Steroid Profile Deca Durabolin

Hey so who has any exponent experience with Deca as it relates to rebuilding rejuvenating joints I’ve been through orthopedic hell and was attracted to HGH for this I know Anabar can help with tendons and stuff sometimes budeca seems the best,
I’m gonna run a TRT dose of test E (200-250) with 4ius EOD of optitropin. I was looking for a kick starter bulker but deca is interesting Because of the joint help
What are you guys think 10200 mg data on top of the HEH and test?
Hey man, im new, but in the same boat. I’ve had both knees replaced, plate and 4 screws in right
Knee…. Ruptured both distal biceps, and much more.
Just finished a run of 400 test/400 Deca with dbol on the front end. For me, joint relief was amazing. No pain for weeks. Joints felt smoother.
well thats strange. all the literature suggests nandrolone is good for the joints, and a quick search turned up tons of anecdotes about dbol causing joint pain. we all truly respond differently huh? I'll have my hands on a 300/ml vial of deca on Monday, and figured id start with 75mg a week along with my 175 trt. Praying for instant relief but these things take time.
It will take like 3 weeks for deca to help on the joints. I’d concider bumping it up to 100mg
I remember people were all in to deca once, it was trendy you know just like tren is now, I guess.

Now, I personally never understood the praise for deca. Sure it gives you that temporary mass and all, but I just always responded way better to Testosterone. However, even then side effects and weird feeling on deca always felt off and strange to me.

I have to give it some credit though and for people who respond very bad to test, deca is decent alternative which can provide you essentially the same benefits when it comes to anabolism.

All in all, it is an old school steroid and nowadays I believe it's getting irrelevant, as we have many different steroids to choose from and also NPP which for some reason works better for most people. Apart from small percentage, I think use of deca is just redundant as we have better choices these days.
Deca was prescirbed to me for some joint and muscle pain, within a week or 2 I started to feel much better. I was thankful
Deca reduces my bicep tendonitis to the point where I really don't notice it and I can actually train biceps.

The tradeoff is that it makes pop-off too fast at my kids or coworkers, and when I see myself do that I get sad and depressed.

I'll probably keep in the toolbox later in life as the wear and tear gets worse, and once the kids are out of the house and the house is paid off.
Seems like ppl either love it or hate it.
I just finished my first week of 120 NPP added on top of 220 test-c /week, looking forward to the benefits and staying cautious of the sides. Upping cardio and drawing blood monthly.
Has anyone had experience using deca + test long term, 1 year + ?
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My Current (& Limited) Deca Experience:

I'm about 12 weeks into 400mg of Deca (750Test/600Mast). First run. Significant shoulder and knee joint relief by week 3-4. I'm overhead DB pressing again:D and my right knee always felt a little irritated for around 24hrs post leg day.... hasn't bothered me once while on Deca. Definitely notice a slight "depression cloud" hanging over my head though, but after recognizing it for what it was, it's completely tolerable for me. Gains have been consistent, but a bit watery. No negative libido effects. I'm enjoying it thus far.

Pushing dose up to 600 for the final quarter of the blast. Not sure if I will blast Nandrolone again, but I definitely think a small dose will be a staple in the future for how good my body feels on it.
My Current (& Limited) Deca Experience:

I'm about 12 weeks into 400mg of Deca (750Test/600Mast). First run. Significant shoulder and knee joint relief by week 3-4. I'm overhead DB pressing again:D and my right knee always felt a little irritated for around 24hrs post leg day.... hasn't bothered me once while on Deca. Definitely notice a slight "depression cloud" hanging over my head though, but after recognizing it for what it was, it's completely tolerable for me. Gains have been consistent, but a bit watery. No negative libido effects. I'm enjoying it thus far.

Pushing dose up to 600 for the final quarter of the blast. Not sure if I will blast Nandrolone again, but I definitely think a small dose will be a staple in the future for how good my body feels on it.
Im surprised you feel a bit of depression with that much test or does Masteron kinda do that to you as well?
Im surprised you feel a bit of depression with that much test or does Masteron kinda do that to you as well?
No I actually feel amazing on ~1:1 Test/Mast. It's basically a staple for me every cycle. I also can't rule out the placebo affect, having read so much about the depression aspect prior and this being my first Nandrolone go. It's totally manageable though, not total doom and gloom... just a little overcast if I allow my mental to take me there (if that makes sense). I should also disclose that I have dealt with Depression as a youth prior to AAS.

Could also have been my hormones fluctuating as I can't really report any really depressive thoughts over the past 2 weeks.
Some people pointed out its not good because of the long half life.

My question than is, those of us on Trt, would it be better suited to us throwing in say 200mg / wk for a month or 2? Since we stay on test year round, it shouldn't affect a PCT thst requuires a longer time frame? So it should be in that sense, safer for us?
Some people pointed out its not good because of the long half life.

My question than is, those of us on Trt, would it be better suited to us throwing in say 200mg / wk for a month or 2? Since we stay on test year round, it shouldn't affect a PCT thst requuires a longer time frame? So it should be in that sense, safer for us?
If you want to try nandrolone for 1 or 2 months just use NPP. No real point running deca for that short of a time period in my opinion.
If you want to try nandrolone for 1 or 2 months just use NPP. No real point running deca for that short of a time period in my opinion.
So deca is more of a long use aas where as npp would be shorter? I was interested in deca since it was offered at my clinic, however I plan to try to get something ugl and save some money