Sudden Cardiac Death in Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid Users

this all varies yes it is unhealthy , but it is what we enjoy and we know it may come with a risk but why would i live a boring natural life when I personally want to make gains and be better in the gym. Whos to say we will all live a full life even without anabolics? anyone of us can die anyday so might as well do what you like but of course to a certain degree of care for health. Death is enevitable and I personally dont care living past 70 and the way this world is going atm god knows wtf life will be in 30 years time lol. Or we can even be lucky with pharmaceuticals that will help us live longer nobody knows.
Hope you all of you will sooner or later be free from the fear of death...

Life can be (can be.. not “It is”) about quality over quantity.. and everyone has his priorities...

Just remember that you wont suffer from death and what follows.. death means being unconscious of everything...

I fuckin hate our fuckin stupid human body... too sickly... nonetheless i would have started my journey in bb at 17 years old.. like other successful people.. i need to state this because doing it sweeten the harsh taste of remorse..

i know lot of people says Meso is a harmful reducing board dont be on gears when you re full of test... ahah i wasnt full of test.. i was a dick, so i would have started bodybuilding with peds in my 17s , right now i would be maybe a fitness celeb or maybe i would be dead .. who cares about death.. be afraid of death is a stupid instinct and when you ll defeat it you ll feel freer... good night to all guyz..

What a legend... he was a masterpiece... muuuch more beautiful than current Dyno Oympians

Agreed, though I do have a counterpoint. I am also a believer in quality of life over quantity of years but that leads me to make healthy decisions leading to more quality time here. Point being, I may have used test early on but I don’t think I would have used anything else until my 20s
I don't think 20 years of heavy and/or continuous AAS use is good in either scenario.

As far as the best decade in your life to use AAS, please allow me to entertain a contrarian point of view.

I'm not sure I would agree that it is safer to wait and use AAS when you are older than younger. Of course, if death is an outcome, then obviously it's better to wait until your later years.

However, I would speculate that is is far riskier for older men (40s, 50s, and older) to use supraphysiologic dosages of AAS than younger men (20s).

In general, the 20-somethings have an advantage due to their better overall health, freedom from disease, enhanced exercise tolerance and recovery, and general system plasticity. As an added bonus, some of the muscle-building alterations from AAS following discontinuation are increasingly appearing to be semi-permanent (persisting for many years and maybe decades).

This could very well be the case for those who use AAS for a limited period e.g. 5 years or less and perhaps <10 years. Once it becomes a lifestyle, 10, 20, 30+ years, then all bets are off.
Sorry I judge a country by their ability to provide decent and clean plumbing to ALL of its people! Lithuania's Annual Household Income per Capita reached 7,200.462 USD in Dec 2019, compared with the previous value of 6,903.833 USD in Dec 2018. Lithuania's Annual Household Income per Capita data is updated yearly, available from Dec 2005 to Dec 2019, with an averaged value of 5,004.708 USD. If its so good there why don't live and work here with your wife and her family? Not trying to insult you are or the country just sating facts and data. How good and what can a person eat on 7k a year? Lithuanian cuisine is generally mild. Potatoes and rye bread are the staple foods and pork are the favorite meat, followed by beef and chicken. Seaside areas have traditional fish recipes but most other seafood is considered inedible. Just making points that even their diet if poor for the most part, also how many people smoke there? HMMMMM It is ignorant and stupid to look at a study from a country very differnt from America sadly, and compare. I can go on with all the variables left out and inconsistencies that matter. Not trying to argue or start shit just stating that this study praticlay worthless for any real correlation to what we do.
LOL! Dude, slow down and think carefully for a little before reaching your conclusions. 1 in 4 Americans (82 million people) did not die of heart attacks! LOL!

It is one in four deaths, according to what you posted. Guess what? Heart disease is by far the leading cause of death for bodybuilders.

Pay attention, carefully consider, then post. Don't just react and post the first frivolous shit that pops into your head.

You may or may not have a valid point, but you won't know until you apply a little thought to what you are reading.
Please show data proving your post the heart attack is the leading cause of death of bodybulders and it is greater then genral population, you cant and yoiu wont becuase it cant be proved and you are guessing and assuming at best.
Wow. I did not even notice 25% of the male population dying in 2017, much less the cause of death. I must have been busy at work and not watching the news.
Its 1 and 4 of men that died, do you know anything about statistical data? Do you know how to examine and read a study and look at variables? Ok maybe I am being too hard here and you should read up and learn.
Actually my error, I was wrong! The study was peer reviewed in Lithuania. However this is not an actual study, it is a study of 93 or so studies on the topic, referencing a few pages from each. Steroids could have defiantly been a factor or not, they are referring to less than 30 athletes as well. Oh boy, lets see, how many people do you think abuse AAS? Here is an interesting variable that may or may not have been considered
According to the National Center for Catastrophic Sport Injury Research, 85 college athletes died from 2000 to 2016 from indirect causes related to their sport. (Indirect causes of death, such as heatstroke and sudden cardiac arrest, occur when overexertion causes one or more of the body’s key systems to fail.) Of those 85 deaths, 40 percent were football players. And according to Scott Anderson, Oklahoma’s head athletic trainer who has published research on the subject, 23 Division I football players alone have died from indirect causes since 2000. Most of the deaths occurred after workouts or conditioning drills, including a Maryland offensive lineman who died in June.* Most football players have elevated body weight, also the NAACP has drug testing that limits the use of AAS, and im sure if drugs were involved they would be all over it and parents would be suing the fuck out of someone. People die all the fucking time! from a host of reasons, yes AAS could and Im sure have contributed to death and illness lets not be stupid or naive.For the most part it is because AAS work and do what they are suppose to do. Weight gain, which leads to a host of down stream effects, BP issues etc. An enlarged heart can come from just weight training. or even running. Steroids aren't really healthy its a risk reward system.Choose your poison carefully. Sorry if my posts came off like an asshole.
For me the problem is high hct. It's the one issue that is a complete pain in the ass.

I'm have to drain off 1.5 liters of whole blood every 6 weeks and even then I'm still at 60% every time I remove my blood. If I let it go to 8 weeks it's at 65%.

Now add this up over a lifetime and I'm certain this is gonna cause problems. I've been doing this blood draw crap for twelve years.

High blood pressure, pounding heart, head aches, blurred vision, ringing ears once the hct gets close to 65%. None of this shit is good and I can't be the only one on this journey.

Sure doctors remove people like me from aas, but I would never allow this, so I'm certain that I'm taking years off my life and that's okay as long as I die in my sleep I'm a happy camper.
Sorry I judge a country by their ability to provide decent and clean plumbing to ALL of its people! Lithuania's Annual Household Income per Capita reached 7,200.462 USD in Dec 2019, compared with the previous value of 6,903.833 USD in Dec 2018. Lithuania's Annual Household Income per Capita data is updated yearly, available from Dec 2005 to Dec 2019, with an averaged value of 5,004.708 USD. If its so good there why don't live and work here with your wife and her family? Not trying to insult you are or the country just sating facts and data. How good and what can a person eat on 7k a year? Lithuanian cuisine is generally mild. Potatoes and rye bread are the staple foods and pork are the favorite meat, followed by beef and chicken. Seaside areas have traditional fish recipes but most other seafood is considered inedible. Just making points that even their diet if poor for the most part, also how many people smoke there? HMMMMM It is ignorant and stupid to look at a study from a country very differnt from America sadly, and compare. I can go on with all the variables left out and inconsistencies that matter. Not trying to argue or start shit just stating that this study praticlay worthless for any real correlation to what we do.
I’m not necesarrily insulted I guess I did word that strongly but yeah a lot of them poor but a lot of them grow their own food and are mostly self sufficient. I’m just saying that maybe by your post if I was never there I would agree bu having been there, they’re way more advanced than you’d suspect by their plumbing. sorry If I was rude just making a point that I don’t think it’s fair to discredit the study based on that info.
I get what you’re saying mostly though.
Sorry I judge a country by their ability to provide decent and clean plumbing to ALL of its people! Lithuania's Annual Household Income per Capita reached 7,200.462 USD in Dec 2019, compared with the previous value of 6,903.833 USD in Dec 2018. Lithuania's Annual Household Income per Capita data is updated yearly, available from Dec 2005 to Dec 2019, with an averaged value of 5,004.708 USD. If its so good there why don't live and work here with your wife and her family? Not trying to insult you are or the country just sating facts and data. How good and what can a person eat on 7k a year? Lithuanian cuisine is generally mild. Potatoes and rye bread are the staple foods and pork are the favorite meat, followed by beef and chicken. Seaside areas have traditional fish recipes but most other seafood is considered inedible. Just making points that even their diet if poor for the most part, also how many people smoke there? HMMMMM It is ignorant and stupid to look at a study from a country very differnt from America sadly, and compare. I can go on with all the variables left out and inconsistencies that matter. Not trying to argue or start shit just stating that this study praticlay worthless for any real correlation to what we do.
For me the problem is high hct. It's the one issue that is a complete pain in the ass.

I'm have to drain off 1.5 liters of whole blood every 6 weeks and even then I'm still at 60% every time I remove my blood. If I let it go to 8 weeks it's at 65%.

Now add this up over a lifetime and I'm certain this is gonna cause problems. I've been doing this blood draw crap for twelve years.

High blood pressure, pounding heart, head aches, blurred vision, ringing ears once the hct gets close to 65%. None of this shit is good and I can't be the only one on this journey.

Sure doctors remove people like me from aas, but I would never allow this, so I'm certain that I'm taking years off my life and that's okay as long as I die in my sleep I'm a happy camper.
Maybe my hct isn’t as high as I thought cuz I ain’t get any of those symptoms
Actually my error, I was wrong! The study was peer reviewed in Lithuania. However this is not an actual study, it is a study of 93 or so studies on the topic, referencing a few pages from each. Steroids could have defiantly been a factor or not, they are referring to less than 30 athletes as well. Oh boy, lets see, how many people do you think abuse AAS? Here is an interesting variable that may or may not have been considered
According to the National Center for Catastrophic Sport Injury Research, 85 college athletes died from 2000 to 2016 from indirect causes related to their sport. (Indirect causes of death, such as heatstroke and sudden cardiac arrest, occur when overexertion causes one or more of the body’s key systems to fail.) Of those 85 deaths, 40 percent were football players. And according to Scott Anderson, Oklahoma’s head athletic trainer who has published research on the subject, 23 Division I football players alone have died from indirect causes since 2000. Most of the deaths occurred after workouts or conditioning drills, including a Maryland offensive lineman who died in June.* Most football players have elevated body weight, also the NAACP has drug testing that limits the use of AAS, and im sure if drugs were involved they would be all over it and parents would be suing the fuck out of someone. People die all the fucking time! from a host of reasons, yes AAS could and Im sure have contributed to death and illness lets not be stupid or naive.For the most part it is because AAS work and do what they are suppose to do. Weight gain, which leads to a host of down stream effects, BP issues etc. An enlarged heart can come from just weight training. or even running. Steroids aren't really healthy its a risk reward system.Choose your poison carefully. Sorry if my posts came off like an asshole.
Really??!! The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is now testing for AAS and PEDs????????????I never saw that story on FOX.
I’m not necesarrily insulted I guess I did word that strongly but yeah a lot of them poor but a lot of them grow their own food and are mostly self sufficient. I’m just saying that maybe by your post if I was never there I would agree bu having been there, they’re way more advanced than you’d suspect by their plumbing. sorry If I was rude just making a point that I don’t think it’s fair to discredit the study based on that info.
I get what you’re saying mostly though.
No I am sorry for not taking into consideration other peoples and countries misfortunes and how fortunate we are here In America.
No I am sorry for not taking into consideration other peoples and countries misfortunes and how fortunate we are here In America.
True, we are very fortunate. And before my wife I would have thought the same way but after being there I realized you shouldn’t discredit a country based on these statistics and things like nationwide plumbing lol
True, we are very fortunate. And before my wife I would have thought the same way but after being there I realized you shouldn’t discredit a country based on these statistics and things like nationwide plumbing lol
Its 2020 and there are countries with nuclear weapons and terrible plumbing! I don't get it. Ive been all over the world and I refuse to take a county/Government seriously when people are shitting in holes, and unless you have been there no one knows! its like a big secret! Terrible