Deca Dick.


New Member
So three years ago was the last time that I ever had sex as I relapsed on drugs and was too busy being a junkie rather than looking good and getting pussy. Over a year ago I got clean, started training again, started aas again and now I'm looking pretty fucken good. So 2 weeks ago I was with the girl of my dreams who I think is hot as fuck and picked up on body language and some pheromones and realized she wanted to get down to business. It started off all passionate and shit like the movies then bam! Deca dick. I couldn't get rock hard like I used too. WTF I thought. 3 years and then this. So I'm 8 weeks into a test e, deca and dbol stack (finished dbol at week 6) and it's going great. I'm also on arimidex at 1mg eod. Obviously without bloods it's hard to say whether it's directly related to the deca (500mg/pw) or estrogen however my question is will Viagara help my situation until I get bloods?
If you got this far thanks for hanging in there.
How much deca are you using? I have found that for myself it doesn't take much deca to cause ed.

My advice is to not use it any longer. Congrats on being clean and sober. You have more than a few brothers here. Stay focused on what really matters, and set the deca aside for now.
Deca is likely the worst offender with respect to ED, from an anecdotal perspective.

What does that mean? All things being equal, which they rarely are, it seems I've seen more patients complain of ED while cycling Nandrolone than all other AAS combined.

The point should seem relative obvious, drop the Deca! (Lab tests may help also especially if your TT is low)
Deca is likely the worst offender with respect to ED, from an anecdotal perspective.

What does that mean? All things being equal, which they rarely are, it seems I've seen more patients complain of ED while cycling Nandrolone than all other AAS combined.

The point should seem relative obvious, drop the Deca!

Wouldn't a regimen that includes test keep one from getting "Deca Dick"?

I've ran a lot of npp, and always had solid "wood"!
I've been using Deca at 300mg and Test at 500mg pw without any ed issues. I'm using pharmacy 1mg adex EOD. I've actually had the opposite problem and am having a great time with my girl. If you don't want to drop it, maybe reduce dosage. Or like was already mentioned, get pharmacy ai if you are using ugl adex.
Wouldn't a regimen that includes test keep one from getting "Deca Dick"?

I've ran a lot of npp, and always had solid "wood"!

Oh sure I've no doubt that helps yet there's something about Nandrolone bc lets face it AAS in general enhance libido BUT that's not necessarily the case with this particular AAS.

It SEEMS to be more than just a low TT level for some IME.
Everyone is different I couldn't keep myself off the wife on deca shit was a beast. Have you put on some porn to see if it's still a issue.
Just get the Viagra dude. It will put your mind at ease and you'll have the hardest wood imaginable. In fact I think anyone doing a cycle should have Viagra on them as a backup for situations like this.
Cialis/viagra combo and bang the F outta her. Get off the deca for now.
Doing deca at The moment i have to say that most of The time The decadick can happen not only with deca and it's Mostly not about deca.

Its all about estrogen in my opinion. I for example have to choose between: rock solid erection and Great sex drive but Puffy nipples all the time or not so puffy nipple, drier look but not so great erection without cialis and sex drive not crazy.

In The end The high libido get Boring and The erection get fixed with 5mg cialis ed.

So prefer drier look and no so puffy nipple (pre existing gyno from puberty).

For me it has always been E2 the culprit. I skip two doses of my AI I have crazy morning wood but I can tell my estro is increasing just looking at the mirror. :)

Proviron and cialis works good for this kind of problem :)

You know... You are on cycle.. Screwing with hormones in your body, it's so easy to fuck something up and have the pecker dieing on you when needed. Just use cialis/viagra/levitra.

Cialis even helps your prostate and blood pressure :D
So I've been thinking and I think most of you guys are right in regards to dumping the deca. So I've decided that it's time to say goodbye to the deca and switching to masteron for the remainder of my cycle which is 8 weeks. Since deca is a long ester I will hit my dr up for some viagara as I expect my ed will continue until the steroid has cleared from my system. Their have been some good lessons learnt though and they are:
A) My deca is good shit and legit
B) In future I will run equipoise instead of deca
C)No steroid is worth loosing the use of your dick
D)Chicks love guys who have a great physique however if you can't perform in bed she will leave you in a heartbeat for a skinny 60kg guy with hard cock
E)Getting off drugs and training will help you get the girl you always wanted.
Thanks for the input fellas. I'll let you know how it all goes......