Darius Pharmacom Test P blood work

Wow, I don't remember seeing that anywhere. That is extremely high, so, I agree. I've never been able to tolerate about 100mg/ED. Where are the posts from the other members with those experiences?

Tren hex, A or E?

I'm one of the others. Was pinning 150mg with minimal sides. Just switched to a different lab. Will probably use the pharmacom tren to cook my eggs.
I'm one of the others. Was pinning 150mg with minimal sides. Just switched to a different lab. Will probably use the pharmacom tren to cook my eggs.
Fuck, not good, not good. Sorry to see this.
Compound used is test prop masteron and anavar
I run test prop at 350 mg a week and masteron 350mg a week anavar 50mg everyday.
Bloodwork was taken 3 weeks into cycle.
Compound used is test prop masteron and anavar
I run test prop at 350 mg a week and masteron 350mg a week anavar 50mg everyday.
Bloodwork was taken 3 weeks into cycle.
5x, more or less. Not the worst I've seen, but obviously we were hoping for better.
Hey, I bet it's better than you expected Nitro! Lol. I am curious to learn more.