Daily Cialis - Side Effects

I love cialis but it gives me the most fucking retarded acid reflux ever. I literally spend my night in bed waking up 4-5 times a night and clugging down Gaviscon
Not even taking it for the blood pressure benefits. There are way better meds for that task that don't just lower dystolic, leaving isolated high systolic.
It's better to take losartan for the added cardioprotective element and it's capacity to reverse left ventricular hypertrophy (a result of all anabolic steroids)

This idea that cialis can work as blood pressure monotherapy is dumb. It's really good at providing endothelial benefits though, so it's good for that stupid lipid fuckery anabolics give you.

Cialis is really good for pumps and some research suggests better gains - also diamond cutter boners is nice lol.

Funnily enough, it seems these side effects have stabilised recently and it coincided with one thing. I was eating shit loads of MSG. Normally it doesn't affect me but it seems that when I'm taking cialis, MSG makes me feel ill as fuck.
No idea why.
How big are you ? Height / weight ?
I plan on taking 5mg daily once it comes in for me. Looking forward to the effects and hopefully I don't end up with side effects that aren't worth the positives.
in my case, i gotta pick between running an oral or using cialis. If I run both at the same time then i'm heading to acid reflux city

Muscle or dick gains
I just started taking 2.5mg/day today. I have 20mg for weekends I will drink(not a big drinker anymore). If I drink I cant get it up...seems opposite of most guys I talk to. Guess im not a stud like them lol. Was taking 5mg/day last year but stuffy nose type symptoms so I just used those when needed. Picked up the 2.5mg's last night and so far random erections if the wind blows wrong, which surprises me. I never thought 2.5 would do much. Will see how daily goes this time. Hopefully no stuffy nose.
So you were taking daily cialis even though it was giving you nasty sides and you were eating tons of MSG! Were you dropped on your head a lot as a child cause seems to me you have some form of cognitive retardation :oops:

These reactions — known as MSG symptom complex — include:
  • Headache.
  • Flushing.
  • Sweating.
  • Facial pressure or tightness.
  • Numbness, tingling or burning in the face, neck and other areas.
  • Rapid, fluttering heartbeats (heart palpitations)
  • Chest pain.
  • Nausea.

Hey! Keep me outta this!