Darius Pharmacom Test P blood work

I get 400 mg for the entire month, and he wants my bloods to come in around 650.
Deca is def out of the question.
Same exact thing with my doc. I have to wait at least 10 days after last pin to go in for my visit to make sure she doesn't give me shit.
Wow...what the fuck Pharmacom?
i know this is an old thread but i dont know bout everyone else and hope i dont affend anyone saying this,but pharmacom tested good at anabolic labs yet i still see bloods not where they should be,doesnt make since or add up and to be frank not sure about anabolic labs anymore,how does one know that they dont get paid by sources to produce good numbers for sales purposes,again hope i dont affend anyone maybe just something to think about
i know this is an old thread but i dont know bout everyone else and hope i dont affend anyone saying this,but pharmacom tested good at anabolic labs yet i still see bloods not where they should be,doesnt make since or add up and to be frank not sure about anabolic labs anymore,how does one know that they dont get paid by sources to produce good numbers for sales purposes,again hope i dont affend anyone maybe just something to think about
These results were posted up back in May from product probably bought in April. Also these were bought from Darius, who had a labeling issue sometime during the spring. I'm not defending Pharmacom or Darius as much as I am Simec. To question things is a good thing to do, and I commend you for doing so. But we always need to look at the big picture before making decisions or posting up.
i know this is an old thread but i dont know bout everyone else and hope i dont affend anyone saying this,but pharmacom tested good at anabolic labs yet i still see bloods not where they should be,doesnt make since or add up and to be frank not sure about anabolic labs anymore,how does one know that they dont get paid by sources to produce good numbers for sales purposes,again hope i dont affend anyone maybe just something to think about
The bloods actually tested rather well with a serum in the 5000's using 700 mg prop.