DGS Labz

man i feel for the guys that ordered , hate to say it but saw this shit coming from a mile a way dgz just popped out of nowhere you guys gotta be careful especially with the new sources on meso
Okay juice, I realize that you are relatively newer here, but you REALLY REALLY NEED TO BE EXTREMELY CLEAR IN WHAT YOU ARE SUGGESTING HERE.

Are you saying that DGS is threatening to reveal member names and/or info of members who have spoken up about legit problems with his gear? If so, this is extremely serious. A source who reveals customer/member personal info in retribution for the members speaking the truth against the source, becomes a target here. Every attempt to discover who the source is, and hold them accountable for this, is made.

Please clarify what you mean.

No I believe he meant outted as in they cant order from him anymore
man i feel for the guys that ordered , hate to say it but saw this shit coming from a mile a way dgz just popped out of nowhere you guys gotta be careful especially with the new sources on meso
You are terribly misinformed.
I wish you would have said something, I just finished a cutter with all DGS products including his adex and aromasin and I lost 20lbs and ALL of my lifts went up ;). His shit WAS quite good at one point, some of the better, his decline came when he RE-returned to Meso a year later. All of my previous experiences with this guy have been top notch, but based on what I've seen here some of these issues are unforgivable. It is what it is...
Fyi, im out like 300 because of a package i haven't received. Going on about a month, sooo ya.
Has he been in contact with you or is he answering any emails?

I believe that someone on this board knows more about DGS' s true identity, and where he might be found.

I know he is pretty big on the dark net! I reached out to one of my guys to see if he's active still and he told me yes he was.
