Deca vs Primo

Diesel D

New Member
Question. So I experienced super bad depression with deca. I’ve been off everything except test for about 6 months to reset shit and start feeling normal again. My question is, if I start primo will I experience the same issues? Or does anyone have any input on an oil that will have some of the same effects with out the severe depression and anxiety.

Question. So I experienced super bad depression with deca. I’ve been off everything except test for about 6 months to reset shit and start feeling normal again. My question is, if I start primo will I experience the same issues? Or does anyone have any input on an oil that will have some of the same effects with out the severe depression and anxiety.

as i know only Npp,deca and tren 19 nor can give people depression and anxiety.
primo is very mild and most people wont even feel primo or changes in mood.
Primo is tied for the best (least sides) with Anavar IME. You really can’t do better - I love primo but it seems to cause a lot of shedding. But it’s safe and just does what it’s supposed to. Never heard of anyone getting depression from it as long as your labs are good.
Primo is my favorite PED, if anything I'd say I have an uptick in my overall mood when I'm on. As I understand it, it works like an AI to a degree, someone chime in if that's incorrect.
Primo is very unique drug,you ill see very different results on you with proper diet and training,but keep an eye on E2 cause many times you can crush your E2 with big dosages.
I’ve never ran primo but from what my body has been experiencing the past few years I think in a few months I’m going to give it a go. I’ve never had depression from a nandrolone though, used npp and tren several times, maybe elevated anxiety and symptoms associated with stomach/lipid/liver stuff. Primo seems to be, from what I have read, the best bang for your buck in terms of no/limited side effects with e2 control and lean gains
as i know only Npp,deca and tren 19 nor can give people depression and anxiety.
primo is very mild and most people wont even feel primo or changes in mood.
EQ is also known to exacerbate anxiety symptoms in some people as well.

@op all AAS have the capacity to effect mood, try for yourself and see, no one can answer the question for you.
however primo is not known for causing issues
I get bad mental sides from both deca and tren, so both of them are not for me.

I suspect that all hormones have psychoactive effects, but given a choice, I'd prefer to take things that have a positive effect on my mental state.

I like primo a lot, all gainz/no sidez. Only downside IMO is the weekly oil volume to get a decent dose in you. Some guys will scoff at that but I'm just a filthy casual.
I feel the absolute best mentally on primo. Also makes me grow better than any other compound. The downside is the injections generally end up sore
for me dhts give me the opposite of depression whatever that would be. I feel pretty good on primo. I have gotten depressed on deca, shit is weird I dont run it anymore becuase it seems to fuck with my head and my emotions a lot. Almost as bad as tren. I dont think primo will cause depression. Just my opinion tho.
I feel the absolute best mentally on primo. Also makes me grow better than any other compound. The downside is the injections generally end up sore

The ping pong ball sized lumps give me 3d shoulders lol. I'm cruising on 150 test/150 primo right now. It's been great. Helped me get in shape for the summer.
Primo is tied for the best (least sides) with Anavar IME. You really can’t do better - I love primo but it seems to cause a lot of shedding. But it’s safe and just does what it’s supposed to. Never heard of anyone getting depression from it as long as your labs are good.
I had shedding on it initially too until upping my test higher, I think it’s just from crashed e2 cause same thing happened to me on EQ when running it 1:1 but it went away for me after raising my test
Question. So I experienced super bad depression with deca. I’ve been off everything except test for about 6 months to reset shit and start feeling normal again. My question is, if I start primo will I experience the same issues? Or does anyone have any input on an oil that will have some of the same effects with out the severe depression and anxiety.

What dose decca and hiw much test ? Have yku tried npp? I get mental sides from 409mg up with decca but very little to none with npp. Primo is primo. I personally don't get mental sides on it. But in order to run high dose of primo I have to run a really high dose of test. For example, if I want to use 500mg of primo.. I need atleast 800mg of test. If bot my e2 gets to low and I feel off and seems well-being/recovery drop off as well.
Question. So I experienced super bad depression with deca. I’ve been off everything except test for about 6 months to reset shit and start feeling normal again. My question is, if I start primo will I experience the same issues? Or does anyone have any input on an oil that will have some of the same effects with out the severe depression and anxiety.

Deca is a shit drug for me. Mentally I felt terrible on it. Primo is my favorite of everything, feel great on it and love what it does, especially when dieting hard. You will have to try it and see how you respond to it. There are many different options to choose from and you just have to use trial and error and find out what works best for you. For example, I won’t use anything but test, primo, masteron, and GH anymore. I feel great on those compounds mentally and physically, and they give me the best results of anything I’ve used. Don’t get hung up on a drug like deca thinking you have to use it because most people like it. I used it twice and absolutely hated it both times. No drug is worth feeling shitty mentally on no matter what the physical benefits are.