Designer Anabolic Steroids: A Challenge For Toxicologists

Michael Scally MD

Doctor of Medicine
10+ Year Member
Designer Anabolic Steroids: A Challenge For Toxicologists

Novel substances of performance have appeared since the 1960s. These substances are synthesized from anabolic androgenic steroids and are presented as designer steroids. They are used by top athletes for doping purposes as they increase lean body mass, strength, aggressiveness and lead to a shorter recovery time between workouts, but also by amateurs to improve their body aesthetic. Indeed, the use of designer steroids enables to improve performance and increase muscle mass.

However, an overconsumption can cause health issues such as testicular cancer, hypogonadism or neuro-psychic disorders, including domestic violence. The designer steroids are available on the internet as dietary supplements. Their easy access and the difficulty of their detection is a big challenge for toxicological and forensic laboratories. The use of these drugs is problematic for doping, clinical and forensic aspects. As it is the case with other new psychoactive substances, obtaining reference material can be a challenge for toxicology laboratories. This short review of the literature aims to highlight some issues related to the abuse of designer steroids.

Gheddar L, Ameline A, Raul J-S, Kintz P. Designer anabolic steroids: A challenge for toxicologists. Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique 2019;31:293-7. Designer anabolic steroids: A challenge for toxicologists - ScienceDirect


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