Crashing test for insurance/ prescription?

I would have been happier had I found out I was a natural 700.
Who wouldn't:) relying on a needle isn't all it's cracked up to be. Good natural levels and running effective pcts would be better.

2 times in the last 4 years I have had to go off self prescribed trt for legal reasons. It's a mother f*****
To the OP: At your age, I wouldn't recommend TRT. Go find out your levels, if they are good, then TRT does not make sense. If you insist (against all mature recommendations on any steroid forum) to start cycling at your young age, I'd recommend you rely on UGL gear and just cycle on and off and take advantage of your good young levels.

But my sincere suggestion to such a young person, assuming your levels prove good, is to stay off gear completely until you are well into your 30's.
I've been on trt since I was 29 I'm now 35 I can tell you it's cheaper for me to buy off the web than legally cause my insurance doesn't cover all cost

54 here, I started out with legitimate prescriptions (my level is/was 190) but too much BS with co-pays, driving to appointments, picking up a measly 30 days at a time, and not getting useful feedback from any docs because they just don't know - I know more in most relevant areas. They just have the magic script pad. Fucked up system - I've since gone independent.
I’m 23 and have been on TRT since I was 19.
2 shots a week isn’t really a big deal.
Unless you have a legitimate medical need and have tried other options, starting trt at age 19 is incredibly stupid. I'm assuming it's self prescribed because standard trt doesn't require two weekly injections unless you are using small amounts . What is your trt dose? 500mg a week?
This is the one thing sarms are good for. LGD-4033 will lower your total testosterone without crashing it or having much of an effect on the rest of your blood work.