Current Program Advice


New Member
Any advice or critique on my current programming and eating plan would be appreciated.

Starting Stats 2-1-2021

Height 6’ – Weight 294 – Bodyfat 36%+ No training for close to 20+ years

Current Stats 10-16-21

Height 6’ – Weight 260 – Bodyfat 21.5%


My Diet has been all over the place during these last 8 months trying to figure out what foods were best for my body. Hence, the low calories since I have probably fucked my metabolism up by being stupid. I am spending 2 weeks same food-same training to evaluate a goal of 1.5-2 lbs. fat loss per week. I will increase calories next week if I lose too much. All additional sodium has been cut out of my plan for now.

240 G – Protein / 125 G – Carbs / 35 G – Fats – Approx. 1,800 Calories

Proteins – Grilled Chicken Breast / 99% lean ground turkey

Carbs – Sushi Rice / Zucchini

Fats – Essential oils and Almonds

I am on 300 mg Test Prop per week with daily injections to keep it even

Fasting for 16/8 (2-3 Meals) All of my carbs are after my evening Weight or CrossFit Session

Current Program: 16 Weeks?

Example of Week 1:

Example Week.png

2 Sessions per day started at 20 minutes per session and increase 5 minutes every week until at 80 minutes per session – I work from home and have a complete home gym with a Treadmill - Plenty of Olympic Weights-Power Rack- CrossFit Equipment and Pulley Systems

Monday/Wednesday/Friday - Weights are split 3x per week– Upper Body A/B – Lower Body A/B Alternating

Tuesday/Thursday - CrossFit Style Workouts for increasing Cardio – 6 Minute Rounds / 2 Minutes Rest x 5 Rounds

Saturday/Sunday- Cardio AM/PM

My main goal is to get myself to 15% and regroup. I am much better at not having any cheat meals as it is easier for me once I put myself into a box and just focus on the plan. I also plan on a D- Load week every 8 weeks to give my body a break.

Can I keep LISS Cardio on that week or do I just do nothing and rest?

I just got my labs back and Estrogen was stupid high – I am currently working on lowering that and will retest every 4 weeks until I am done with this 16-week plan. After this, the plan is to get advice on a good cut to where I can lower my Bodyfat to 10% and lean Bulk until I am at 15% and then cut back down. I don’t want to rely on the drugs as much as establishing habits and getting to the point where I understand my body and the nutritional side. The main goal is to change my habits to stay lean between 10-15% year-round while gaining muscle each year at a reasonable rate.
So, you started out morbidly obese and obviously had to lose weight for health and quality of life reasons. I don't think it's too harsh to say that. And over the last 34 weeks you lost 34 lbs. That's wonderful! That's exactly how to do it safely and responsibly. At this point you should be teaching others how to do it.

There are some supplements you can take that will help... stimulants, injectable carnitine, yohimbine, metamucil. Also remember a lb of fat is 3500 calories. So you lose 3500 calories a week by staying at a 500 calorie daily deficit. And as you lose more weight your metabolism will decrease (because it doesn't need to work as hard to keep you alive) and it will be harder to keep that 500 calorie deficit.

If you haven't trained for 20 years your body fat % is a lot higher than you think it is though.
So, you started out morbidly obese and obviously had to lose weight for health and quality of life reasons. I don't think it's too harsh to say that. And over the last 34 weeks you lost 34 lbs. That's wonderful! That's exactly how to do it safely and responsibly. At this point you should be teaching others how to do it.

There are some supplements you can take that will help... stimulants, injectable carnitine, yohimbine, metamucil. Also remember a lb of fat is 3500 calories. So you lose 3500 calories a week by staying at a 500 calorie daily deficit. And as you lose more weight your metabolism will decrease (because it doesn't need to work as hard to keep you alive) and it will be harder to keep that 500 calorie deficit.

If you haven't trained for 20 years your body fat % is a lot higher than you think it is though.
Thanks for the reply. I didn’t train since I was about 23 but did heavy construction field work until I was 34 and spent the last 8-9 years in management stuck behind a desk. I’ve been doing dexa scans every month since I started to gauge my progress. I know dexa isn’t very accurate but I’ve tried to keep the same conditions to have an understanding. What would be the best way to gauge my progress once I’m down to 15 range?

I have 200ml’s of 500mg/ml L-Carnatine on hand I home brewed. Not sure if it’s supposed to be refrigerated but that’s where I kept it since brewing it. I did add some BA into it from the recipe I had. I’ve heard you either need insulin or carbs in your system for this to work? Is this correct? Not sure about dosage timing for best results as I’ve heard 5 different ways. Appreciate the response.
Well what you're saying is at 0% body fat (I know, not compatible with life) you would be 205. And at 10% about 220. For reference, 6'0" 220lbs and 10% bodyfat would be like Mike Tyson in his prime. I mean he was 5'10" so not an exact comparison but you get what I mean


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Thanks for the reply. I didn’t train since I was about 23 but did heavy construction field work until I was 34 and spent the last 8-9 years in management stuck behind a desk. I’ve been doing dexa scans every month since I started to gauge my progress. I know dexa isn’t very accurate but I’ve tried to keep the same conditions to have an understanding. What would be the best way to gauge my progress once I’m down to 15 range?

I have 200ml’s of 500mg/ml L-Carnatine on hand I home brewed. Not sure if it’s supposed to be refrigerated but that’s where I kept it since brewing it. I did add some BA into it from the recipe I had. I’ve heard you either need insulin or carbs in your system for this to work? Is this correct? Not sure about dosage timing for best results as I’ve heard 5 different ways. Appreciate the response.
Oh and as for your questions. I have some calipers at home and it's nice to see the measurements go from like 40mm to 30mm to 20mm because you know you're making progress. I also step on the scale every time I go to the gym. Take occasional progress pics with my phone. If you like the dexa scans and the cost isn't an issue, by all means keep doing them! I think they're pretty cool.

But in the end, almost all methods have some accuracy problems and nobody really cares what your body % is anyway so don't sweat it if it's not perfect. All that really matters is how you look, how you feel, and how you fit in your clothes.

It's not a bad idea to refrigerate the carnitine. You will probably want to let it warm up in the syringe first before injecting though. Just be sure to swab the top with alcohol before withdrawing. I've been injecting glutathione every day and with those tiny insulin syringes it goes in easy pain free. But I heard carnitine has some pip. I'm sure it'll will work fine without insulin or carbs. But it'll work better with some insulin or an insulin response. Just don't let the perfect get in the way of what's good.
Oh and as for your questions. I have some calipers at home and it's nice to see the measurements go from like 40mm to 30mm to 20mm because you know you're making progress. I also step on the scale every time I go to the gym. Take occasional progress pics with my phone. If you like the dexa scans and the cost isn't an issue, by all means keep doing them! I think they're pretty cool.

But in the end, almost all methods have some accuracy problems and nobody really cares what your body % is anyway so don't sweat it if it's not perfect. All that really matters is how you look, how you feel, and how you fit in your clothes.

It's not a bad idea to refrigerate the carnitine. You will probably want to let it warm up in the syringe first before injecting though. Just be sure to swab the top with alcohol before withdrawing. I've been injecting glutathione every day and with those tiny insulin syringes it goes in easy pain free. But I heard carnitine has some pip. I'm sure it'll will work fine without insulin or carbs. But it'll work better with some insulin or an insulin response. Just don't let the perfect get in the way of what's good.
Thanks again. I appreciate your input. I’ve come to realize this is a marathon getting back into the low Bodyfat range and the most important thing to me is to do the recomposition at a steady rate to minimize loose skin at the end. I would say that 65-70% of my total Bodyfat was held around my midsection. My goal is to try to hit 10% or less by July next year. Even if I don’t hit it I will be world from where I was. Appreciate your time.