DBOL 1st cycle advise


New Member
Hey everyone I'm new to the page and enjoy reading all this great advice. I wanted to know what's your guys thoughts on taking 20ml of dbol since it would be my 1st cycle and for how long? And the require PCT? Thanks!
I would do some research on shutting down your HPTA without replacing endogenous testosterone production. I think you'll discover its a not a wise idea (oral only cycles) especially since testosterone is arguably the cornerstone of a mans endocrine system.
I looked into the same thing man for awhile, but after a bunch of research..Its just best to run test with it, like every cycle. Test E 500mg/wk and 20-40mg of Dbol is what i read to be the best first way to use d-bol. Then again everyone reacts different, and every d-bol can even be slightly different.

For the length, test E is best used at 10-12 weeks, and d-bol you could "jump start" at the first 4 weeks, no longer. And yes of course you need pct. Any anabolic steroid requires pct. Nolva, or clomid would be fine.

Last thing, is since D-bol is a oral steroid..You will want some cycle support, and a aromatase inhibitor with it. Some believe cycle support its overrated, but better safe than sorry, especially with D-bol. And the AI is up to you on dosing and what kind. Ive seen people use .5g of arimidex ever other day (with the 4 weeks of d-bol) to help control those sides. Anyway, i hope this helped even though i am stating what everyone has already told you lol.
I looked into the same thing man for awhile, but after a bunch of research..Its just best to run test with it, like every cycle. Test E 500mg/wk and 20-40mg of Dbol is what i read to be the best first way to use d-bol. Then again everyone reacts different, and every d-bol can even be slightly different.

For the length, test E is best used at 10-12 weeks, and d-bol you could "jump start" at the first 4 weeks, no longer. And yes of course you need pct. Any anabolic steroid requires pct. Nolva, or clomid would be fine.

Last thing, is since D-bol is a oral steroid..You will want some cycle support, and a aromatase inhibitor with it. Some believe cycle support its overrated, but better safe than sorry, especially with D-bol. And the AI is up to you on dosing and what kind. Ive seen people use .5g of arimidex ever other day (with the 4 weeks of d-bol) to help control those sides. Anyway, i hope this helped even though i am stating what everyone has already told you lol.
Dude thanks for the advice really did help! Definitely be looking into taking test and the proper pct which you have mentioned. I would run dbol for 4 weeks and 10-12 of test. Do they have an oral form of test E? Or is it all injectable?
Do they have an oral form of test E? Or is it all injectable?
Yes they do, pharmacist has it. It's probably gonna be more expensive than the injectable but it's pharm grade. It's also gonna be much less effective, it's generally used for mild cases of people who need trt.
I would definitely use testosterone with dbol. And yes, Dbol will shut your testosterone down if use alone, or stacked for that matter. You would benefit from using test with dbol. Only run dbol for 6 weeks, 8 weeks max. I would recommend a liver protectant and definitely pct. Sounds like you still need to do some more research my friend. Good luck to you.
For your first cycle you would be best to only run test. Just like Ironwill 1951 said. Run a long ester test like test e. Or test c. For 12 wks.