DC Pharmaceuticals US Domestic

"I get paid pretty nicely to detect shit like this".
The cringe is STRONG in that "soft brag" statement. Gave me second hand embarrassment. I'm sure everyone is grateful for your detective work ACE Ventura...as in the comments right above this one I clearly have stated who I am. I'm not sure if this goes for everyone else on here but I personally don't want to associate myself with ANYONE who "detects who people are" on a site such as this. That type of work reflects LE WAY too much. Glad you get paid nicely for it though. I guess you buy donuts and coffee every morning for the LE team back at the precinct.
I work in finance you fucking clown. The only cringe worthy motherfucker in this thread is you, begging for friendship to members like a middle school girl and writing buffets' worth of word salad that everyone is puking up. Nobody likes you. None. Whatever strange issues you're trying to work out from your obviously abused history in this board is deserving of nothing short of all of our pity, of which we grant you.

you're a source continuing to post in other source threads, no? @Millard ? Another spamming retard trying the "just wanna feed my family" card.
I work in finance you fucking clown. The only cringe worthy motherfucker in this thread is you, begging for friendship to members like a middle school girl and writing buffets' worth of word salad that everyone is puking up. Nobody likes you. None. Whatever strange issues you're trying to work out from your obviously abused history in this board is deserving of nothing short of all of our pity, of which we grant you.

you're a source continuing to post in other source threads, no? @Millard ? Another spamming retard trying the "just wanna feed my family" card.
I think this thread may be that BodyRoids guy. He posted this exact list on his page over at UGBB. I could be wrong as it seems like every source is posting DCs price list lol.
I think this thread may be that BodyRoids guy. He posted this exact list on his page over at UGBB. I could be wrong as it seems like every source is posting DCs price list lol.
Still have yet to figure out what's all the fuzz about him. The oils I used from him gave me the worst PIP I've ever had. Sometimes it would last a week. He's always forgetting people's shit and sending wrong items . But I guess if you do a one time jano testing your the king around there.
1)Boldenone Cypionate 200mg x 10ml-45$
2)Cut Stack 250mg x 10ml-65$
3)Decadurabolin 300mg x10ml -37$
4)DHB 200mg x 10ml-65$
5)Equipoise 300mgx 10ml -37$
6)HCG 5000iu no bac water-35$
7)Masteron Propionate 100mgx 10ml -35$
8)Masterone Enanthate 300mg x 10ml -65$
9)Nandrolone Phenylpropionate x 10ml 100-35$
10)Nandrolone phynelpropionate 200mg x10ml-60$
11)Primobolan Enanthate 200mg x 10 ml-85$
12)Sustanon 300mg x 10ml-37$
13)Testosterone 400mg x 10ml-45$
14)Testosterone Cypionate 200mg x 10ml-32$
15)Testosterone Enanthate 300mg x 10ml-35$
16)Testosterone No Ester 100mg x 10ml-35$
17)Testosterone Propionate 100mg x 10ml-25$
18)Testosterone propionate 200mg x 10ml-50$
19)Trenbolone Acetate 100mg x 10ml-40$
20)Trenbolone Acetate 200mg x10ml-75$
21)Trenbolone Enanthate 200mg x 10ml-55$
22)Trenbolone Hex (Parabolan) 200mg x 10ml-75$
23)Anadrol 25mg x 30pills-30$
24)Anadrol 50mg 30 pills-40$
25)Anavar 10mg 30 pills-30$
26)Anavar 25mg x 30 pills-40$
27)Anavar 50mg 30 pills-50$
28)Arimidex 1mg x 30 pills-50$
29)Aromison 12.5mg x 30 pills-45$
30)Cialis 25mg x 30 pills-30$
31)Clomid 50mg x 30 pills-30$
32)Cock bombs 75mg x 30 pills-40$
33)Dianabol 50mg 30 pills-40$
34)Halotestine 10mg x 30 pills-60$
35)Nolvadex 20mg 30 pills-25$
36)Proviron 25mg x 30 pills-35$
37)Proviron 50mg x 30 pills-55$
38)Superdrol 20mg x 30 pills-45$
39)Turinabol 25mg 30 pills-35$
40)Viagra 100mg x 30 pills-62$
41)Winstrol 10mg 30 pills-25$
42)Winstrol 25mg x 30 pills-30$
43)Winstrol 50mg-30-pills-42$
I’ve seen it all on Eroids. I’ve been there since 2010. I’ve also seen BFGs comment to DC about “cleaning his thread up”. Boom all negative comments removed. Eroids is a joke. I posted 2 bad labs from Buy-AS and said he’s selling counterfeit items. My posts were deleted lol.
Only the best AAS got busted writing his own fake reviews on there. I guess you saw that. The thing is I'm sure most of the sources have done that and still do.
I work in finance you fucking clown. The only cringe worthy motherfucker in this thread is you, begging for friendship to members like a middle school girl and writing buffets' worth of word salad that everyone is puking up. Nobody likes you. None. Whatever strange issues you're trying to work out from your obviously abused history in this board is deserving of nothing short of all of our pity, of which we grant you.

you're a source continuing to post in other source threads, no? @Millard ? Another spamming retard trying the "just wanna feed my family"
That can't be entirely TRUE though. I'd say working in finance you're good with numbers no? So would it be fair to say the MAJORITY of the board doesn't like me if I'm receiving orders despite the mob mentality cyber "bullying" attempts? Or is it that the customers don't like me so they purchase out of the "pitty" you speak of? Either WAY...I'm here to make MONEY not FRIENDS and if it's "pitty purchases" I'm receiving then please continue to pitty me and I'll continue to sit here and make money whilst entertaining myself replying to members such as yourself...getting under your skin and enjoying a laugh at your expense allowing you to think you have the ability to harm me with wasted time and typed words on an anonymous steroids forum written by a total stranger....now...BREATHE MAN...breathe...
"I get paid pretty nicely to detect shit like this".
The cringe is STRONG in that "soft brag" statement. Gave me second hand embarrassment. I'm sure everyone is grateful for your detective work ACE Ventura...as in the comments right above this one I clearly have stated who I am. I'm not sure if this goes for everyone else on here but I personally don't want to associate myself with ANYONE who "detects who people are" on a site such as this. That type of work reflects LE WAY too much. Glad you get paid nicely for it though. I guess you buy donuts and coffee every morning for the LE team back at the precinct.

This is the ONLY thing that bothers me out of every single thing I've read and seen on here...That himiJendrix put an angry face. Literally every post he's laughed until now. I actually feel bad now. I made HimiJendrix put an angry emoji. This is the ONLY thing I'll apologize for. I'm sorry HimiJendrix. From the very deep depths of my very blackened heart...I...AM....SORRY...

This is the ONLY thing that bothers me out of every single thing I've read and seen on here...That himiJendrix put an angry face. Literally every post he's laughed until now. I actually feel bad now. I made HimiJendrix put an angry emoji. This is the ONLY thing I'll apologize for. I'm sorry HimiJendrix. From the very deep depths of my very blackened heart...I...AM....SORRY...
My man lay off the crystal
Only the best AAS got busted writing his own fake reviews on there. I guess you saw that. The thing is I'm sure most of the sources have done that and still do.

That can't be entirely TRUE though. I'd say working in finance you're good with numbers no? So would it be fair to say the MAJORITY of the board doesn't like me if I'm receiving orders despite the mob mentality cyber "bullying" attempts? Or is it that the customers don't like me so they purchase out of the "pitty" you speak of? Either WAY...I'm here to make MONEY not FRIENDS and if it's "pitty purchases" I'm receiving then please continue to pitty me and I'll continue to sit here and make money whilst entertaining myself replying to members such as yourself...getting under your skin and enjoying a laugh at your expense allowing you to think you have the ability to harm me with wasted time and typed words on an anonymous steroids forum written by a total stranger....now...BREATHE MAN...breathe...
thanks doc. I'm not irritated by those I pity though. Try Amazon for money, I hear they're hiring for your demographic (angsty clingy cringe-filled teenage girl). Good luck!
@Valiant Distribution very smart with words. If only that carried over to other areas of your life you probably wouldent be so hated.... whats that saying? If 3 people say its a duck its lrobably a duck? What if 50 people say its a duck?... i mean if i was a betting man, i know where my money would be put. If your fulfulling so many orders already and taking "pitty orders" then you shouldent have to defend your self your customers will... oh yea??? Wheres your customers here?
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This man has a lot of shit overdosed and underdoses from his lab reports. LMAO What the hell is this shit. I couldn't even read but 2 pages and had to stop. Haha.
That tren e is potent bro!!!
@Valiant Distribution very smart with words. If only that carried over to other areas of your life you probably wouldent be so hated.... whats that saying? If 3 people say its a duck its lrobably a duck? What if 50 people say its a duck?... i mean if i was a betting man, i know where my money would be put. If your fulfulling so many orders already and taking "pitty orders" then you shouldent have to defend your self your customers will... oh yea??? Wheres your customers here?
I'd say it depends on which 3 people say it's a duck. And of course also if it actually is a duck then no need to listen to those 3 people. I never said I was fulfilling a lot of orders. Just here and there. And that's cool. I'm good with that. Two customers did post pics of gear landed. And they didn't even want to do THAT because of this nonsense gang mentality. Trying to beat up on new sources as they appear. I enjoy these exchanges. That's why I continue to respond with my "smart words" as you ever so politely complimented me above. (Thank you btw). no need for anyone to "defend" me. You are anonymous strangers typing words. There's no danger in that.
I work in finance you fucking clown. The only cringe worthy motherfucker in this thread is you, begging for friendship to members like a middle school girl and writing buffets' worth of word salad that everyone is puking up. Nobody likes you. None. Whatever strange issues you're trying to work out from your obviously abused history in this board is deserving of nothing short of all of our pity, of which we grant you.

you're a source continuing to post in other source threads, no? @Millard ? Another spamming retard trying the "just wanna feed my family" card.
what's the "@Millard" all about? Did you just try to tell on me? Why....you dirty ...filthy...rat.