Cycle while traveling


New Member
Hi everybody just to little background, I'm currently doing my first cycle which is pretty simple, just 400 Tests/week planing on going for 16 weeks. I'm doing EOD shots to have more stable hormonal levels this way I hope not having to use an AI (Of course I have them at hand if needed) .The thing is that I travel once around every 2 weeks for like 4 days because of my job and I don't think that traveling with gear is a good idea so my question is witch one is better to miss the shot or to conpensate with a bigger shot before traveling and after traveling? I would like to here some opinion from somebody with some experience
Thanks a lot
Test Cyp and Ena are optimal testo products for juicing, as they are most commonly available, reasonably priced and do not require you to pin more than once a week. With EOD injections I'd look into prop but it is more expensive and I don't really see any reason to use it over E/C unless you are ending your cycle with it (so you can start PCT sooner).

If you travel a lot and cant even manage to pin once a week, deca/undeca (Nebido) are your choice for test esters. With this long ester the ending of a cycle can be difficult as you will need to wait at least extra two weeks to start PCT, in addition to what you would wait between ending the cycle and starting PCT. Also starting a cycle might feel slow as it will take few weeks to levels to peak. Many suppliers provide these esters at about the same price as ena/cyp.

Personally a fan of Sustanon. Feel the quicker esters kicking in and the longer esters will carry on to till the next pin. Next test I'm buying is a mix of p, pp, ena and cyp. Hoping to feel similar experience as with susta.

In short, don't worry about it. Just pin the same weekly dose, but if your travel prevents you from more pinning, just pin less.