Death at the Arnold - Recreational Diuretic and DNP Use


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Some of you may be aware of the death at occurred at the Arnold this weekend.

Inevitably there will be lots of conflicting information and accusations. As probably only a handful of people on Meso with decently close access to the source, I figured I’d get out ahead of it.

- she was not competing and was not in prep
- the protocol she used (still largely tbd) was not coach directed
- she was using what she was apparently to simply “look good” at the expo
- consensus right now is use of a potassium sparing diuretic and DNP at the same time
- potassium reading of >9.0 likely the cause cardiac arrest

I know we’ve had some deaths of forum members at times. This shit is risky. And to be honest, this girl was smarter than the vast majority of AAS users I’ve met and was truly spoken well of by everyone who knew her, but seemed to have a disorder and it got the best of her.

My hope in posting this is to break this before false info dominates. And to hope that anyone reading this can appreciate the lessons to be learned here. We play with very dangerous drugs for this sport. And the “whatever it takes” mentality only opens the door wider to dangerous behavior.

Be smart, stay safe.


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