Dbol headaches at 20mg ED.


Well-known Member
Hey guys, what’s up.

So today marks 2 weeks of me adding 20mg Dbol everyday PW at around 05:00 AM.

In general I’m on 300/400 Test E/NPP for 10 weeks already and everything was great no sides at all, not my first or second run with Test/NPP.

Anyway the point of this thread is that after week one of introducing Dbol I started experiencing headaches from late afternoon that will last until I go to bed,

First I thought it was BP but all my reading are perfect, not higher then 120/60 while most of the time I’m around 110/55.

I got no E2 side effects, so I’m really bummed that I’m having those headaches as even at 20mg the strength gains are great, and the pump with cialis in the mix is unreal.

Anyway, I’m looking for advice or maybe similar experience from a member that have a possible solution, If not I’ll probably try to stretch it until week 3 and then drop it.

On 300/400 Test/NPP for 10 weeks all was great, added 20mg dbol ED in the past two weeks and started having headaches, BP is fine, no e2 sides, looking for possible solutions.
My brother - listen to your body. It may be that dbol isn't gonna work for you, and that's ok. BUT, don't take it just because you bought it.

Could the headaches be due to the dbol? Yeah. Could it be other things? Yeah.

When did you intro the Cialis? Did you get a lil too motivated at the squat rack? Deadlifts? Heavy rows? Bench'n heavier the last few weeks and driving your head/neck to hard into the bench? Water intake? Electrolytes?

Point is this - drop it. If you get better, then you can reintroduce it at a lower dose and titrate up over time. If it works, great. If you get the same sh*tty headaches - well, dbol isn't the only AAS in town.

Get better man. Personally, if it makes me feel like sh*t, I ain't taking it.
My brother - listen to your body. It may be that dbol isn't gonna work for you, and that's ok. BUT, don't take it just because you bought it.

Could the headaches be due to the dbol? Yeah. Could it be other things? Yeah.

When did you intro the Cialis? Did you get a lil too motivated at the squat rack? Deadlifts? Heavy rows? Bench'n heavier the last few weeks and driving your head/neck to hard into the bench? Water intake? Electrolytes?

Point is this - drop it. If you get better, then you can reintroduce it at a lower dose and titrate up over time. If it works, great. If you get the same sh*tty headaches - well, dbol isn't the only AAS in town.

Get better man. Personally, if it makes me feel like sh*t, I ain't taking it.
Hey buddy,
So I just work up and still had some headache and then your comment was exactly what I needed to hear to say fuck this shit lol.

Gonna stop taking it and already will skip today and wait until the headache passes and like you said, if it will stop I’ll know it was the dbol if not then Ill probably go get checked.

Appreciate the advice dude ❤️
Hey guys, what’s up.

So today marks 2 weeks of me adding 20mg Dbol everyday PW at around 05:00 AM.

In general I’m on 300/400 Test E/NPP for 10 weeks already and everything was great no sides at all, not my first or second run with Test/NPP.

Anyway the point of this thread is that after week one of introducing Dbol I started experiencing headaches from late afternoon that will last until I go to bed,

First I thought it was BP but all my reading are perfect, not higher then 120/60 while most of the time I’m around 110/55.

I got no E2 side effects, so I’m really bummed that I’m having those headaches as even at 20mg the strength gains are great, and the pump with cialis in the mix is unreal.

Anyway, I’m looking for advice or maybe similar experience from a member that have a possible solution, If not I’ll probably try to stretch it until week 3 and then drop it.

On 300/400 Test/NPP for 10 weeks all was great, added 20mg dbol ED in the past two weeks and started having headaches, BP is fine, no e2 sides, looking for possible solutions.
Have you tried to lower the dose to 10mg? maybe is dose-depending factor.
And control another parameter: E1 (Estrone)
Have you tried to lower the dose to 10mg? maybe is dose-depending factor.
And control another parameter: E1 (Estrone)
i thought about it, but at 10mg what would be even the point? 20 was low anyway.

i decided to drop it completely just to make sure my headache is going away and indeed was related to the Dbol(which probably is since i was already on Test/Npp for a while and had no issues until starting Dbol)

What would be a good replacement for DBOL? i have Var and had good experience with it in the past but it wont give me the fulness i am looking for, i though about LGD, is that a stupid idea?
i thought about it, but at 10mg what would be even the point? 20 was low anyway.

i decided to drop it completely just to make sure my headache is going away and indeed was related to the Dbol(which probably is since i was already on Test/Npp for a while and had no issues until starting Dbol)

What would be a good replacement for DBOL? i have Var and had good experience with it in the past but it wont give me the fulness i am looking for, i though about LGD, is that a stupid idea?
I think pre-workout is just enough 10mg, try to plit the dose (10mg 4 before another 10mg, due the half life of the drug).
The oxandrolone is not comparable to methadienone, you can also try 25mg of oxymetholone (anadrol) or at least some Fluxymesterone (halotestin), it will be a good pre-wo.
I think pre-workout is just enough 10mg, try to plit the dose (10mg 4 before another 10mg, due the half life of the drug).
The oxandrolone is not comparable to methadienone, you can also try 25mg of oxymetholone (anadrol) or at least some Fluxymesterone (halotestin), it will be a good pre-wo.
i was also thinking about that option, that the sides are due to sort half life, i will always get the headache around 6-8 hours after taking the Dbol.

I guess i would just wait for the headaches to pass and then figure out what to do, multiple people suggested Anadrol instead of Dbol so thats on the table as well
i was also thinking about that option, that the sides are due to sort half life, i will always get the headache around 6-8 hours after taking the Dbol.

I guess i would just wait for the headaches to pass and then figure out what to do, multiple people suggested Anadrol instead of Dbol so thats on the table as well
Maybe your body can't tolerate this coumpound, try another one instead of this. Which brand are you using (dbol intend)?
Maybe your body can't tolerate this coumpound, try another one instead of this. Which brand are you using (dbol intend)?
using local Canadian source, JetLabs, very reputable and known.

Could be, will just have to try something else
I like Tbol but it's very different from Dbol.

OP, your experience sounds a lot like mine.

The good news is I respond well to Dbol.

The bad news is I respond well to Dbol.

For me, 20mg ED is too much. I get headaches and my BP goes up. Bad lower back pumps make it hard to do anything.

But 10mg PW only on workout days gives me skin-splitting pumps and a boost to my strength.

It is what it is.
What's the standard protocol for using dbol as a pre as I usually used to cycle it at 10mg every 4 hours since waking up towards gym time but sides are as usual BP and headache..
Haha I like Dbol pre workout , 10mg/ed
Yeah I can def understand why, cialis plus dbol I got such massive pumps and strength gains it was ridiculous

What's the standard protocol for using dbol as a pre as I usually used to cycle it at 10mg every 4 hours since waking up towards gym time but sides are as usual BP and headache..
10mg every 4 hours? So like 40mg per day?
The “normal” protocol is if you take 10-20mg just take all pre workout and that’s it, once you go above, split it AM and PM,
Headaches are the worse last week I had the worse one which actually crippled my back workout I didn’t even start the workout and I was dying
The half life is about 5 hours...which is why some will split it up to 4 times.

But I really liked djpetoe's answer when he mentioned increasing water and electrolyte intake but you didn't respond to that specifically so I'm just wondering, do you even drink water bro? :D

You probably already know this but if you use creatine you have to drink a gallon of water a day. I still say it because I had to remind myself a couple of times... now when I have a headache, my first thought is drink more water.
I’ve tried 3 orals. Dbol, anadrol and anavar. All 3 give me headaches and shoot my bp into dangerous levels. I’ve given up on trying any others.

