Darius Pharmacom Test P blood work

Oh ok did you get bloodwork?
When? I haven't yet with any pharmacom products, as I just did my first pin of their EQ today, and haven't opened their test. But, yes, my doctor is a close personal friend and he supervises everything as well as is handy for certain scripts, if they're needed.
When? I haven't yet with any pharmacom products, as I just did my first pin of their EQ today, and haven't opened their test. But, yes, my doctor is a close personal friend and he supervises everything as well as is handy for certain scripts, if they're needed.

Can I have your doctor as my doctor?!
I am running their Adex and happy with it.

The only really unusual side I get from masteron are little acne-like bumps on my upper back and sometimes quads. Not sure why. I know others have experienced that, too. However, masteron is very mild as far as sides are concerned. The night sweats can be from your test my man.

Yeah could be the test and damn his adex is out of stock.
I wouldn't. I wouldn't take an AI unless I was running over 500mg's/week of test, or if past history has shown I needed it. With masteron like you're running, I personally wouldn't use adex.
I am running their Adex and happy with it.

The only really unusual side I get from masteron are little acne-like bumps on my upper back and sometimes quads. Not sure why. I know others have experienced that, too. However, masteron is very mild as far as sides are concerned. The night sweats can be from your test my man.

Really? Maybe I got a bad batch cause I am running 1mg a day and am on 600 test 600 eq and 900 tren. I am think my liquid adex my local guy has is better then this. Gyno is starting to flare up.
Really? Maybe I got a bad batch cause I am running 1mg a day and am on 600 test 600 eq and 900 tren. I am think my liquid adex my local guy has is better then this. Gyno is starting to flare up.

Damn that's not good.
I know his adex is out of stock now.
Damn that's not good.
I know his adex is out of stock now.

Mines from frank but still pharmacom I am not calling it bunk I am just saying it does not seem to be working as well for me but I also do not have bloods to back it or pre bloods
As you can see by.my bloods my estrogen is.high and my dosage is only 350mg of test prop a week


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Problem is I have capsules not pills.
I hope Darius gets his adex back in stock so I can order it.
I emailed him let's see what he says.
As I said my bloodwork came in ok but I switched to a different testosterone that's called TPA
Got it from a private source and waiting on the anavar from that source I feel like it's more potent.
But still on pharmacom masteron.
I get hot flashes some nights anyone else experience those when on masteron?
Was your blood work on TPA?
Was your blood work on TPA?

Nah bloodwork was on pharmacom test prop that I'm back on now and I'm on pharmacom masteron and var but waiting for the var to come from a different source as I think it's more potent.
Pharmacom test prop and masteron I like.
Nah bloodwork was on pharmacom test prop that I'm back on now and I'm on pharmacom masteron and var but waiting for the var to come from a different source as I think it's more potent.
Pharmacom test prop and masteron I like.

Any pip?