Cycle Idea, With Many Compounds, What Are Your Thoughts?


New Member
Background: I'm on TRT, 160mg/wk of Test Cyp. I have been bulking for a very long time (read: my whole life) and I finally would like to get into enviable shape. I'm 6 foot 2, around 250lbs (down from 330lbs last year when I was on the verge of death) and last time i checked I was about 25% BF. I have been stockpiling compounds because after my next doc visit I don't have to see him again for 6 months, so I can do a nice longs 3-4 month blast and then just go back on my TRT dose to cruise for 2 months until I get my bloods done again.

What I have:
10 vials of 200mg/ml 10ml Test E
6 vials of 100mg/ml 10ml Test Prop
My standard 200mg/ml 10ml vial of Cyp from my TRT script, which gets refilled every 6 weeks.
2.5 grams of Anavar
1.5 grams of Tbol
2.5 grams of Proviron
4000mcg of Clen
500iu of generic GH (which I have already started using, I'm a week in, and it's very good as far as generics go)

I basically just stocked up whatever I could based on what type of deal I was getting at the time. I obviously have no need for PCT as I'll never be off of my TRT so I don't have any of those compounds.

So like I said, my goals are to gain some strength while shedding my bf down to the 12-15% range. I'd honestly be thrilled to be at 15%, and getting my bench up to 450 or something isn't my main goal.

I was on keto for about 6 months, and lost a considerable amount of weight, but I wasn't able to enjoy it because I was so flat looking all the time. I've been eating carbs again for the last 2 or so months, and I put some weight back on, but none on my waste as my pants havent' gotten tighter.

My current lifts are: BP 315 1RM, OHP 185 1RM, DL 365 x 3, and I don't squat. I really shouldn't even be deadlifting I have had some very chronic knee issues from athletic injuries when I was in high school and college and my doctor has strongly suggested that I don't squat and cut out the dead lifts. I'm honestly not looking to have huge numbers on my lifts, but I like being strong, I just want to get my aesthetic where I look much stronger than I am, if that makes sense.

So fire away guys, I'm crowd sourcing my cycle right now. I'd really like to only run it for 12 weeks, but I could be persuaded to run for 16 weeks if you come up with something enticing enough. I know some of these compounds don't have much to do with each other, but some of them obviously are very synergistic. Just hit me with it, I'll keep a log on whichever one I choose.

EDIT: Forgot to add what my diet is going to be on my cycle. Like I said, I'm trying to cut some weight, but I know with clen I don't have to kill myself with the deficit. I'd like to stay at 250g of protein per day, 100g of carbs per day, rest from fat. My maintenance is about 3200 or so, so I'd like to stay between 2500-2800 per day, unless you guys think that is too little for the compounds I'm running?
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600mg Test Cyp a week
90mg Var a day split into 3 doses every 8 hours. when you run out of Var start the Tbol or vise versa. you need to get some arimidex or aromasin.
600mg Test Cyp a week
90mg Var a day split into 3 doses every 8 hours. when you run out of Var start the Tbol or vise versa. you need to get some arimidex or aromasin.
Forgot to mention that, I have a script for adex from my TRT doc. I have as much as I need for as long as I need it.

Should I wait until the cruise to use the clen and prov together as a stack with my 160mg/wk?
Agree with huckingfuge ... Run that test at 600mg and var or tbol.
I'd run the test e though and stock pile that Watson for 3-4 months while you blast. Then my next cycle Id run all Watson (as much as possible).
Your doc seems pretty giving ... See if he can give you a script for HCG to keep your boys full.
Yeah I asked, he said no, and had a list of reasons why he didn't want to prescribe it. I honestly don't plan on coming off for many years of ever so I'm not worried about it right now.
Agree with huckingfuge ... Run that test at 600mg and var or tbol.
I'd run the test e though and stock pile that Watson for 3-4 months while you blast. Then my next cycle Id run all Watson (as much as possible).
Yeah that's not a bad idea. In the end it's going to depend on the next time he wants me to come in. The script he wrote me is for about 6 months that's why I assume he doesn't want to see me again until it's time to reup the script, but i won't know until I see him this week. I'm just preemptively ready to blast the day I get confirmation of my next appointment
I would drop the clen. Get your bf% down first. Use clen to cut, but you have a way go first. Get your lean body mass up and you most likely not need it anyway.

I would keep the cycles simple also. Aas that are used to cut will do nothing at 25% bf. Build Lbm and lots of cardio bro. Congratulations on the progress you have made so far.
I would drop the clen. Get your bf% down first. Use clen to cut, but you have a way go first. Get your lean body mass up and you most likely not need it anyway.

I would keep the cycles simple also. Aas that are used to cut will do nothing at 25% bf. Build Lbm and lots of cardio bro. Congratulations on the progress you have made so far.
It's really hard to do meaningful cardiovascular work because of my knees, other than the row machine, but my muscles are too tired to do it most days so I just do as much as I can on the treadmill or bike before my knees start giving out.

You really don't think the clen would help at all? You'd suggest I just do a cycle of Test then? Would I be better served getting back on keto and running test, or just a normal diet while watching macros as much as possible?

Thanks man, appreciate the compliment.