
New Member
Hello everyone, I come to post my cycle for summer and that all you can criticize or give advice on how you would do it.
First of all, it is a simple cycle to do in summer for not long, it is not my first cycle, and the other cycles I have done have been more powerful.
My main goal is to lose a little fat while gaining some muscle, suppressing my testosterone as little as possible.

-50-100 mg oxandrolone each day (I will start with a dose of 50 but it depends on how my body reacts I will increase the dose to 75 or 100 mg)
-20 mg winstrol each day
-25 mg mk-677 each day
-10 mg lgd 4033 each day (only the first 2-3 weeks)
-10-20 mg tamoxifen each day (According to what I have read they recommend taking tamoxifen a few weeks during the cycle to prevent testosterone suppression, so I will surely take 10 to 20 mg of tamoxifen every day for one or two weeks in the middle of the cycle)

-PCT: just 20-40 mg of tamoxifen daily for 3-4 weeks
Hello everyone, I come to post my cycle for summer and that all you can criticize or give advice on how you would do it.
First of all, it is a simple cycle to do in summer for not long, it is not my first cycle, and the other cycles I have done have been more powerful.
My main goal is to lose a little fat while gaining some muscle, suppressing my testosterone as little as possible.

-50-100 mg oxandrolone each day (I will start with a dose of 50 but it depends on how my body reacts I will increase the dose to 75 or 100 mg)
-20 mg winstrol each day
-25 mg mk-677 each day
-10 mg lgd 4033 each day (only the first 2-3 weeks)
-10-20 mg tamoxifen each day (According to what I have read they recommend taking tamoxifen a few weeks during the cycle to prevent testosterone suppression, so I will surely take 10 to 20 mg of tamoxifen every day for one or two weeks in the middle of the cycle)

-PCT: just 20-40 mg of tamoxifen daily for 3-4 weeks
so many questions..
First of all, how long are you planning to run this cycle for?
Second, unless you’re running a good bit of Tren or a high amount of other AAS, the “lose fat and gain muscle” isn’t gonna happen. Which is more important for this cycle? Put your focus into that one.
Third, do you have access to test? Yes, there are those out there that can still function without a test base but most of us need a test base to, at the very least, have a functioning pecker. And as far as the suppression, combing two aas, like var and winny is going to suppress your natural production, period. Also, just anecdotally but I’ve had friends take just sarms/mk677 and their HPTA was suppressed. Low/untraceable LH/FSH and low test levels, so why not at least add a test base because you’re going to get shutdown from this cycle and most likely feel like garbage without it.
Hold off on the tamoxifen until PCT I’d say.
If you’re just trying to look good for the summer, a simple 200-400mg test a week with some var on top the last 6 weeks would surely be a better option with your liver taking less of a beating.
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You need to seriously reconsider this entire thing.

Oral only isn’t gonna do shit for you in the long run. Do you have a vagina?
My criticism is that your cycle is oral only and therefore terrible by default.

Tamoxifen doesn’t prevent suppression and you’re taking three separate suppressive compounds. LGD significantly suppressed test levels at 1 mg in the manufacturer’s testing and you’re taking ten times that along with two other suppressive AAS.

I’d strongly encourage you to rethink this “cycle” unless you enjoy feeling like hot garbage.
Oral cycles are all crap. You know this since you can't possibly have googled "oral only cycles" without seeing 10000 threads telling you this exact thing.
Fuckin send it!
Send It Top Gear GIF by MotorTrend
Hello everyone, I come to post my cycle for summer and that all you can criticize or give advice on how you would do it.
First of all, it is a simple cycle to do in summer for not long, it is not my first cycle, and the other cycles I have done have been more powerful.
My main goal is to lose a little fat while gaining some muscle, suppressing my testosterone as little as possible.

-50-100 mg oxandrolone each day (I will start with a dose of 50 but it depends on how my body reacts I will increase the dose to 75 or 100 mg)
-20 mg winstrol each day
-25 mg mk-677 each day
-10 mg lgd 4033 each day (only the first 2-3 weeks)
-10-20 mg tamoxifen each day (According to what I have read they recommend taking tamoxifen a few weeks during the cycle to prevent testosterone suppression, so I will surely take 10 to 20 mg of tamoxifen every day for one or two weeks in the middle of the cycle)

-PCT: just 20-40 mg of tamoxifen daily for 3-4 weeks
Where's the testosterone? You're building your pyramid on sand.
What are your current stats? Age, weight, work out history.
hows your current physical health? BP? Cholesterol?
If it’s not high and fucked up will will be after that oral only cycle. Winny and Var at the same time jacked up my lipids I am still trying to get them figured out.
When I read "trying to lose fat" and saw MK-677 in the cycle, I was out... Then, after gathering myself and reading the entire post... I found myself even further offended by the lack of any testosterone "base" in the cycle...

I've been out of the "loop" - so to speak- for a little while, are SERMS and peptides the new rage? What in the fuck is wrong with a moderate dose of testosterone with an added oral for a nice cycle that will provide quality results? If you're concerned about suppression take hCG on cycle and continue into PCT. Or, do people not do that anymore, as well?

*Officially an oldtimer, fuck*
When I read "trying to lose fat" and saw MK-677 in the cycle, I was out... Then, after gathering myself and reading the entire post... I found myself even further offended by the lack of any testosterone "base" in the cycle...

I've been out of the "loop" - so to speak- for a little while, are SERMS and peptides the new rage? What in the fuck is wrong with a moderate dose of testosterone with an added oral for a nice cycle that will provide quality results? If you're concerned about suppression take hCG on cycle and continue into PCT. Or, do people not do that anymore, as well?

*Officially an oldtimer, fuck*
Get with the times old man.

What you want to do is take a shit ton of orals and smash your test right into the ground without adding any aromatizing compounds so you have both low test AND low E2. That’s absolutely crucial for the cycle to make you feel like the absolute worst bag of shit possible.

Then, and this step is crucial, you want to add the MK so you’re also bloated as fuck and carrying water weight.
Get with the times old man.

What you want to do is take a shit ton of orals and smash your test right into the ground without adding any aromatizing compounds so you have both low test AND low E2. That’s absolutely crucial for the cycle to make you feel like the absolute worst bag of shit possible.

Then, and this step is crucial, you want to add the MK so you’re also bloated as fuck and carrying water weight.

As if all the old ways of doing things didn't work :D

Not to mention, the MK will make you SO hungry dieting will be truly impossible. The two don't mix.
When I read "trying to lose fat" and saw MK-677 in the cycle, I was out... Then, after gathering myself and reading the entire post... I found myself even further offended by the lack of any testosterone "base" in the cycle...

I've been out of the "loop" - so to speak- for a little while, are SERMS and peptides the new rage? What in the fuck is wrong with a moderate dose of testosterone with an added oral for a nice cycle that will provide quality results? If you're concerned about suppression take hCG on cycle and continue into PCT. Or, do people not do that anymore, as well?

*Officially an oldtimer, fuck*
Sarms are all the rage now, mostly amongst the younger guys. They’ve bought into their local supplement shoppes and youtubers who don’t even look like they lift claiming that there’s no suppression. *sigh*
Hello everyone, I come to post my cycle for summer and that all you can criticize or give advice on how you would do it.
First of all, it is a simple cycle to do in summer for not long, it is not my first cycle, and the other cycles I have done have been more powerful.
My main goal is to lose a little fat while gaining some muscle, suppressing my testosterone as little as possible.

-50-100 mg oxandrolone each day (I will start with a dose of 50 but it depends on how my body reacts I will increase the dose to 75 or 100 mg)
-20 mg winstrol each day
-25 mg mk-677 each day
-10 mg lgd 4033 each day (only the first 2-3 weeks)
-10-20 mg tamoxifen each day (According to what I have read they recommend taking tamoxifen a few weeks during the cycle to prevent testosterone suppression, so I will surely take 10 to 20 mg of tamoxifen every day for one or two weeks in the middle of the cycle)

-PCT: just 20-40 mg of tamoxifen daily for 3-4 weeks
Good luck if you still have a liver at the end of it with that many orals
the cycle is garbage. Why are you placing the emphasis on random drugs? Put all that shit to the side and just do 400mg test and maybe 40mg of the var to retain muscle.
you failed to mention anything important like your diet. You said you’ve done heavy cycles, what were they? I don’t even wanna know your stats because most people just lie anyway.
fuck it double everything and add dnp
Sarms are all the rage now, mostly amongst the younger guys. They’ve bought into their local supplement shoppes and youtubers who don’t even look like they lift claiming that there’s no suppression. *sigh*
Ligandrol (LGD) was shown to be heavily suppressive in clinical trials at doses as low as 0.5G a day, and these retards try to claim that taking 10-20g a day isn’t suppressive.

It’s fucking bonkers how willfully ignorant a lot of people are. Three minutes of research will give you the answer to the question of whether SARMS cause suppression or not, but they’d rather play make believe and look like a twink.
When I read "trying to lose fat" and saw MK-677 in the cycle, I was out... Then, after gathering myself and reading the entire post... I found myself even further offended by the lack of any testosterone "base" in the cycle...

I've been out of the "loop" - so to speak- for a little while, are SERMS and peptides the new rage? What in the fuck is wrong with a moderate dose of testosterone with an added oral for a nice cycle that will provide quality results? If you're concerned about suppression take hCG on cycle and continue into PCT. Or, do people not do that anymore, as well?

*Officially an oldtimer, fuck*
Ligandrol (LGD) was shown to be heavily suppressive in clinical trials at doses as low as 0.5G a day, and these retards try to claim that taking 10-20g a day isn’t suppressive.

It’s fucking bonkers how willfully ignorant a lot of people are. Three minutes of research will give you the answer to the question of whether SARMS cause suppression or not, but they’d rather play make believe and look like a twink.
The problem is half these motherfuckers wanna take AAS, but don’t want a needle in their ass... if you’re gonna do drugs, at least do the real fucking thing. I’d rather he said he’s gonna blast 2g of test than this shit.
When I read "trying to lose fat" and saw MK-677 in the cycle, I was out... Then, after gathering myself and reading the entire post... I found myself even further offended by the lack of any testosterone "base" in the cycle...

I've been out of the "loop" - so to speak- for a little while, are SERMS and peptides the new rage? What in the fuck is wrong with a moderate dose of testosterone with an added oral for a nice cycle that will provide quality results? If you're concerned about suppression take hCG on cycle and continue into PCT. Or, do people not do that anymore, as well?

*Officially an oldtimer, fuck*
No sarms are not the norm. Preferred mostly by fuqboys and halfasses, best i can tell.