Cyclodextrin encapsulation of testosterone base - any help?

So i got hydroxypropyl beta cyclodextrin, and testosterone base powder.

Today i tried to encapsulate the testosterone. I dont think it worked.

I followed exactly this procedure

Homebrewing with beta cyclodextrins |

Using 10g of HPBCD for 1g of test base.

When i initially added the test/PG solution to the chilled water/HPBCD solution it seemed to work. The testosterone would immediately look like white clouds but after vigorous shaking the solution turned clear with just a few particles still floating in it. After sitting for a few hours at room temperature it seemed to generate more particles in tye solution. Im not sure things worked right. Shouldnt it be perfectly clear?

I took my finished product, around 28.5mg/ml concentration, loaded into a nasal sprayer, and shot 0.5ml into each nostril. I seemed to feel effects within minutes? but maybe its just placebo? Normally testosterone makes my mind feel sharp and alert, i dont really feel that way. I got a weird warm flushing that came over me about 5-10 minutes after using. Thats all ive noticed. Ive only taken it once.

does testosterone base taste bitter? This solution is fairly bitter. The drips not that great.

Does anyone here have any experience compounding cyclodextrins and know why my solution doesnt seem to be working?

Ive read 3 other methodologies but im not sure they are any better as they are pretty similar, they are as follows:



For the first method we will formulate it for a total of 2g of steroid.

Dissolve 18g of HPBCD in 80ml saline in a beaker on a stir plate. Once this is dissolved, slowly add the 2g of steroid over about 5 minutes. Let this stir overnight. Filter out any insoluble particles. This provides a 25mg/ml solution.

Method 2

For the second method, we will formulate it for 1g of steroid.

Triturate (mix in a mortar with a pestle) 9g HPBCD with 1g steroid. Place this in a high humidity environment for 2-4 days. I have used a covered fish tank with water in the bottom, but anything that can create a humid environment will work. A syrup will form, and this is dissolved in 40ml saline and you have a 25mg/ml solution.

Method 3

For the third method, we will formulate for 4g of steroid.

Triturate 36g of HPBCD with 4g steroid. Let this sit at normal room temperature and humidity for a week. Complexation will occur, but takes time with this process Dissolve the powder in 160ml saline. This again makes a 25mg/ml solution.

These solutions can be made stronger by adding less saline, but the closer you get to 50mg/ml, the thicker the solution becomes. At 75mg/ml, the solution is too viscous to do anything with.


Im trying to make an intranasal and sublingual test base product to use in my next cycle.

Any help appreciated.
So i got hydroxypropyl beta cyclodextrin, and testosterone base powder.

Today i tried to encapsulate the testosterone. I dont think it worked.

I followed exactly this procedure

Homebrewing with beta cyclodextrins |

Using 10g of HPBCD for 1g of test base.

When i initially added the test/PG solution to the chilled water/HPBCD solution it seemed to work. The testosterone would immediately look like white clouds but after vigorous shaking the solution turned clear with just a few particles still floating in it. After sitting for a few hours at room temperature it seemed to generate more particles in tye solution. Im not sure things worked right. Shouldnt it be perfectly clear?

I took my finished product, around 28.5mg/ml concentration, loaded into a nasal sprayer, and shot 0.5ml into each nostril. I seemed to feel effects within minutes? but maybe its just placebo? Normally testosterone makes my mind feel sharp and alert, i dont really feel that way. I got a weird warm flushing that came over me about 5-10 minutes after using. Thats all ive noticed. Ive only taken it once.

does testosterone base taste bitter? This solution is fairly bitter. The drips not that great.

Does anyone here have any experience compounding cyclodextrins and know why my solution doesnt seem to be working?

Ive read 3 other methodologies but im not sure they are any better as they are pretty similar, they are as follows:



For the first method we will formulate it for a total of 2g of steroid.

Dissolve 18g of HPBCD in 80ml saline in a beaker on a stir plate. Once this is dissolved, slowly add the 2g of steroid over about 5 minutes. Let this stir overnight. Filter out any insoluble particles. This provides a 25mg/ml solution.

Method 2

For the second method, we will formulate it for 1g of steroid.

Triturate (mix in a mortar with a pestle) 9g HPBCD with 1g steroid. Place this in a high humidity environment for 2-4 days. I have used a covered fish tank with water in the bottom, but anything that can create a humid environment will work. A syrup will form, and this is dissolved in 40ml saline and you have a 25mg/ml solution.

Method 3

For the third method, we will formulate for 4g of steroid.

Triturate 36g of HPBCD with 4g steroid. Let this sit at normal room temperature and humidity for a week. Complexation will occur, but takes time with this process Dissolve the powder in 160ml saline. This again makes a 25mg/ml solution.

These solutions can be made stronger by adding less saline, but the closer you get to 50mg/ml, the thicker the solution becomes. At 75mg/ml, the solution is too viscous to do anything with.


Im trying to make an intranasal and sublingual test base product to use in my next cycle.

Any help appreciated.
While I haven't tried any of those myself YET

I read that ORAL Testosterone seems to work better with long esters (decanoate, undecanoate), better yet with HPBCD
PEG 400 and 600

As for NASAL administered Testosterone
it might be better to find what recipes are used in big pharma attempts and just replicate them
Patent WO2012156822A1 - Controlled release nasal testosterone gels, methods and pre-filled multi-dose applicator systems for pernasal administration
Patent US20040022738 - Nasal spray steroid formulation and method

If you already bought HPBCD and have some Dbol or Adrol powders around
I've always wanted to develop a WATER based Adrol/Dbol formulation with HPBCD, for small subQ dosing throughout the day with a slin pin.
PEG 400 and 600

Definitely keep us posted on your experiments results! Good work
After sitting overnight tye entire solution seems to have crashed. It looks like test suspension. Pretty sure the entire 1g of test is sitting in the bottom of the container seperated. The fuck? I followed juicedmscles recipe exactly.

Im still perplexed by the bitterness. The cyclodextrin powder tastes sweet. The test base has no taste at all presumably because it doesnt dissolve in my mouth. whys my liquid taste so bitter when none of its components taste bitter? Unless the test that did form a t/hpbcd complex is whats causing the bitterness.

From one of the patents you posted they say:

"In one embodiment, the aqueous solution of cyclodextrin is heated to above about 70° C. prior to said adding, and the solution is cooled slowly after solubilization of the added steroids."

This patent seems to suggest the exact opposite of juicedmuscles recipe. Instead of chilling the hpbcd/water mixture to 40 Fahrenheit before adding the aas they instead heat it to 70 celcius, then add the aas, then let it cool to room temp. I will try this method and see if it makes a difference.

Another patent you posted seems to imply they are intranasally administering testosterone that is dissolved in an oil based carrier. No cyclodextrins involved at all from what i read. I have peg400 in my lab, do you think if i dissolve the T base in PEG i can administer that solution intranasally? Will T base even dissolve in PEG? Ive heard PEG is a great solvent for AAs but not sure regarding bases? Im sure its not bad fir the nose as the nasal sprayer i bought and emptied had PEG listed as the main ingredient in it.

If all this fails im just going to compound the T into a transdermal using DMSO i guess.

Weird out of the box question fir you Master. Could T base be vaporized? I have a vaporizer and i know peg400 will vape, if it had T in it do you think it would vaporize? Do i need to reach boiling point for evaporation to occur? If so do you know what t base boilint point is?

Nvm apoarently over 400 celcius. Dont think the vaporizer can hit that temp.
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Fuck yea.

So this mirning after posting i tried a new method, extracted from that patent mentioned.

After making it ive left it to sit most of the day and... *drum roll*... its still clear as water. Not a single flake visible. But theres a gram of T base in it, but you visually would have no clue. Thats right, a gram of t base has successfully been dissolved into nothing but water. This shit can be sub-q'd, IMd, IVd, rectally administered, sublingual/buccal/gingivally administered, intranasally administered. Skys the limit.

The solution is still really bitter. However it has a light odor along the lines of black licorice.

Heres what i did, we are calling this the MegaDick Method. You read it here first folks.

What you need:
Syringes for measuring liquids
Glass beaker or cup
Stir rod
Mortar/pestle or coffee grinder

1) 10g of hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin [HPBCD] (99.8%+ pure) is added into 30ml of distilled water at room temperature. Several minutes of stirring are necessary to make it dissolve or else it just floats in the water or clumps on the bottom of the beaker.

2) using a mortar/pestle or a coffee grinder make the testosterone crystals as tiny as possible, this will speed things up in later steps.

3) once the HPBCD is dissolved in the water this solution is then placed in the microwave on high and nuked until reaching between 70-80 degrees celcius (youll want a thermometer to verify your in this range).

4) immediately remove from the microwave and weigh 1g of testosterone freebase. Add 1/3rd of the testosterone to the hot solution and stir, stir, stir, stir. Continue adding the rest of the testosterone. During this process i had to put the entire solution with the testosterone in it back into the microwave a total of 4 times at 10 seconds per time, vigorously stirring between nukings. Each nuking was seperated by 10 minutes of non stop stirring. In total i had to stir the solution for around 45 minutes basically non stop. Every minute less and less crystals would be visible until theyd finally all been encapsulated.

5) allow to slowly cool back to room temperature after solubilization has fully occured.


Notes: i did not do step 2, and i suspect thats why step 4 took so long regarding stirring. Next time i do this i will grind the testosterone into the finest particles possible as that would speed things up. The bigger crystals had to be crushed while in the solution with my micro spatula to break them up so theyd dissolve. This could be avoided by doing step 2.

I have not administered this composition yet. Its loaded up in my nasal sprayer, i will bioassay it later this evening for my chest/tricep workout and then report back with my impressions.
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After sitting overnight tye entire solution seems to have crashed. It looks like test suspension. Pretty sure the entire 1g of test is sitting in the bottom of the container seperated. The fuck? I followed juicedmscles recipe exactly.

Im still perplexed by the bitterness. The cyclodextrin powder tastes sweet. The test base has no taste at all presumably because it doesnt dissolve in my mouth. whys my liquid taste so bitter when none of its components taste bitter? Unless the test that did form a t/hpbcd complex is whats causing the bitterness.

From one of the patents you posted they say:

"In one embodiment, the aqueous solution of cyclodextrin is heated to above about 70° C. prior to said adding, and the solution is cooled slowly after solubilization of the added steroids."

This patent seems to suggest the exact opposite of juicedmuscles recipe. Instead of chilling the hpbcd/water mixture to 40 Fahrenheit before adding the aas they instead heat it to 70 celcius, then add the aas, then let it cool to room temp. I will try this method and see if it makes a difference.

Another patent you posted seems to imply they are intranasally administering testosterone that is dissolved in an oil based carrier. No cyclodextrins involved at all from what i read. I have peg400 in my lab, do you think if i dissolve the T base in PEG i can administer that solution intranasally? Will T base even dissolve in PEG? Ive heard PEG is a great solvent for AAs but not sure regarding bases? Im sure its not bad fir the nose as the nasal sprayer i bought and emptied had PEG listed as the main ingredient in it.

If all this fails im just going to compound the T into a transdermal using DMSO i guess.

Weird out of the box question fir you Master. Could T base be vaporized? I have a vaporizer and i know peg400 will vape, if it had T in it do you think it would vaporize? Do i need to reach boiling point for evaporation to occur? If so do you know what t base boilint point is?

Nvm apoarently over 400 celcius. Dont think the vaporizer can hit that temp.
I'd trust these scientists over juicedmuscle
if they say heat, then heat

The limit seems to be 21.684 mg/ml for Testosterone, and that requires enough HPBCD 250mg/ml.

For the second patent
1 they advise to use MICRONIZED Testosterone
imo DIY micronized can be done with a mini ball mill
The use of ball milling as a micronization technique for enhancing drug solubility is well supported by literature dating as far back as the 1970s. Apart from its comminution function, ball milling also serves as an intensive mixing technique capable of producing co-ground drug-excipient mixtures comprising amorphous drug forms intimately mixed with suitable hydrophilic excipients at the molecular level.
Overview of milling techniques for improving the solubility of poorly water-soluble drugs - ScienceDirect

At the end a ball mill is just an enclosed vessel, typically cylindrical with some balls small grinding the powder.
Ball mill - Wikipedia
probably you can make one out of a small stainless steel container and balls, just somehow attach it to a rotating fixture
Make a Ball Mill in 5 Minutes

2 they use castor oil and some chemicals like 'super refined Arlasolve', 'Transcutol P', 'Povidone K17', 'silicon dioxide', 'Kollidon VA 64'
so for best results follow the recipe as close as posible. Maybe the chemicals can be purchased at Ebay/Amazon or at cosmetic suppliers?

Heat from vaping might damage Test
imo it might be better to try an asthmatic Nebulizer first
Nebulizer - Wikipedia
I remember coming across beta cyclcodextrin's being used to dissolve resveratrol into water. I wonder how much it'll help with making test base in oil. Can it help hold 100mg/ml without the use of guaiacol? And what about the pain? Painless tne @ 100mg/ml would be nice without a ton of solvents or lidocaine.
I'd trust these scientists over juicedmuscle
if they say heat, then heat

The limit seems to be 21.684 mg/ml for Testosterone, and that requires enough HPBCD 250mg/ml.

My solution is 33.33mg/ml. Its holding fine. Also it seems to work.

My only complaint is that the cyclodextrin leaves the inside of my nostrils sticky like sugar.

Next week i will prepare T/HPBCD complex into an injectable and sub-q it with a slin pin.

My anticipated procedure is to do the same as i already did but then add a smidge of benzyl alcohol and filter through a whatman.
My solution is 33.33mg/ml. Its holding fine. Also it seems to work.

My only complaint is that the cyclodextrin leaves the inside of my nostrils sticky like sugar.

Next week i will prepare T/HPBCD complex into an injectable and sub-q it with a slin pin.

My anticipated procedure is to do the same as i already did but then add a smidge of benzyl alcohol and filter through a whatman.
Keep us posted if you manage to brew some WATER based injectable orals (Adrol, Dbol, even Sdrol) with HPBCD.

Even if injecting orals only reduces liver damage by roughly half, dosages often need to be split during the day as to avoid a spike in BP from once daily use.
Water based brews would allow subQ slin pin convenience.
Keep us posted if you manage to brew some WATER based injectable orals (Adrol, Dbol, even Sdrol) with HPBCD.

Even if injecting orals only reduces liver damage by roughly half, dosages often need to be split during the day as to avoid a spike in BP from once daily use.
Water based brews would allow subQ slin pin convenience.

How much BA do you 5hink i should put into my solution for enhanced sterility? I was going to copy bac water. Will probably tackle this ove4 the weekend, prepping it for subq that is.
To note ive never made an inj3ctable before. Let alone the added complexity of first encapsulating the mlecuke in cyclodextrin. Will be interest8ng.
How much BA do you 5hink i should put into my solution for enhanced sterility? I was going to copy bac water. Will probably tackle this ove4 the weekend, prepping it for subq that is.

To note ive never made an inj3ctable before. Let alone the added complexity of first encapsulating the mlecuke in cyclodextrin. Will be interest8ng.
Bac water is just 0.9% BA
Bacteriostatic Water for Injection - FDA prescribing information, side effects and uses
So for water you can use the same 1-2% BA as in oils.

I tried to see what size filter big pharma uses
didn't find much, but looks like 0.22 um will work fine

0.22 um or smaller
Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences with Patient Care Correlations"bacteriostatic+water"+filter+micron&source=bl&ots=ymUMaL7BmL&sig=V7FudnqgzJlKow8nh0Erl7eCr24&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwimxoaJlt3WAhWnAsAKHaKFA7A4ChDoAQhWMAg#v=onepage&q=%22bacteriostatic%20water%22%20filter%20micron&f=false

0.2 um

Formulation, Characterization, and Stability of Protein Drugs"bacteriostatic+water"+manufacture+filter+micron&source=bl&ots=CPGgTJeWh-&sig=-3tbV3R5FSPI8uCvm_3F-HJcVQc&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj--7u4lt3WAhUEK8AKHcXND3c4ChDoAQgvMAE#v=onepage&q=%22bacteriostatic%20water%22%20manufacture%20filter%20micron&f=false

0.2 um or smaller

If you're really cautious you can get 0.1 um filters
Filterability of staphylococcal species through membrane filters following application of stressors

Maybe water thru 0.1 um even filters faster than oil thru 0.22 um?

For a belt-suspenders sterility approach you can even add some chlorobutanol besides BA?
Chlorobutanol - Wikipedia

It is already used in some big-pharma Testosterone formulations

Handbook of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Formulations
Thanks. I know alot of guys break your balls here but your an alrigh5 guy in my book and one of tye few who can discuss uncommon topics like this.

I will settle on 1% BA. If im using 30ml of solution thats going to be 0.3ml of BA correct? Or am i calc7lating things 8mproperly?

Ive got 0.2um sterile nalgene syringe filters. They were cheaper than whatmans.

I will tackle this on Saturday i guess. My plan is to mak3 the first batch at 33.33mg/ml since i know i can get that conc3ntration. When i attempt it again i will try for 50mg/ml which would be my ideal concentration, id pin 1ml 2Xday. But juicedmuscle claims the viscosity starts getting up there when you approach 50mg/ml. We shall see.
Alright so just did it. Seemed to work. Hoping my sterilization procedures were adequate.

After doing steps 1-4 as previously mentioned but using 15g HPBCD with 1.5g testosterone base in 29.7ml of distilled water i then added BA 0.3ml and pushed through a 0.2um syringe filter directly into my vial, stoppered and crimped it.

During filtration i mus5ve pressed too hard as sudd3nly everything blew out the side of the syringe filter. Lost a few mls. Had to use another filter, pushed slower.

Am concerned about sterility. You filter dir3ctly into th3 vial right? Becaus3 thats what i did.

View media item 1495
Equipment for the process.

View media item 1496
Finished products. TNE/HPBCD intranasal aqueous solution. TNE/HPBCD injectable aqueous solution.

Intranasal is at 33.33mg/ml. Injectable is at 50mg/ml.

I went straight for 50mg/ml. It worked. Viscosity didnt seem much thicker than at 33.33mg/ml. Will pin with a slin pin shortly, hoping i dont get an infection.
So i tried the nasal spray again and about 3 hours later the drip lef5 my throa5 feeling dry and raw as fuck which it also did the prior times. Not very pleasant, to the point it makes that ROA undesirable if it cant be solved.

So i 5hought maybe the pH is 8nvolved so after two po8nt calibration i popped the nasal solution into my meter and it came in at pH 5.2


The Rh8naris that was originally in tye nasal dispener says on its label it was pH adjusted to 6. So i figure thats where i may try to buffer this solution up to, then try again and if i still get raw throat that ROA is done. I guess by using sodium bicarbonate solution?

To note regarding the eff3cts of the intranasal ROA: gets me high as a kite but its one of those highs where i dont realize how high i am (or that im high a5 all) until its compketely worn off. Then you realize you were messed up.

I recall reading a study about cyclo intranasal Test achieving substantially highe4 brain conc3ntrations of testosterone verse injection. I guess meaning it eff3cts you more psychopharmacologically verse ROAs like intramuscular. In that study i recall the authors hypothesised that it was due to direct exposure of the blood at the site of ROA to the brain, thereby delivering boatloads to th3 brain. Would this detrac5 from its anabolism?? I don5 know.

I still havent pinned my 8njectable mix either.
J Drug Target. 2009 Feb;17(2):91-7. doi: 10.1080/10611860802382777 .
Delivery of testosterone to the brain by intranasal administration: comparison to intravenous testosterone.
Banks WA1, Morley JE, Niehoff ML, Mattern C.
Author information

Intranasal (i.n.) administration has emerged as a strategy to deliver therapeutics to the brain. Here, we compared i.n. and intravenous (i.v.) administration for testosterone. About 75% of the i.n. administered testosterone entered the blood. However, whole brain levels of testosterone were about twice as high after i.n. administration as after i.v. administration. About two-thirds of the testosterone entering the brain after i.n. administration did so by direct entry by nasal routes and the remainder indirectly by first entering the blood and then crossing the blood-brain barrier. All brain regions except the frontal cortex had higher levels of testosterone after i.n. administration than after i.v. administration, although the differences among brain regions varied much more for the i.n. route. The olfactory bulb, hypothalamus, striatum, and hippocampus had the highest levels after i.n. administration. The brain uptake pattern suggested a variety of distribution routes likely involving the cerebrospinal fluid, diffusion through brain tissue, and transport through nerve projections. Regional distribution patterns were similar after either i.n. or i.v. administration, suggesting that the dominant factor determining distribution/retention was the same for either route of administration. We conclude that the i.n. administration route delivers testosterone systemically and can target the brain, especially the olfactory bulb, hypothalamus, striatum, and hippocampus.
Alright so just did it. Seemed to work. Hoping my sterilization procedures were adequate.

After doing steps 1-4 as previously mentioned but using 15g HPBCD with 1.5g testosterone base in 29.7ml of distilled water i then added BA 0.3ml and pushed through a 0.2um syringe filter directly into my vial, stoppered and crimped it.

During filtration i mus5ve pressed too hard as sudd3nly everything blew out the side of the syringe filter. Lost a few mls. Had to use another filter, pushed slower.

Am concerned about sterility. You filter dir3ctly into th3 vial right? Becaus3 thats what i did.
Did Testosterone + HPBCD seem to hold in solution?
Was it clear or cloudy?

Water based brews are supposed to require less filtering pressure than oils.

View media item 1495
Equipment for the process.

View media item 1496
Finished products. TNE/HPBCD intranasal aqueous solution. TNE/HPBCD injectable aqueous solution.

Intranasal is at 33.33mg/ml. Injectable is at 50mg/ml.

I went straight for 50mg/ml. It worked. Viscosity didnt seem much thicker than at 33.33mg/ml. Will pin with a slin pin shortly, hoping i dont get an infection.
Those milligram scales rock.
It's unbelievable they can make something like that for about 20 bucks.

So i tried the nasal spray again and about 3 hours later the drip lef5 my throa5 feeling dry and raw as fuck which it also did the prior times. Not very pleasant, to the point it makes that ROA undesirable if it cant be solved.

So i 5hought maybe the pH is 8nvolved so after two po8nt calibration i popped the nasal solution into my meter and it came in at pH 5.2

View attachment 77126

The Rh8naris that was originally in tye nasal dispener says on its label it was pH adjusted to 6. So i figure thats where i may try to buffer this solution up to, then try again and if i still get raw throat that ROA is done. I guess by using sodium bicarbonate solution?

To note regarding the eff3cts of the intranasal ROA: gets me high as a kite but its one of those highs where i dont realize how high i am (or that im high a5 all) until its compketely worn off. Then you realize you were messed up.

I recall reading a study about cyclo intranasal Test achieving substantially highe4 brain conc3ntrations of testosterone verse injection. I guess meaning it eff3cts you more psychopharmacologically verse ROAs like intramuscular. In that study i recall the authors hypothesised that it was due to direct exposure of the blood at the site of ROA to the brain, thereby delivering boatloads to th3 brain. Would this detrac5 from its anabolism?? I don5 know.

I still havent pinned my 8njectable mix either.

J Drug Target. 2009 Feb;17(2):91-7. doi: 10.1080/10611860802382777 .
Delivery of testosterone to the brain by intranasal administration: comparison to intravenous testosterone.
Banks WA1, Morley JE, Niehoff ML, Mattern C.
Author information

Intranasal (i.n.) administration has emerged as a strategy to deliver therapeutics to the brain. Here, we compared i.n. and intravenous (i.v.) administration for testosterone. About 75% of the i.n. administered testosterone entered the blood. However, whole brain levels of testosterone were about twice as high after i.n. administration as after i.v. administration. About two-thirds of the testosterone entering the brain after i.n. administration did so by direct entry by nasal routes and the remainder indirectly by first entering the blood and then crossing the blood-brain barrier. All brain regions except the frontal cortex had higher levels of testosterone after i.n. administration than after i.v. administration, although the differences among brain regions varied much more for the i.n. route. The olfactory bulb, hypothalamus, striatum, and hippocampus had the highest levels after i.n. administration. The brain uptake pattern suggested a variety of distribution routes likely involving the cerebrospinal fluid, diffusion through brain tissue, and transport through nerve projections. Regional distribution patterns were similar after either i.n. or i.v. administration, suggesting that the dominant factor determining distribution/retention was the same for either route of administration. We conclude that the i.n. administration route delivers testosterone systemically and can target the brain, especially the olfactory bulb, hypothalamus, striatum, and hippocampus.

Do you think Intra Nasal Testosterone is better left to Olympic athletes who need to get the must out of tiny Testosterone amounts as to avoid testing positive for PEDs?

It looks like Testosterone crosses the Blood Brain Barrier anyhow (it gets to the brain)
Brain Meets Body: The Blood-Brain Barrier as an Endocrine Interface
testosterone, 85±1%
Transport of Steroid Hormones through the Rat Blood-Brain Barrier: PRIMARY ROLE OF ALBUMIN-BOUND HORMONE
So wouldn't IntraVenous Testosterone injections be enough for the amateur athlete looking for a quick boost? (for IV injections you can only use WATER based brews, not oils)

Do you have some oral raws around, so you can try to see if Water+HPCB injectable orals hold in solution?
So we can inject orals subQ with slin pins?

Great experiments btw
thank you for keeping us posted. Keep up the good work!
How was the results from the injectable? Did you try IM and Subq?

No, i never pinned it. And after it sat for 3 days crystals began to form? Oddly though the crystals float at the top of the liquid whereas in my first intranasal attempt via juicedmuscles bad method as in my original post all the test settled on the bottom where it still remains today. Let me see if i can capture it in a photo.


As you can see they are chunky clusters of crystals, and they float. The only differ3nce between those two solutions is the left one has BEnzyl Alcohol added and is a higher per mg concentration. Interest8ngly the amount of precipitated crystals is less than the amount of testosterone thats in it. So maybe tha5 is 3vidence that th3 concentration of 50mg/ml was too high for just a water/1%BA solution? I won5 be pinning it thats for sure.

I will however r3cover the testosterone from the righ5 bottle by running through a coffee filter, scraping the crystals and drying them. Then using to make more sublingual solution. The righ5 bottle is the result of my first post regarding juicedmuscles method which seemed to fail.

And on that note i have started my cycle as of saturday so am on day 4. I opted for sublingual ROA and transdermal ROA. I already had som3 innovagen testo gel f4om 2004 (not a typo) that im using up. Once its used up i will compound possibly with hpbcd encap my own transdermal using phlojel and dmso.

For sublingual ive been tak8ng the 33.33mg/ml solution i was using intranasally. I just take 1ml 8n my mouth at a time and hold for 10 mins then swallow (thats what she said). I use it 4x a day and transdermal twice. Theres room for improvement so 8m about to, in the nex5 couple days, compo7nd the tne/hpbcd/water solution into a hard candy lozenge for more optimal delivery via sublingual, buccal, and gingival transmucosal ROAs. I could do lollipops but i think i will do a lozenge and possibly use 3 at once, one between cheeks and g7ms on both sides of my mouth and another held beneath the tongue. Repeated as many times in the day as i want. Ive got what i need just a matter of going through th3 motions. Ill post about it when i do.
Oh and the cycle itself is:

33.33mg 4xED sublingual TNE/HPBCD solution
Weeks 1-8

40mg 2xED Innovagen TestoGel (TNE) AND homebrew transdermal TNE (will titrate this higher most likely)
Weeks 1-8

10mg 3xED March Pharmaceuticals Danabol DS (blue hearts)
Weeks 1-4

30mg 2xED British Dragon Turanabol AND Pareto Pharmaceuticals turinabol (im combining the brands as iv3 go5 leftover BDs to use up)
Weeks 5-8

3iu/ED generic human growth hormone

25mg/ED homebrew MK-677 solution

10iu/ED 3xWK Eli Lilly Humalog
Weeks 1-4
Weeks 9-12 (PCT)

Ancillaries are LIV-52 everyday (as well as 6 weeks before th3 cycle), AIs on hand but not used, no alcohol, metformin during slin off time (weeks 5-8), dutasteride on hand but not used (im MPB prone). PCT will be 4 weeks of clomid. Also spare me the shit show rega4ding 8 weeks of orals.
So i made the transmucosal delivery lozenges.

To note, on my dry run i heated to 149 celcius, this resulted in rock hard candy. For the real run i did only to 119 celcius. This gave me a final product like the 8nside of a jelly bean. No5 rock hard. This worked out well as after a few seconds in the mouth the6 become pliabl3, you shove it against tye tissue surface you want and it adheres to it and takes on its shape while slowly dissolving over about 10 minutes. Spot on.

The batch i made produced 35 gummy bear sized servings. I used g7mmy bear mold, thus giving rise to cyclo T-bears (patent pending).

The ingredi3nts:

3tbsp. White sugar
1.2 tbsp corn syrup
14ml tne/hpbcd/water solution @ 33.33mg/ml (as made previously)
2ml food flavoring (if desired)
4 drops food coloring (if desired)

Yield: 35 bears @ 13.33mg/each (approx.)

The steps:

1) add sugar, syrup, and tne/hpbcd solution into a saucepan and heat with stirring until sugar dissolves, add flavoring and food coloring if desired.


2) once dissolved stop stirring, affix thermometer and heat to 119 celcius without stirring

3) once temperature is reached remove from heat and place into molds using a large pippette or turkey bastor, or spread inside of a casserole dish to later cut into even squares.

4) i r3commend you then dust them in icing sugar after cooling to keep them from stickin* to one another. I store mine in the fridge to help them stay hard.


In retrospect if i do this again i will target 149 celcius and pour into lollipop molds and make suckers. Id aim to get my days desir3d dosage into each lollipop and just work my way through the lollipop over the course of the day. I think this would be the optimal th8ng to do if pursuing these oral transmucosal ROAs. Both for production ease and utilization.

But there you have it, DIY sublingual testosterone soft-lozenges in apple flavor.