Cutting on tren


I’ve been cutting for the last 3 months and I recently brought tren into the mix (the last 7 weeks) was consistently losing about 1.5-2lbs per week prior to the tren…..

Since starting Tren, my weight has dropped about 4lbs in the last 7 weeks……..My diet has stayed the same, practically no cheating, just about 2 controlled cheated days since then……

Ofcourse there’s been visual changes in the mirror, while only 4lbs down on the scale…….i assume the minor weight loss is due to more glycogen retention from the tren causing water weight gain at the same time

I’m doing a simple 600 test and 200 tren ace at the moment……..

My question is……should I stick to the script and assume I’m still losing fat, or does it sound like I should adjust my calories lower? I don’t want to crash my calories out of paranoia…….

I’m currently at 278lb (6’5ft)……doing minimal cardio, calories fluctuating between 2800-2900
With 7 weeks at the same weight it is very safe to assume the glycogen retention has stabilized and fat loss has stalled or at least slowed. I would reduce carbs and raise cardio slightly
I would definitely do cardio. There's a million reasons why it's beneficial, especially on a cut

It's also normal for weight loss to slow down and plateau at a given calorie intake after so much time

And this might be a little bit of bro science on my part but I swear I add muscle even in a calorie deficit with tren in the mix, so that could be a factor as well