Creatinine levels elevated post workout?


New Member
So I just got some bloodwork back and my creatinine is 40% higher than normal. Mind you I got my bloods pulled 4.5 hours after working out and my intra workout and pre workout do contain creatine in it. I assume taking creatine and working out the same day as getting your bloods pulled will alter the results? It said my creatinine levels were a 1.5, and my avg is 1.1; and I also haven't taken any AAS/HGH in a very very long time.
I had several high creatinine readings. For one I had quit all aas and creatine. I was just taking protein. It was about 14 hours after an intense burpee workout. My creatinine was 1.5. It freaked me out. I also did a 24 hour urine collection which showed normal kidney function.
The moral of the story is that blood creatinine is highly unreliable in assessing kidney function in people who are very muscular and after intense work outs. They'll probably retest in 3 months and if it's still high they will give u a 24 hour urine collection.
I hope this eased your mind.
Creatinine levels will be higher after an intense workout. I used to be a member on and brought this up in a discussion because I had concerns for myself. A guy who claimed he was a nurse chimed in and gave me some very useful info. He suggested not to train two to three days before getting my bloodwork to get a more accurate creatinine level.

He was right. Now when I get my blood drawn I schedule my test when after a day or two of not training.

Not only is creatinine the waste product muscles expel from intense workouts but it can flood your system from intense, external physical trauma. Say you were a cyclist riding along the side of the road and you got hit by a car. The impact of that force smashing into your body will release so much creatinine into your body you'll go into temporary kidney failure. My doctor and I talked about this quite a bit since my levels were 1.4 at one point.

What's a better indicator of kidney health is an eGFR test (estimated glomerular filtration rate) which is done through a blood test. The higher this number the better your kidneys are working. You more than likely had this done along with testing your creatinine levels.
Creatinine levels will be higher after an intense workout. I used to be a member on and brought this up in a discussion because I had concerns for myself. A guy who claimed he was a nurse chimed in and gave me some very useful info. He suggested not to train two to three days before getting my bloodwork to get a more accurate creatinine level.

He was right. Now when I get my blood drawn I schedule my test when after a day or two of not training.

Not only is creatinine the waste product muscles expel from intense workouts but it can flood your system from intense, external physical trauma. Say you were a cyclist riding along the side of the road and you got hit by a car. The impact of that force smashing into your body will release so much creatinine into your body you'll go into temporary kidney failure. My doctor and I talked about this quite a bit since my levels were 1.4 at one point.

What's a better indicator of kidney health is an eGFR test (estimated glomerular filtration rate) which is done through a blood test. The higher this number the better your kidneys are working. You more than likely had this done along with testing your creatinine levels.
eGFR is unreliable for “muscle guys” as my Dr put it. Need cystatin c test.
creatinine levels are high due to the muscle fiber break down, it temporarily clogs the kidney/liver ducts causing the creatinine to build up and not flush, the same applies to liver enzymes being high after a workout.

Ck levels can confirm that, as well as a Cycstin c

Use your nac/ox bile/ tudca to help clean the ducts and keep things moving.
eGFR is unreliable for “muscle guys” as my Dr put it. Need cystatin c test.
I never heard of this test. I'll ask my doctor about it next time.

My eGFR increased from 62 to 70 recently. It was peculiar because at the time I was actually doing my first cycle with tren after not using it for nearly fifteen years.
So I retested my levels again after coming off creatine for a week. My creatinine levels are at 1.3 and my egfr is at 74 which seems like a little off. My egfr before was at 67 when my creatinine levels were at 1.5. Does your body take a while to go back to normal because 1.3 is still a little high for me since every test I have ran a year or two ago is at 1-1.1 and egfr at 90. Is 1 week off creatine not enough for my levels to get back to normal?
So I retested my levels again after coming off creatine for a week. My creatinine levels are at 1.3 and my egfr is at 74 which seems like a little off. My egfr before was at 67 when my creatinine levels were at 1.5. Does your body take a while to go back to normal because 1.3 is still a little high for me since every test I have ran a year or two ago is at 1-1.1 and egfr at 90. Is 1 week off creatine not enough for my levels to get back to normal?
Wash-out period for creatine is 4 to 6 weeks. So yes, 1 week off isn't enough for that.
Wash-out period for creatine is 4 to 6 weeks. So yes, 1 week off isn't enough for that.

I also realized creatine supplementation raised my diastolic pressure higher than normal. Normally it sits at like 60-65, but on creatine in goes up to 79-80. Then when I come off it goes back down to 60-65. I drink about half a gallon to 80oz of water a day. My diastolic has never been this high while running creatine before, so I dk what is up.
I also realized creatine supplementation raised my diastolic pressure higher than normal. Normally it sits at like 60-65, but on creatine in goes up to 79-80. Then when I come off it goes back down to 60-65. I drink about half a gallon to 80oz of water a day. My diastolic has never been this high while running creatine before, so I dk what is up.
That's either a measurement error or your creatine contains something else than creatine. Creatine is not known to affect blood pressure (see refs below), let alone such a dramatic increase in dbp.

That's either a measurement error or your creatine contains something else than creatine. Creatine is not known to affect blood pressure (see refs below), let alone such a dramatic increase in dbp.

I didnt know it ever effected blood pressure too, but the nurse checked my blood pressure the first time when I had my creatinine, egfr checked and it was at 130/80 running 2g of hcl and 3 grams of mono per day. And the second time I got my bp checked which was last week it was at like 120/79 this was at 4-5 grams of mono per day. My bp was rechecked after a week coming off creatine and it was at 116/66, without changing any supps except for coming off creatine. I did look up this issue online and I do see people with history of hbp have issues taking creatine because of bp spikes. Funny because I have ran anadrol, var, tbol, test, etc. and my bp never spiked this much. The closest thing I can compare these bp spikes are Mk677. I used to take creatine on and off as a kid also and I never had this issue which is weird. Could be my body not liking the water retention anymore, I dk.

Maybe I need to up my water intake to 1.5 gallons a day?
I didnt know it ever effected blood pressure too, but the nurse checked my blood pressure the first time when I had my creatinine, egfr checked and it was at 130/80 running 2g of hcl and 3 grams of mono per day. And the second time I got my bp checked which was last week it was at like 120/79 this was at 4-5 grams of mono per day. My bp was rechecked after a week coming off creatine and it was at 116/66, without changing any supps except for coming off creatine. I did look it up alone and I do see people with history of hbp have issues taking creatine. Funny because I have ran anadrol, var, tbol, test, etc. and my bp never spiked this much. The closest thing I can compare these bp spikes are Mk677. I used to take creatine on and off as a kid also and I never had this issue which is weird.

Maybe I need to up my water intake to 1.5 gallons a day?
Blood pressure can vary substantially from one office measurement to the next. I've had variations of over 40 mmHg with measurements taken days apart. (Most office BP measurements are taken improperly.)
Blood pressure can vary substantially from one office measurement to the next. I've had variations of over 40 mmHg with measurements taken days apart. (Most office BP measurements are taken improperly.)
This is a very large margin of error, and how, in the end, can you measure it constantly, but exactly?
I also realized creatine supplementation raised my diastolic pressure higher than normal. Normally it sits at like 60-65, but on creatine in goes up to 79-80. Then when I come off it goes back down to 60-65. I drink about half a gallon to 80oz of water a day. My diastolic has never been this high while running creatine before, so I dk what is up.
Is it that you have such changes in creatine and water retention? or misunderstood something
Is it that you have such changes in creatine and water retention? or misunderstood something

I believe it is the water retention that is causing the issue for me, I never had this problem with creatine, it could be I am not drinking enough water like I used to; like I said I drink about half a gallon to 80oz per day. In the past I was drinking 1-1.25 gallons per day.
I believe it is the water retention that is causing the issue for me, I never had this problem with creatine, it could be I am not drinking enough water like I used to; like I said I drink about half a gallon to 80oz per day. In the past I was drinking 1-1.25 gallons per day.
Perhaps not enough water is causing your problem. Not creatine itself