
long time since I been on here, life just been doing it’s thang. I’m about to blast, and adding 2 things I’ve never before used.
One being bold cyp, other is gh.

So here’s what I got so far. 16-20 weeks
T-400/2x week
Deca /400 week
Bold cyp/ 300 week
Anavar first few weeks

Like I said. Never used bold cyp, not sure what to expect with it. Used eq in the past, how can it compare as far as sides like anxiety, and estro sides. Never really had anxiety. But I felt like when I came off a blast down to cruise when I used eq, that I had slightly more acne on my shoulders that would come and go for a while.
EQ and Bolde Cyp differ only from the ester.
The effect is the same.
You need less mg of Cyp than of EQ to get the same effect because the Cypionate Ester is lighter than the Undecylenate Ester.

I would increase the Bolde Cyp to 350-400mg and you can lower the Test to 500mg. 800 is not necessary in the stack.

How much GH do you want to use?
long time since I been on here, life just been doing it’s thang. I’m about to blast, and adding 2 things I’ve never before used.
One being bold cyp, other is gh.

So here’s what I got so far. 16-20 weeks
T-400/2x week
Deca /400 week
Bold cyp/ 300 week
Anavar first few weeks

Like I said. Never used bold cyp, not sure what to expect with it. Used eq in the past, how can it compare as far as sides like anxiety, and estro sides. Never really had anxiety. But I felt like when I came off a blast down to cruise when I used eq, that I had slightly more acne on my shoulders that would come and go for a while.
I'll be running almost this identical cycle in a couple weeks
Only I'm running 200 Deca, 400 bold cyp & 1000-1200 test.
Took some planning, I think it's a solid cycle. Happy gains