most realistic scenario of this virus "escaping" a lab is what some have suggested about labs possibly selling animals used in experiments to wet markets when done. Still, no solid evidence. But to purposely release a highly contagious virus in your own country in hopes that you will contain it while simultaneously hoping it spreads around the globe is a ludicrous idea. If they wanted to "release" something to harm us, they would infect a few people who are on their way to the United States instead of turning one of their major cities into ground zero. Why would they want us to get such an advance warning that a deadly virus is heading our way while causing chaos and havoc in Wuhan?
Also, odds are they are lying about their current numbers. If they are, they won't be able to hide it long as it will just grow out of control again. I think in a month we will know if they have been lying about current numbers.

Zoonotic viruses have made the jump from animals to people countless times in the past. We are extremely lucky that most of the time they don't transmit from human to human very well. Not to downplay the death and destruction, but we are almost lucky to have COVID-19 as a wake up call to the fact we are not prepared for real pandemics. While it is devastating in general, it is a cakewalk compared to other potential outbreaks. MERS was transmitted to humans from camels in the Middle East. Most people haven't even heard of MERS because it killed less than 1,000 people. It also is not nearly as contagious as COVID-19, and people usually are not contagious until they have obvious symptoms. The fatality rate however, was around 34%, meaning around 1 out of every 3 people who caught it died.
COVID-19 should be a real wake up call that we need a worldwide response ready for the next pandemic, because it WILL happen again, and we may see something far worse than what we are currently seeing the next time.

I dont know anyone who said China purposefully released it.
Doesnt make sense, given that it was first found amongst the Chinese population

However... did they lie?
Did they lie with the intention of ensuring it spread to their enemies? (To ensure everyone is in the same economic boat?)
Most likely yes.

As for speculation regarding it being engineered....
Not as far fetched as you would think.
I dknt believe in coincidence.

The fact that the research facility is 20km from the epicentre.
The fact that the same research facility ADVERTISED to get a Corona Virus specialist 3 months before the outbreak.

My opinion is, the Chinese were too backwards to contain and they had an accidental breach of containment.
Doctors are reporting they now understand the behavior of the COVID 19 virus due to autopsies that they have carried out. This virus is characterized by obstructing respiratory pathways with thick mucus that solidifies and blocks the airways and lungs. So they have discovered that in order to apply a medicine you have to open and unblock these airways so that the treatment can be used to take effect however all of this takes a number of days. Their recommendations for what you can do to safeguard yourself are ...

1) Drink lots of hot liquids - coffees, soups, teas, warm water. In addition take a sip of warm water every 20 minutes bc this keeps your mouth moist and washes any of the virus that’s entered your mouth into your stomach where your gastric juices will neutralize it before it can get to the lungs.
2) Gargle with an antiseptic and warm water like vinegar or salt or lemon every day if possible
3) The virus attaches itself to hair and clothes. And detergent or soap kills it but you must take bath or shower when you get in from the street. Avoid sitting down in your home and go straight to the shower. If you cannot wash your clothes daily, hang them in sunlight which also helps to neutralize the virus
4) Wash metallic surfaces very carefully bc the virus can stay viable on these for up to 9 days. Take note and be vigilant about touching hand rails, door knobs, etc. and keep these clean in home home
5) Don’t smoke
6) Wash your hands every 20 minutes with any soap that foams and do this for 20 seconds
7) Eat fruits and vegetables. Try to elevate your zinc levelS
8)Animals do not spread the virus to people. Its a person to person transmission.
9)Try to avoid getting the common flu as this already weakens your system and try to avoid eating and drinking any cold things.
10) If you feel any discomfort in your throat or a sore throat coming on, attack it immediately using the above methods. The virus enters the system through the throat but will sit in the throat for 3-4 days before it passes into your lungs.

In addition ...

Experts suggest doing this simple verification every morning: Breathe in deeply and hold your breath for 10 seconds. If this can be done without coughing, without difficulty, this shows that there is no fibrosis in the lungs, indicating the absence of infection. It is recommended to do this control every morning to help detect infection.

Any thoughts from you guys about this?
Friend of mine passed this along to me.

"Lung fibrosis" ?
Like serouisly, lol

Bunch of nonsense but i can see it being appealing to those who truck on tren but are staying safe because of "smart supplements usage"
"Lung fibrosis" ?
Like serouisly, lol

Bunch of nonsense but i can see it being appealing to those who truck on tren but are staying safe because of "smart supplements usage"
Can you see the last sentence of my post? I asked if any of this was relevant to what is going on in regards to this virus. I didn't say the contents of my post were the solution to corona. Simply putting it out there for people to see. Can you elaborate on the jibberish in your last sentence? What the fuck are you talking about?
I dont know anyone who said China purposefully released it.
Doesnt make sense, given that it was first found amongst the Chinese population

However... did they lie?
Did they lie with the intention of ensuring it spread to their enemies? (To ensure everyone is in the same economic boat?)
Most likely yes.

As for speculation regarding it being engineered....
Not as far fetched as you would think.
I dknt believe in coincidence.

The fact that the research facility is 20km from the epicentre.
The fact that the same research facility ADVERTISED to get a Corona Virus specialist 3 months before the outbreak.

My opinion is, the Chinese were too backwards to contain and they had an accidental breach of containment.
I agree brother. Something really seems funny about this whole virus issue. Lots of info that China is not disclosing. If it was an accidental breach they sure did not do a lot right out of the gate to warn the world. It would not surprise me that when they realized they couldn’t contain it, that they ensured that it would reach other countries - economic terrorism. And now that Europe and North America are suffering huge health and economic issues, what better time for China to declare that the virus is behind them and it’s time to restart their economic engine again, ahead of the rest of the world. It is obvious that China has lied about the number of cases and deaths within their borders. Months ago who would have thought that an invisible enemy could bring the world to its knees with huge health and economic implications? I believe China did.
Fibrosis takes some time to set in and im not talking about a couple of days

Proper and only way to assess fibrosis is a plumonary scan
Plumonary? :rolleyes:
Whatever dude. Nitpick all you fucking want. With people stacking up in hospitals everywhere with "pulmonary fibrosis like" symptoms you think doctors are going to give every patient a fucking "plumonary scan"??o_O
Plumonary? :rolleyes:
Whatever dude. Nitpick all you fucking want. With people stacking up in hospitals everywhere with "pulmonary fibrosis like" symptoms you think doctors are going to give every patient a fucking "plumonary scan"??o_O

Well you asked if this list was worth anything
It ends with something like holding your breath to check for lung fibrosis, which makes no sense at all because there isnt gonna be fibrosis ever, be it in lungs or any organ fibrosis takes time to build up

So that list you asked about is worthless

Thats about it, case closed


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