My friend, this is a situation that happens due to an issue with the shipment. The cold created in the mailbox or on the road causes this to occur.
It sometimes happens, or it doesnt’t..
In the summer, this issue never occurs.
100% I agree tCyp can crash (easier than E) and I wasn't too worried, until I tried heating it up twice now and it doesn't dissolve out.

Mine is literally baking right now and I can give an unbiased opinion as to whether this works or not. If this doesn't work though there's something else going on. Will report back in next hour
If your Test Cyp looks cloudy, either it’s having a bad day (crystals from the cold), got some unwanted guests (water or bacteria), or Noxy labs played chemist and failed. Just ordered Test C myself, hoping mine doesn’t show up looking like a science experiment. Better to ask the experts who brew their own - maybe they’ll have a clue what’s going on. Any ideas what could be causing this? @Dirthand @narta
If it doesn't clear with heat, then it's moisture. Crashed test c always clears with heat. And crashed test c has crystals if it goes in the cold. Put it in the fridge and search for crystals forming

@DevonPharmacy heated for 40mins @ 165f per your rec..... just looked at it, still EXACT same cloudiness. its completely unchanged. not a chance now with 2x ziplock heats and 1x baking per your recommendation heating that it should still be cloudy here....something has gotta be inside it, its not crashed.
Alright yall, popping in to leave a review here with some before and after pics.

About 6 months ago I decided to start taking training serious again after falling offf the wagon pretty hard so I decided to order some test to get started again. I got that from another source that I had used previously and things were super chill easing my way back into things. A few weeks back on cycle I found Devon’s page on here and decided to give his stuff a shot. Devon was super quick, I’ve made a post about my first order with theses guys a while back you can go find that. I ordered some Anavar and used that mid cycle, stuff was great. I also ordered alongside the Anavar some EQ which I took at a fairly low dose of 300 mg for about 16ish weeks, stuff was awesome, I swear it made my skin glow golden too. Well after I finished the Anavar and was about 5-6 weeks into the the EQ I decided to order some tren acetate. Everything came in just as well as the rest and I ran the tren are titrating doses up from 250 mg to eventually around 420ish mg a week(pinning that daily to keep serum concentration levels stable). Tren ace was great, didn’t get Tren cough until I was pretty deep into the cycle using it. I remember the first 6-8 weeks it was mostly just night sweats and a somewhat terrible time staying asleep. Results speak for themselves on this one though. Devon’s products are good, quite literally the shit, and his responsiveness is what seems to keep people coming back. I believe I started this cycle at 6’5” 245 lbs(first picture), dropped down to about 230ish lbs, then ended the cycle back at about 240lbs which is the after picture

Now it’s time for a mass phase now that I’m back in shape, I’m going to try some of the npp and also anadrol that Devon has and I’ll be back to report that in the future.

@DevonPharmacy heated for 40mins @ 165f per your rec..... just looked at it, still EXACT same cloudiness. its completely unchanged. not a chance now with 2x ziplock heats and 1x baking per your recommendation heating that it should still be cloudy here....something has gotta be inside it, its not crashed.
To clarify, our testosterone cypionate is dissolved in an oil base primarily composed of medium-chain triglycerides (MCT), with a small percentage of sesame oil added to accommodate colder weather conditions. Variations in the oil's composition or the presence of certain additives may contribute to cloudiness. When the oil cools, some components can precipitate, resulting in a cloudy appearance.

For those who are concerned about the cloudiness and suspect it may indicate a problem with the product, you have options available. You can send the product for testing to verify its purity and concentration, or you may reach out to us for a replacement.

In summary, the cloudiness observed in testosterone cypionate is typically a result of temperature effects on the oil carrier rather than contamination or issues related to the formulation process
To clarify, our testosterone cypionate is dissolved in an oil base primarily composed of medium-chain triglycerides (MCT), with a small percentage of sesame oil added to accommodate colder weather conditions. Variations in the oil's composition or the presence of certain additives may contribute to cloudiness. When the oil cools, some components can precipitate, resulting in a cloudy appearance.

For those who are concerned about the cloudiness and suspect it may indicate a problem with the product, you have options available. You can send the product for testing to verify its purity and concentration, or you may reach out to us for a replacement.

In summary, the cloudiness observed in testosterone cypionate is typically a result of temperature effects on the oil carrier rather than contamination or issues related to the formulation process
You see my pic above right? That looks safe to use for you and is just carrier? Just being straightforward here that I think members are going to be a bit dissuaded going forward if you have other products that may look like this as well.
You see my pic above right? That looks safe to use for you and is just carrier? Just being straightforward here that I think members are going to be a bit dissuaded going forward if you have other products that may look like this as well.
Bro, as I mentioned, this is a situation caused by the crystallization in Cypionate, so it can’t be related to any other product.
You see my pic above right? That looks safe to use for you and is just carrier? Just being straightforward here that I think members are going to be a bit dissuaded going forward if you have other products that may look like this as well.
I have Test E and EQ from him - no floaters, no hair, and not cloudy. Everything looks clean.
I have Test E and EQ from him - no floaters, no hair, and not cloudy. Everything looks clean.
yea the eq I have is perfectly normal. im getting him to replace mine w Test E. just stick w pharm cyp. seems so many UGL have issues keeping Test C stable.
yea the eq I have is perfectly normal. im getting him to replace mine w Test E. just stick w pharm cyp. seems so many UGL have issues keeping Test C stable.
I think I’ll stop selling Test C until summer! Maybe I’ll only sell it to customers who accept the crashing issue. I’ll show this picture to those who want to buy and tell them if it’s crashed due to the cold, they can buy it if they accept that.
Just update, Devon reached out to me and 100% making sure to rectify this. This is an A+ source in my book

1- acknowledges problem immediately
2- rectifies it in whatever way I wanted
3- is thinking about halting said product until it can be figured out 100% to ensure no further hiccups w other clients

Shit happens in this realm, can't help it, but how somebody rectifies it is worth its weight in gold. Perfect response here. Take it as you will.

@DevonPharmacy heated for 40mins @ 165f per your rec..... just looked at it, still EXACT same cloudiness. its completely unchanged. not a chance now with 2x ziplock heats and 1x baking per your recommendation heating that it should still be cloudy here....something has gotta be inside it, its not crashed.
Moisture is what it is I’m 100 sure…
So you think it's bunk? Can moisture be fixed?
yeh… trt posted guide how to fix… but I would have concerns and not order from there personally… lack of quality control if you got water in gear…