Cycle log test/tren/var. Long cycle


New Member
Hi mates, here will be my log cycle.
One more tren cycle tho.

Test prop 100mg eod (qsc)
Tren ace 100mg eod (qsc)
Anavar 50mg day (aspire)

Bloodwork every month and will add ai / caber / etc if need.

Objectif in a first time will be to lose some fat and in a second time put some lean mass.
Total length +/- 26 weeks
Var only during the cut phase.
That will be my 5th or 6th blast.
I know it's a very long cycle for using tren ace and that I could use tren e (already try tren e and wanted to give ace a shot). With the bloodworks done every month everything should be smooths.

Training 6 days/week (push/pull/leg/off)
Diet ok prot 40%, carb 30%, lips 30%.
-600 cal under maintenance.

Stat wise
18% bf (objectively)

End of 2nd week so far (waiting the var to arrive), no noticeable effects, that could just be placebo (muscles are bit more tighter, more energy, some 'glycemic' period where I need fast sugar). No sides from tren so pretty happy of it.
Gear should be legit at the view of their jano lab test.
26 weeks pin eod ? (if you do, take slin pins)
Take E esters for a long cycle, twice a week will be fine. at your age i would not use tren. You can take Primo instead
26 weeks pin eod ? (if you do, take slin pins)
Take E esters for a long cycle, twice a week will be fine. at your age i would not use tren. You can take Primo instead
Primo is clearly not the same as tren

Masteron would be a better choice if he want to be shredded

I would add masteron or primo to keep e2 in range without any ai
Primo is clearly not the same as tren

Masteron would be a better choice if he want to be shredded

I would add masteron or primo to keep e2 in range without any ai
Lol, I never said it's the same product. Kcals and training makes you loose fat. @ 18% you do not need Anny roid to get to ~10%. low dos test can help to maintain muscle. in 26 weeks he have plenty time to loose fat and gain lean muscle.
That's a very long cycle indeed so plenty time to see results.
Ester wise, I prefer short one for this one, even if I have to pin more often, like that I can stop the cycle quicker if needed for x or y reasons.

Yes calorie deficit makes you lose fat. Adding exercises will create more muscles while increasing the calories expenditure (aka lose fat) but it's not mandatory to lose fat if your daily activity > calories intake.
I ve spent a year in hospital and I gained fat, simple as that. Now I am out and able to go gym I want to get back in shape and maybe even better at the end of this course.

Test/tren/var it's a classic course didn't see the point to add more compounds as it is very efficient already like that.
About 4 full weeks in to 26.
Nothing really spécial.
Recovery time have shorten à lot, muscles feel tighter.
I ve lost some fat around the waist area while taking some weight.

No side from tren at 100mg eod
Wondering if it would be beneficial to up tren to 150 eod?
About 4 full weeks in to 26.
Nothing really spécial.
Recovery time have shorten à lot, muscles feel tighter.
I ve lost some fat around the waist area while taking some weight.

No side from tren at 100mg eod
Wondering if it would be beneficial to up tren to 150 eod?
Are you on 400mg of Tren Ace per week? Also, I’m curious about the post-injection pain (PIP) from QSC gear. Additionally, I’m considering ordering their ripped mix and using it daily until it’s finished, along with a low dose of Deca.
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Lol, I never said it's the same product. Kcals and training makes you loose fat. @ 18% you do not need Anny roid to get to ~10%. low dos test can help to maintain muscle. in 26 weeks he have plenty time to loose fat and gain lean muscle.
I’m sorry I hate when people post shit like this on a steroids forum.

And yes, taking tren on a deficit will definitely make you shredded faster than going on a long ass natty cut. If you’re a beginner, yes, learn how to calculate your calories, TDEE, etc. and diet down until you have a good grasp.

The same reason people juice to add muscle, is the same reason people juice on a cut. It is 100% faster and more efficient and you’ll look 5x better than a natty cut.
I’m sorry I hate when people post shit like this on a steroids forum.

And yes, taking tren on a deficit will definitely make you shredded faster than going on a long ass natty cut. If you’re a beginner, yes, learn how to calculate your calories, TDEE, etc. and diet down until you have a good grasp.

The same reason people juice to add muscle, is the same reason people juice on a cut. It is 100% faster and more efficient and you’ll look 5x better than a natty cut.
Thatś why i said low dose Test can help. You can call it shit, but I did it long time. I train for almost 40 years now. the last weeks from ~13% to 8 you can add Tren A. When you do not cruice, take Winstrol tabs to the last day of PCT. (normaly only needed for stage prep, photo shoot)
I’m sorry I hate when people post shit like this on a steroids forum.

And yes, taking tren on a deficit will definitely make you shredded faster than going on a long ass natty cut. If you’re a beginner, yes, learn how to calculate your calories, TDEE, etc. and diet down until you have a good grasp.

The same reason people juice to add muscle, is the same reason people juice on a cut. It is 100% faster and more efficient and you’ll look 5x better than a natty cut.
Did you like your DNP cut ?
About 4 full weeks in to 26.
Nothing really spécial.
Recovery time have shorten à lot, muscles feel tighter.
I ve lost some fat around the waist area while taking some weight.

No side from tren at 100mg eod
Wondering if it would be beneficial to up tren to 150 eod?
Not feeling anything special after 4 weeks in? I find this amazing. Everyone's different but 4 weeks in I'd feel like a monster.
Everything was on point.
Needed to end the cycle temporarily due to an appointment with NHS endocrinology for my trt.
Better to not show sign of cycle in the blood test.
Still diet tho.
Will resume it in October hopefully.


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