Daily First Cycle Thread

Everything sound okay with the cycle?

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New Member
Hey guys, I'm aware these posts are a constant stream but I wanted to check my planning and make sure I'm set before diving into my first cycle. I'd appreciate your input.

Planning a 12 week test e cycle at 500mg injected twice a week.

During my cycle I'm going to be running tamoxifen (20mg daily) as an AI, due to having quite severe gyno from puberty.

Then I'm planning to continue the tamoxifen for 4 weeks post cycle.

From what I have read this will be sufficient for a safe pct due to normal dosage being a frontloading technique. Obviously it will already be established in my system so no need to frontload. Can somebody confirm this?

1.5inch 21g needles, this is too small for glute injections so I will need to quad inject. Is that right?

Everything sound okay guys?

Edit: Had the gyno carved out so it's no longer an issue, just don't want it to come back.
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Youre gonna need an AI bro. I use Aromasin. Tamoxifen will help prevent gyno but youre gonna need something to cut down on the aromatize enzymes. Adex is another good option.
Youre gonna need an AI bro. I use Aromasin. Tamoxifen will help prevent gyno but youre gonna need something to cut down on the aromatize enzymes. Adex is another good option.

Okay so tamoxifen won't cut it alone?
What would be your recommendation for aromasin dosage and timing? And with or without tamoxifen?
You've had the gyno cut out!! Damn it must have been bad. Was you or are you now overweight?
I had mild gyno when I was a young teen in my left nipple (never diagnosed but now I actually know what it is, I realise it was) but cleared up as I aged.
And now never had a problem with test, but I can't even look at Dbol without getting itchy tits, so I advise you keep away from that in the future.

As for the length of the pin, 1 1/2 will be fine for glutes. I only ever use 1 1/4 for glutes and never had an issue
During my cycle I'm going to be running tamoxifen (20mg daily) as an AI, due to having quite severe gyno from puberty.

Tamox isn't an AI. It simply blocks estrogen at the receptor in the breast.
Your E2 will still build up to high levels with it -- you just won't grow tits.

An average dose for aromasin is around 12.5mg EOD, but that's not necessarily what you'll need. Everyone is different. I wouldn't take anything with 500mg of test; someone else might grow B cups if they did that.
You've had the gyno cut out!! Damn it must have been bad. Was you or are you now overweight?
I had mild gyno when I was a young teen in my left nipple (never diagnosed but now I actually know what it is, I realise it was) but cleared up as I aged.
And now never had a problem with test, but I can't even look at Dbol without getting itchy tits, so I advise you keep away from that in the future.

As for the length of the pin, 1 1/2 will be fine for glutes. I only ever use 1 1/4 for glutes and never had an issue

Thanks for the input refrence needles. That is good news ha.

Gyno wise, fuck yeah it was bad! I'm talking pepperoni nipples man. They stuck out like crazy. Couldn't wear tshirts, no confidence and it ruined my posture as I'd try to hide them by slumping my shoulders. I wasn't really overweight, I was in the infantry for years so I was always a reasonable weight. And even when I was at my leanest they where there. That's why I got them carved out. Best money I've ever spent.
Tamox isn't an AI. It simply blocks estrogen at the receptor in the breast.
Your E2 will still build up to high levels with it -- you just won't grow tits.

An average dose for aromasin is around 12.5mg EOD, but that's not necessarily what you'll need. Everyone is different. I wouldn't take anything with 500mg of test; someone else might grow B cups if they did that.

Roger that, thats some good info. I'll invest in some aromasin!
So revised:

During: 12 Weeks
500mg Test E (250mg twice weekly)
Aromasin 12.5mg (EOD)

PCT: 4 Weeks
(Starting 2 weeks post final pin)
Aromasin 12.5mg (EOD)
Day 1 - 100mg
Following 10 days - 60mg
Following 10 days - 40mg

Do I need to continue Aromasin during pct?
Is it worth while using Tamoxifen even though I'm using Aromasin during pct?
I'd make a few changes to your PCT. Start PCT three weeks after your last pin. After two weeks, you'll still have 25% of the test from your last shot in your system.

Also there's no need to mega-dose tamox the first day, and 60mg a day is quite high. Typically people use 40/40/20/20

No, you don't need aromasin during your PCT. You shouldn't have high estrogen at that point.
I'd make a few changes to your PCT. Start PCT three weeks after your last pin. After two weeks, you'll still have 25% of the test from your last shot in your system.

Also there's no need to mega-dose tamox the first day, and 60mg a day is quite high. Typically people use 40/40/20/20

No, you don't need aromasin during your PCT. You shouldn't have high estrogen at that point.

Perfect. Thanks for the info. I'm glad I made the post.
Final question. I've sourced aromasin tabs at 20mg. Will this be OTT if taken EOD or will this an okay dose for somebody prone to gyno?

I'll be taking a liver support during. As I understand they can be hard on your liver.
Final question. I've sourced aromasin tabs at 20mg. Will this be OTT if taken EOD or will this an okay dose for somebody prone to gyno?

I'll be taking a liver support during. As I understand they can be hard on your liver.
Aromasin should be dosed at 25mg and can be cut in half with a pill splitter. Liver support pills are a joke and your liver shouldn't be affected running test only. Oral aas cause the strain on the liver and the best thing to do for that is drink plenty of water.
I'll be taking a liver support during. As I understand they can be hard on your liver.

As Savagesteve said, liver support is useless. Just drink plenty of water and you'll be fine. Liver supporting supplements have no scientific basis to indicate their efficacy as liver damage prophylactics.

If they did work, doctors would prescribe them to people at risk of developing liver problems.
Aromasin should be dosed at 25mg and can be cut in half with a pill splitter.
Concerned about the aromasin I've ordered then. I belive it's against site rules to post a link to the product but it's a well trusted site and a decent brand, clearly marked as 20mg?
Should I just assume that it's a nock off?
Concerned about the aromasin I've ordered then. I belive it's against site rules to post a link to the product but it's a well trusted site and a decent brand, clearly marked as 20mg?
Should I just assume that it's a nock off?
Is it pharma or research company?