Alright yall, popping in to leave a review here with some before and after pics.

About 6 months ago I decided to start taking training serious again after falling offf the wagon pretty hard so I decided to order some test to get started again. I got that from another source that I had used previously and things were super chill easing my way back into things. A few weeks back on cycle I found Devon’s page on here and decided to give his stuff a shot. Devon was super quick, I’ve made a post about my first order with theses guys a while back you can go find that. I ordered some Anavar and used that mid cycle, stuff was great. I also ordered alongside the Anavar some EQ which I took at a fairly low dose of 300 mg for about 16ish weeks, stuff was awesome, I swear it made my skin glow golden too. Well after I finished the Anavar and was about 5-6 weeks into the the EQ I decided to order some tren acetate. Everything came in just as well as the rest and I ran the tren are titrating doses up from 250 mg to eventually around 420ish mg a week(pinning that daily to keep serum concentration levels stable). Tren ace was great, didn’t get Tren cough until I was pretty deep into the cycle using it. I remember the first 6-8 weeks it was mostly just night sweats and a somewhat terrible time staying asleep. Results speak for themselves on this one though. Devon’s products are good, quite literally the shit, and his responsiveness is what seems to keep people coming back. I believe I started this cycle at 6’5” 245 lbs(first picture), dropped down to about 230ish lbs, then ended the cycle back at about 240lbs which is the after picture

Now it’s time for a mass phase now that I’m back in shape, I’m going to try some of the npp and also anadrol that Devon has and I’ll be back to report that in the future.
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Tf … is this paid promo? Or chill…
Hey fella, I had a similar issue with one of my orders. Some of the test cyp vials were cloudy, while others were fine. I live in the Northeast, so I’m sure the freezing temperatures caused it. I reached out to Devon, and he recommended the oven bake method at 170 degrees. I baked all the vials just to be safe, let them cool in the oven as suggested, and they cleared up perfectly. I have them stored in a dark drawer that is room temperature. No issues since.

Devon has been great for me so far. He’s been responsive, ships quickly, and handles any issues professionally.

He even emails me after each order was delivered to see if everything was received okay and if there were any issues.

Top notch service!
Were you able to clear that cloudy cyp with heat?
I was not. Still looking the exact same, and I did follow his oven protocol. I will be reaching out for a replacement, as this does cause me an inconvenience. Not sure what the issue is, but definitely will not be injecting. @DevonPharmacy, I was the original poster of that cloudy post. How do I verify it's me for a Sust replacement?
I just got a bunch of TCyp as well, same thing, super cloudy. I've tried everything.....heat method in a ziplock bag with heated water (as have done with other brands in years past), swirled, remains looking the EXACT same as pic the other member supplied, unchanged. There's no crystallization I see, it's just super super cloudy/murky.

Anybody have any ideas? My knowledge on this has 100% always been that if something is still cloudy after heating there's something more serious going on and should be discarded. @DevonPharmacy can you jump in here? as it seems to be pretty widespread on this current inventory
I’ve had crashed test C in the past and it always is an issue specially with Test C in particular, EQ the same thing has happened a few times. What I did to fix the issue was I Filled a metal frying pan/ or skillet with heat water and heat vials in that for around 10minutes. Only a little water is needed. Use tongs to remove. It should reabsorb. Chances are with the cyp ester is just fell out of solution. Give this a try it should fi
I was not. Still looking the exact same, and I did follow his oven protocol. I will be reaching out for a replacement, as this does cause me an inconvenience. Not sure what the issue is, but definitely will not be injecting. @DevonPharmacy, I was the original poster of that cloudy post. How do I verify it's me for a Sust replacement?
Just sending an email will be enough, my friend. Send me an email, and I’ll send you the Sustanons. Thanks for your understanding!
Before tossing vials in the garbage, try re-filtering them to see if it clears up.

If you opt for a refund/replacement, that's understandable, but I'd still try to fix my existing vials first (beyond standard 'un-crashing' protocols).
Thanks for information sir!
Hey fella, I had a similar issue with one of my orders. Some of the test cyp vials were cloudy, while others were fine. I live in the Northeast, so I’m sure the freezing temperatures caused it. I reached out to Devon, and he recommended the oven bake method at 170 degrees. I baked all the vials just to be safe, let them cool in the oven as suggested, and they cleared up perfectly. I have them stored in a dark drawer that is room temperature. No issues since.

Devon has been great for me so far. He’s been responsive, ships quickly, and handles any issues professionally.

He even emails me after each order was delivered to see if everything was received okay and if there were any issues.

Top notch service!
Thank you so much for taking the time to write bro!
Based on requests, we have added bac water and a few more peptides to our list. Lantus and Humalog are back in stock! You can check all the updates on our new Pastebin and website.

Our price list for placing an order via email;


Website price list;
I originally posted the cloudy test cyp photos. I did reach out to Devon about replacing the product, and he made things right with an emphasis on apologizing for the inconvenience and prioritizing getting the replacement sent out promptly. We see a lot of sources shit the bed when things go sideways, so I do appreciate his willingness to make things right. Will keep you all posted on the quality of the Sust replacement.
I originally posted the cloudy test cyp photos. I did reach out to Devon about replacing the product, and he made things right with an emphasis on apologizing for the inconvenience and prioritizing getting the replacement sent out promptly. We see a lot of sources shit the bed when things go sideways, so I do appreciate his willingness to make things right. Will keep you all posted on the quality of the Sust replacement.
The most important thing is customer satisfaction! Mistakes and issues can happen as long as they’re not too big… Making up for them is our top priority. Thank you for your understanding!
Are the batches not numbered? Can’t you see if this was specific to a batch? I’d also imagine they would catch cloudy vials prior to shipping.
All bottles are checked individually before being sent, and of course, batch numbers are written on them. The products only become cloudy after crystallizing in the cold… and they dissolve after being warmed, but sometimes we learned yesterday that it remains cloudy. Until now, this is the first time we’ve received a complaint about it not dissolving and being cloudy. I am informing everyone who asks about Test C until summer about this situation.
All bottles are checked individually before being sent, and of course, batch numbers are written on them. The products only become cloudy after crystallizing in the cold… and they dissolve after being warmed, but sometimes we learned yesterday that it remains cloudy. Until now, this is the first time we’ve received a complaint about it not dissolving and being cloudy. I am informing everyone who asks about Test C until summer about this situation.
I am sending an email to everyone who wants to place an order for Test C regarding this situation.**
I am sending an email to everyone who wants to place an order for Test C regarding this situation.**
Admirable how you are handling the situation.

If I understand your hypothesis, you posit that your oil blend for Test C is inducing a cloud point upon cooling and that residual moisture is not playing a role. Unfortunately warming the oil doesn't seem to rectify the situation based on anecdotes shared here.

If you are curious to chase this down you may want to consider sending samples for Karl Fischer test to measure moisture. You may consider sending a compromised sample demonstrating the cloud point and a "negative control" that doesn't show the issue.

Just an idea if you are curious.
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Admirable how you are handling the situation.

If I understand your hypothesis, you posit that your oil blend for Test C is inducing a cloud point upon cooling and that residual moisture is not playing a role. Unfortunately warming the oil doesn't seem to rectify the situation based on anecdotes shared here.

If you are curious to chase this down you may want to consider sending samples for Karl Fischer test to measure moisture. You may consider sending a compromised sample demonstrating the cloud point and a "negative control" that doesn't show the issue.

Just an idea in you are curious.
Let’s do it, bro! I’m messaging you privately!
Admirable how you are handling the situation.

If I understand your hypothesis, you posit that your oil blend for Test C is inducing a cloud point upon cooling and that residual moisture is not playing a role. Unfortunately warming the oil doesn't seem to rectify the situation based on anecdotes shared here.

If you are curious to chase this down you may want to consider sending samples for Karl Fischer test to measure moisture. You may consider sending a compromised sample demonstrating the cloud point and a "negative control" that doesn't show the issue.

Just an idea if you are curious.
How exactly does moisture get into a vial, outside of being crimped tightly. Condensation forming some how?
Assuming stopper seal is functional, it would have to be introduced during the filling (either in the oil or headspace).

Again all this is hypothetical. Just suggesting a method to quantify moisture if Devon is interested. It sounds like he is.
I talked with Janoshik already :)