Daily pins for trt? Better for e2 control?


New Member
Considering trt shortly.
Just awaiting on test results for bloods to see how well recovery went from last blast.

When doing TRT, is more frequent pinning beneficial to keeping e2 in range or more person/bodyfat dependant?

Or start with less and increase as necessary ? (Nobody wants to be a pin curation)

What is the best approach?

Thoughts on controlling e2 with mast/primo micro dose instead of a.i?

Cheers gents
I'd say depends on the ester and the carrier oil, it's not black and white. I tried every day, it works well but for me it was probably unnecessary since i was using test E in castor oil. When i get down to cruise next time i'll do it eod. If you're about to use test in MCT oil i'd suggest to pin ed if possible.

Mast or primo for long term since we talk for TRT i'd not suggest it. Also, if we're talking for true TRT then with ED pinning you most probably won't need AI.
For myself and from the majority or reports i have seen including pro BBer's that have spoken on the topic, E2 seems to trend lower with more frequent injects. Some people have differing results though. Would depend on the amount of enzyme one produces that cleave the ester off, the ester used, how well the liver works, dose etc. Only one way to know for sure and it is not that difficult to do to find out for ones self.
I have been microdsing for several years now. T as well as other compounds usually primo.
These guys usually have a lot more going on then TRT dosing frequency.
Yes they do. But the pros am mostly speaking of are retired and say they are doing TRT daily. although they say they went to daily in the end of their careers as well. But what some call TRT is really not. I do daily TRT, blood work is consistently 800 so it qualifies as real TRT and small cycles and have for years.
Depends on ester and carrier oil. I am currently on E7D schedule and E2 hasn't gone up since I switched from E3D (Test D/Castor oil)

Cause I hate pinning I will go E10D and draw bloods again.

Mood or general well being hasn't changed either
ive done blood work between ED and EOD and didnt see any significant difference. i still pin ED because when i go EOD i tend to forget or skip days since im too lazy to catalog shit. also i think i have a slight addiction to pinning now days, im already pinning HGH and other peptided ED might as well add oil
The recipe for best e2 control, is small, frequent injections into subcutaneous tissue using a fairly long half-life ester (cyp, enanth). That trio makes for the smallest test spike at a given weekly dose, and therefore the least aromatase activity. I can run about 600 mg/wk cyp if I do that, no AI, and E2 sides.

A number of really experienced folks are finding that undecanoate (an even longer ester) is all-around better for stable levels and doesn't require such a finnicky schedule, but I'm not super well schooled on that one.

However, MWF saves me a few minutes and a bit of fuss on half my days, and 6.25 mg of exemestane makes up for the difference. It's the happy medium between laziness and ideal administration for me.
i aromatize like crazy
pinning everyday was a game changer for me
as well as using primo or mast with my test.
i am also tired af of pinning ed
When I pin daily then I usw test prop

With enanthate or cyp I use 2 times a week injections

On test prop I feel better somehow