Current cutting progress would like some advice.


I'm currently cutting down to 14%~12% with a future goal of open bodybuilding, My last bulk went to shit partly a bad influence of a friend who "fattened me up" and partly because I wasn't sure on how to bulk properly

I've been cutting since Jun 9 starting at 238lbs~235lbs with a few hiccups on the way, As of today I'm 222lbs and I have either maintained or increased on the majority of my lifts.

So my questions are

1.) Should I speed up the cutting process or should I continue at my snail's pace cut
2.) Any physique criticisms/areas of improvement (ignoring the whole lose more bf)?
3.) bf% estimates

Related Pictures:

Jun 9 235lbs.webpSept 15 222lbs.webp
You've clearly lost some fat, good job. There’s nothing wrong with cutting slowly if you have the patience for it.

Losing 13-16lbs in 14 weeks equals a daily deficit of roughly 450-550 calories (assuming 1lbs fat provides 3500 calories and disregarding water weight).

What's your current PED regiment? In my opinion you could increase the deficit to 1000 calories or more as your bodyfat percentage is still a bit high. My guess is 25-26% before and slightly above 20% now, +/- 1-2% depending on how your back and legs look.
You've clearly lost some fat, good job. There’s nothing wrong with cutting slowly if you have the patience for it.

Losing 13-16lbs in 14 weeks equals a daily deficit of roughly 450-550 calories (assuming 1lbs fat provides 3500 calories and disregarding water weight).

What's your current PED regiment? In my opinion you could increase the deficit to 1000 calories or more as your bodyfat percentage is still a bit high. My guess is 25-26% before and slightly above 20% now, +/- 1-2% depending on how your back and legs lo
Thank you,

Ill pick up the pace on the cut some.

Currently I'm running some eq and test and tren got some T3 coming in the mail to experiment with it

Back pic given different lighting environments