Daily Cialis - Side Effects


New Member
So we're all familiar with Cialis, not only for it's classic 'party weekend' boner buff, but also for the sweet pumps in the gym.


I can't seem to find any discussion regarding side effects with this drug.
Sure there's the classic 'Oh I have a stuffy nose', but I wanted to ask the members of this forum if any of you ever had side effects like the ones I've been experiencing.

Whenever I take Cialis I get these side effects I don't see mentioned anywhere else, take a look and tell me if you've noticed any of these

- Fatigue / easy to tire; particularly during workouts, sets become more exhausting, like my heart is working harder
- Bounding Heart / Very noticible heartbeat (Without any changes in BPM)
- Orthostatic intolerance - sudden heart rate shifts when moving positions (Not resulting in fainting, just discomfort)
- Rarely a tight chest
- increased heart rate after food
- Mood changes - something like a brainfog with added irritability

I've measured by blood pressure and there doesn't appear to be a radical shift at all when I use cialis - I'd love to carry on using it but these side effects appear present even at lower doses. I think it's a great drug with a lot of benefits beyond just getting boners and I WANT to tolerate it, but why do I get these shitty side effects?

Has anyone else ever found a way to combat them?
So we're all familiar with Cialis, not only for it's classic 'party weekend' boner buff, but also for the sweet pumps in the gym.


I can't seem to find any discussion regarding side effects with this drug.
Sure there's the classic 'Oh I have a stuffy nose', but I wanted to ask the members of this forum if any of you ever had side effects like the ones I've been experiencing.

Whenever I take Cialis I get these side effects I don't see mentioned anywhere else, take a look and tell me if you've noticed any of these

- Fatigue / easy to tire; particularly during workouts, sets become more exhausting, like my heart is working harder
- Bounding Heart / Very noticible heartbeat (Without any changes in BPM)
- Orthostatic intolerance - sudden heart rate shifts when moving positions (Not resulting in fainting, just discomfort)
- Rarely a tight chest
- increased heart rate after food
- Mood changes - something like a brainfog with added irritability

I've measured by blood pressure and there doesn't appear to be a radical shift at all when I use cialis - I'd love to carry on using it but these side effects appear present even at lower doses. I think it's a great drug with a lot of benefits beyond just getting boners and I WANT to tolerate it, but why do I get these shitty side effects?

Has anyone else ever found a way to combat them?

If it's not improving your blood pressure why the fuck would you keep using it given all the sides???

Drop it and focus on better diet and more daily cardio!
So we're all familiar with Cialis, not only for it's classic 'party weekend' boner buff, but also for the sweet pumps in the gym.


I can't seem to find any discussion regarding side effects with this drug.
Sure there's the classic 'Oh I have a stuffy nose', but I wanted to ask the members of this forum if any of you ever had side effects like the ones I've been experiencing.

Whenever I take Cialis I get these side effects I don't see mentioned anywhere else, take a look and tell me if you've noticed any of these

- Fatigue / easy to tire; particularly during workouts, sets become more exhausting, like my heart is working harder
- Bounding Heart / Very noticible heartbeat (Without any changes in BPM)
- Orthostatic intolerance - sudden heart rate shifts when moving positions (Not resulting in fainting, just discomfort)
- Rarely a tight chest
- increased heart rate after food
- Mood changes - something like a brainfog with added irritability

I've measured by blood pressure and there doesn't appear to be a radical shift at all when I use cialis - I'd love to carry on using it but these side effects appear present even at lower doses. I think it's a great drug with a lot of benefits beyond just getting boners and I WANT to tolerate it, but why do I get these shitty side effects?

Has anyone else ever found a way to combat them?
So we're all familiar with Cialis, not only for it's classic 'party weekend' boner buff, but also for the sweet pumps in the gym.


I can't seem to find any discussion regarding side effects with this drug.
Sure there's the classic 'Oh I have a stuffy nose', but I wanted to ask the members of this forum if any of you ever had side effects like the ones I've been experiencing.

Whenever I take Cialis I get these side effects I don't see mentioned anywhere else, take a look and tell me if you've noticed any of these

- Fatigue / easy to tire; particularly during workouts, sets become more exhausting, like my heart is working harder
- Bounding Heart / Very noticible heartbeat (Without any changes in BPM)
- Orthostatic intolerance - sudden heart rate shifts when moving positions (Not resulting in fainting, just discomfort)
- Rarely a tight chest
- increased heart rate after food
- Mood changes - something like a brainfog with added irritability

I've measured by blood pressure and there doesn't appear to be a radical shift at all when I use cialis - I'd love to carry on using it but these side effects appear present even at lower doses. I think it's a great drug with a lot of benefits beyond just getting boners and I WANT to tolerate it, but why do I get these shitty side effects?

Has anyone else ever found a way to combat them?
FINALLY!!!! Someone else..

I get all those sides, minus the chest tightness and mood changes.. plus pretty horrible heartburn.

I lie down in the bed.. heart rate goes up... I turn over in bed.. heart rate goes up... I get up in the morning, heart rate goes up... I eat a decent size meal, heart rate goes up.. while I don't get any chest tightness, what I do get is a different "feeling" in my lungs... very hard to describe.
FINALLY!!!! Someone else..

I get all those sides, minus the chest tightness and mood changes.. plus pretty horrible heartburn.

I lie down in the bed.. heart rate goes up... I turn over in bed.. heart rate goes up... I get up in the morning, heart rate goes up... I eat a decent size meal, heart rate goes up.. while I don't get any chest tightness, what I do get is a different "feeling" in my lungs... very hard to describe.

STOP using it then bro!
So we're all familiar with Cialis, not only for it's classic 'party weekend' boner buff, but also for the sweet pumps in the gym.


I can't seem to find any discussion regarding side effects with this drug.
Sure there's the classic 'Oh I have a stuffy nose', but I wanted to ask the members of this forum if any of you ever had side effects like the ones I've been experiencing.

Whenever I take Cialis I get these side effects I don't see mentioned anywhere else, take a look and tell me if you've noticed any of these

- Fatigue / easy to tire; particularly during workouts, sets become more exhausting, like my heart is working harder
- Bounding Heart / Very noticible heartbeat (Without any changes in BPM)
- Orthostatic intolerance - sudden heart rate shifts when moving positions (Not resulting in fainting, just discomfort)
- Rarely a tight chest
- increased heart rate after food
- Mood changes - something like a brainfog with added irritability

I've measured by blood pressure and there doesn't appear to be a radical shift at all when I use cialis - I'd love to carry on using it but these side effects appear present even at lower doses. I think it's a great drug with a lot of benefits beyond just getting boners and I WANT to tolerate it, but why do I get these shitty side effects?

Has anyone else ever found a way to combat them?
How long did you take it until heart burn set in? I've been taking it for almost two months now and have just noticed this the past two weeks but I've been eating a ton of breads during same time.
Absolutely stop taking it man. If you've actually got ED maybe try the other drugs in the PDE5 inhibitor family.

L-citrulline can even help a little bit too, (it does for me). Effective dose is10g, though, (or, if it's citrulline malate, 15g). Most preworkouts don't have anything close to that so I buy it separately.
If it's not improving your blood pressure why the fuck would you keep using it given all the sides???

Drop it and focus on better diet and more daily cardio!

Not even taking it for the blood pressure benefits. There are way better meds for that task that don't just lower dystolic, leaving isolated high systolic.
It's better to take losartan for the added cardioprotective element and it's capacity to reverse left ventricular hypertrophy (a result of all anabolic steroids)

This idea that cialis can work as blood pressure monotherapy is dumb. It's really good at providing endothelial benefits though, so it's good for that stupid lipid fuckery anabolics give you.

Cialis is really good for pumps and some research suggests better gains - also diamond cutter boners is nice lol.

Funnily enough, it seems these side effects have stabilised recently and it coincided with one thing. I was eating shit loads of MSG. Normally it doesn't affect me but it seems that when I'm taking cialis, MSG makes me feel ill as fuck.
No idea why.
Not even taking it for the blood pressure benefits. There are way better meds for that task that don't just lower dystolic, leaving isolated high systolic.
It's better to take losartan for the added cardioprotective element and it's capacity to reverse left ventricular hypertrophy (a result of all anabolic steroids)

This idea that cialis can work as blood pressure monotherapy is dumb. It's really good at providing endothelial benefits though, so it's good for that stupid lipid fuckery anabolics give you.

Cialis is really good for pumps and some research suggests better gains - also diamond cutter boners is nice lol.

Funnily enough, it seems these side effects have stabilised recently and it coincided with one thing. I was eating shit loads of MSG. Normally it doesn't affect me but it seems that when I'm taking cialis, MSG makes me feel ill as fuck.
No idea why.

So you were taking daily cialis even though it was giving you nasty sides and you were eating tons of MSG! Were you dropped on your head a lot as a child cause seems to me you have some form of cognitive retardation :oops:

These reactions — known as MSG symptom complex — include:
  • Headache.
  • Flushing.
  • Sweating.
  • Facial pressure or tightness.
  • Numbness, tingling or burning in the face, neck and other areas.
  • Rapid, fluttering heartbeats (heart palpitations)
  • Chest pain.
  • Nausea.
So you were taking daily cialis even though it was giving you nasty sides and you were eating tons of MSG! Were you dropped on your head a lot as a child cause seems to me you have some form of cognitive retardation :oops:

These reactions — known as MSG symptom complex — include:
  • Headache.
  • Flushing.
  • Sweating.
  • Facial pressure or tightness.
  • Numbness, tingling or burning in the face, neck and other areas.
  • Rapid, fluttering heartbeats (heart palpitations)
  • Chest pain.
  • Nausea.
So you're assuming I continued to take the cialis despite the presentation of side effects?

I re-challenged the drug on multiple occasions and there were inconsistencies with the side effects, hence why I brought it here to see if anyone else had experienced it.

Never had MSG problems before, only with Cialis.

Honestly seems like you're the guy with cognitive retardation if he gets his big boy points firing off blanks on the internet to strangers.
So you're assuming I continued to take the cialis despite the presentation of side effects?

I re-challenged the drug on multiple occasions and there were inconsistencies with the side effects, hence why I brought it here to see if anyone else had experienced it.

Never had MSG problems before, only with Cialis.

Honestly seems like you're the guy with cognitive retardation if he gets his big boy points firing off blanks on the internet to strangers.

Shhhhhhhhh let's not fight ;)

Absolutely stop taking it man. If you've actually got ED maybe try the other drugs in the PDE5 inhibitor family.

L-citrulline can even help a little bit too, (it does for me). Effective dose is10g, though, (or, if it's citrulline malate, 15g). Most preworkouts don't have anything close to that so I buy it separately.
And who would have thought that how deeply you dug your teeth into a watermelon rind could give good wood..? Right!!!?!??!

That's a SHIT TON of Citrulline.!!! You do have your proportions correct. I assume you are speaking of taking that dosage intermittently for good wood and not talking all that as a daily pre-workout at that dosage??

Have you seen or tried the new production method which is stated to potentiate the Citrulline without adding the Malate. I'm drawing a blank right now on the latest manufacturing process to which I am referring (plant based FERMINTED or bacteria derived/refined?? Kinda like the process they used to make tryptophan that got contaminated in the early 90's and killed those folks). If I recall right... But I think they use this new form in pre-workouts like Legion and Kaged produce. So it's more bioavailable and you don't have to up the volume by 50% adding the malate... I don't think the science is all the way in on it yet.

FYI - I started goofing with Citrulline back at the end of 2019 peaking after 45 days at about 5 grams malate per day steady. In my opinion its the greatest thing since Creatine and at the same time stacks VERY WELL with Creatine. That is if you do not consider AGMATINE. Which is comparable in pumps, with the exception that it used to be stated as suspect for bringing on schizophrenia. Now the literature seems to have forgotten all that and states that AGMATINE may also help with alcohol and nicotine cessation incredibly completely omitting the past information... Personally, I now suspect that Citrulline and Agmatine TOGETHER may be redundant/ if not even counter productive cancelling each other out to some degree.

Side-tracked. - - - What stopped me from using the Citrulline was that after that 45 days I broke out with these crazy whelps on my back in Dec of 2019 which required cortico-steroid pack to bring down. They also wrote me every cough med under the sun including SINGULAIR :oops: as I recall the docs' office starting to get nervous and just starting to hint of bringing a mask back then. I never correlated the crazy "sinus infection and coughing bouts" I also had. While I wound up thinking it was the citrulline causing a histamine reaction, I now suspect that the cause of those whelps was Covid. And considering I was working out in proximity to a guy that had Covid back in Dec of 2019(before Covid was COVID), I have thought differently. I have even now seen in the COVID literature that whelps are a symptom.. I had other signs too like my wife giggling while she stunk up the room from the couch and realizing I had no sense of smell during that period. No one knew what it was then though. To this day I have never popped POS for covid anti-bodies..

So YES, since then, I have been using citrulline again comfortably at 6grams when I am using pre-workouts, and I have not been able to reproduce the whelps. But. 15gms of malate.. D.A.M.N.B.

As far as wood goes. Citrulline YES. I have not run Agmatine without Citrulline yet to test on wood. 2-3 grams of Agmatine is a high dose and should be dosed twice daily FYI. Its also much more affordable now. I am also not sure how much running agmatine WITH Citrulline diminishes the citrulline effect. But I believe it does.

But as far as stomach issues go. The Citrulline does not seem to cause any gastric distress. But the Agmatine no so good. I never felt like it was as harsh as creatine monohydrate, but I DO suspect that it messes with my gut.

ALL THESE DRUGS AND SUBSTANCES SHOULD BE CAREFULLY CONSIDERED PRIOR TO USE AS CURRENT SCIENCE SUGGEST LATELY THAT NOT ONLY IS "THE GUT" AN ORGAN ALL TO ITSELF. But it may in fact be the most important organ in the body as it may in fact have DIRECT CONTROL OVER THE BRAIN.. With that said, any substance that negatively affects mitochondria and the lining on the intestines may have PROFOUND IMPACTS ON THE QUALITY OF LIFE - If not even long term damage potential..

I Never use any form of creatine other than Creatine HCL any more, and for the simple reason that HCL absorbs quickly and hopefully not very long after if leaves the stomach. Note that the reason Creatine HCL absorbs so quickly is all of the water is dried out of it in the manufacturing process via ACETIFICATION (Hydrochloric acid/ "HCL"). So be sure and spring for the Capsule version. Else it will rot your teeth right out of the back of your head almost overnight... ALL you have to do is mix 3 grams of Creatine HCL with a juice and drink it, and it you pay attention, your teeth feel like you just dry-barfed PURE ACID over them... I would even pre-chew a tums prior to chugging but the creatine Hcl was just too much. The caps solve the problem. If price is an object just get a pill capper and buy your creatine HCL from BULK SUPPLEMENTS. The stuff is dirt cheap that way.. Finally, it should be noted that even if you are young and can handle monohydrate filtering down thru yer gut without shitting down yer leg just taking a piss. It is doing damage. I don't give a shit what they say about the safety of Monohydrate. Its harming the gut and kidneys... Period...
I take 10g yes. That's not a typo. I tolerate it just fine. I should clarify though, it is the maximum effective dose. Apologies.
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Aye fair enough
All good don't mind those CANNIBALS... :rolleyes:

Sorry did not mean to hijack the thread with that long psychotic post I tossed in there. I do have a question tho and apologies if I missed something in the read. Why do you say you are taking a bunch of MSG? Are you speculating based on a diet high in soup and chin food? Or is there something going on and a reason to take that stuff that I have been out of the loop on?? Is there a reason to eat MSG training regimen-wise? Did I miss a seminar??

It should be noted that Sodium Chelates Potassium and visa-versa. I wonder what your potassium scores would look like if you were indeed consuming a lot of msg. I'm pretty sure that MSG is just turbo twisted and bastardized SALT. Hence preservative and flavor enhancer.. Obviously, but... I'm just cyphering that MSG MUST logically reduce potassium in the body. Which low potassium kinda correlates with the side effects that @JetsFan listed...
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Has anyone gotten ED from frequent use?

I normally run 10mg a day but realized it was fucking up my game.
Yes I did!!!! After taking it for almost a year I started having this side effect. If the dosage was low like 5mg all was good but as soon as I was taking a full dose of 10-20mg what I experienced was no sensitivity at all and a limp dick because of it... I stopped using it and well said fuck it.
Yes I did!!!! After taking it for almost a year I started having this side effect. If the dosage was low like 5mg all was good but as soon as I was taking a full dose of 10-20mg what I experienced was no sensitivity at all and a limp dick because of it... I stopped using it and well said fuck it.
Okay ya i used it fairly frequently for about a year then experienced the same thing. Fucking frustrating