danuglipron GLP-1 agonist developed by Pfizer

I can see it getting popular due to oral administration route for normies. And Pfizer will run a hell of a marketing campaign.
So far we have not seen any oral glp-1 RA drug being overly successful. And there is a reason for it. I don't think this will change as the most optimal application method for these drugs is via injections.
As more research into GLP-1's and getting a deeper understanding how they work in the body there will be better products coming out that will do the job well with few sides. The more products that come out the better one will come out on top!

The holy grail would be an oral product that can work without getting degraded via the digestive system but for the moment it's the injectables that are the best way. What about a sublingual or nasal spray version?
Oral GLP agonists will be prohibitively expensive for the foreseeable future.

The top dose requires 2800mg of the peptide PER WEEK, at a time when they're struggling to produce a tiny fraction of that.

A pharma exec said these will be exclusively marketed in wealthy western countries due to their cost. It will be a "last choice" option for those in desperate need but have insurmountable needle phobia.