Dbol Pct?


New Member
Been looking around the web for a little while now, trying to do some research on how Dbol works. Now that I've finally got an account I can ask and hopefully get some straight up answers.
A buddy of mine said I could do a 6 week Dbol cycle, taking only the Dbol, and wouldn't have to do a pct or anything. Any truth to this? From what I've read it seems like its Androgenic and it has a chance of aromatizing. So would something like Nolva and a test supplement be necessary?
Hey man, new here also. Based on my results from dbol I would say its not so much as a question of being necessary. I for one did not use any ancillaries after a 6 week 30-40mg per day cycle and looking back kinda wish I had. I did keep most of my gains for about a 3 weeks then went down hill. For the cost I'd say go colmid or noval don't know which would be better lol.might be next question
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since you lost some of your gains after that 3 week period, is there anything you'd recommend that would prevent that from happening?
Yeah man, it would be exactly what you outlined. I would do colmid a little off standard protocol
40/20/10/ maybe extra week of 10mg daily depending how you feel. And a naty test booster won't hurt. But if you haven't already purchased one I wouldn't only because it will cost you more and its not totally needed. How many mg you plan to run?
alright I may get one just for the hell of it and see how it goes. And I plan on running it at 30mg/day
Sounds good man, yeah 30mg your gtg iv heard over 50 might want to consider milk thistle to reduce liver enzymes good luck bro
Test should be your first cycle, you don't know how your body will react on 2 different substances. Save the Dbol for round 2!
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A dbol only cycle is fine. You don't need to do test for your first cycle if you don't want to, there are options.

Yes you need PCT, you don't need 3-4 weeks of it though. 2 weeks should be enough for moderate length and dosage dbol cycles.

DBOL "might" aromatize? No, it will...

Milk thistle or liv52 is a must for orals. Don't drink on orals, probably a good idea to not drink while on any AAS since it stops protein synthesis.
Cool, like I said all the info I got was from a friend, and the little bit I've read from random sites. It's hard to distinguish what's true and what isn't so ill take your word for it. Do you think ill lose my gains without the test?
Depends on how you approach the situation.

First, understand you retain water with dbol, so you can't count the water weight as "LBM gain". The first week of dbol is a good indicator of how much water you put on, or how your body reacts to it. This weight will drop at the conclusion of your cycle, however that being said, there is no oral as strong as dbol for mass. You will put on the most muscle with dbol. Just don't be fooled by the scale, a lot of people make this mistake and then they start to think of dbol un-favorably.

You can keep water retention down by limiting sodium, and preserves.

As for when you come off, you need PCT to help keep the gains. You need nutrition and a solid workout program to keep the gains. Another factor will be how close you are to your genetic limit for weight, once you exceed this limit, it is much more difficult to keep gains without some kind of supplementation. Not impossible, but usually more effort than an average user will display.
I try to stay away from oral only cycles, they can be very hard on your liver if you're not careful. Liver support is a must, like 4leaf said previously, but for the sake of cycling I would highly recommend running it with Test-E for 12 weeks or just Test-E alone if you are up for the lengthy wait. Dbol is amazing, in fact I am running it right now, but no doubt the water retention will fool you on the scale. This is my third cycle with Dbol kick-start and the weight is packing on (water, mostly). You will definitely see amazing strength gains and a better recovery during and Post-workout. Just take into consideration the Test-E addition to your cycle, you will love the results.
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A dbol only cycle is fine. You don't need to do test for your first cycle if you don't want to, there are options.

Yes you need PCT, you don't need 3-4 weeks of it though. 2 weeks should be enough for moderate length and dosage dbol cycles.

DBOL "might" aromatize? No, it will...

Milk thistle or liv52 is a must for orals. Don't drink on orals, probably a good idea to not drink while on any AAS since it stops protein synthesis.

I had great gains on a dbol only cycle...kept nolva on hand ....I packed on some good weight gain...some water but not that noticeable ...my avatar is on a 50mg ed dbol only cycle...I dont look bloated of water weighted at all...but again liver protection is a must. i take milk thisle at double dosages and drink zero alcohol while on cycle....