Cycle feedback

Got a scan and I'm 10% bodyfat, 205lbs, squat/bench is at 3x8 425/275 (cut too aggressively so lifts went down too much). I could bulk, but was thinking of doing a 2month tren cycle slow cut/recomp to really get that bf down nice and low before a bulk. Have plenty of experience cycling but always bulks, been cutting for a few months on 150mg/test a week from 250lbs.

I was thinking like 4-8 weeks 300Tren/TRTtest(150)/350DHB (as much DHB as I can fit left in the barrel basically) with 4weeks of ~10iu slin in there (~60g carbs beforehand with oatmeal + 1lb fruit or a sweet potato) (as much HGH as I can do ofc, probably run 5/5) and HCG.

Or should I just go straight to a bulk cycle (same cycle but run longer and with trest instead of tren). I have access to pretty much all the compounds I'd want to use, DHB seems to be the strongest/best DHT to add (strongest, PIP is fine/minimal/tolerable since brewed), tren and trest seem to be the best 19-nor (deca mentals sound like a nightmare and trest sounds preferable to it, no sides ime and reportedly stronger).

Don't think I'll need any ancillaries besides ralox 120mg for gyno based on bloodworks from previous trest, dhb, and tren cycles.
One very solid cutting cycle is:
Mast P
Tren A

Leave out DHB it is very harsh for your health.
Try to keep Mast P as the main cutting factor of the cycle.
You are already in low BF % so Mast ill shine.
Good luck mate.