DGS Labz

I'm glad he got back to you, I was an advocate for him and I feel like an asshole now, but others have said he's been active on other sites, so I might call bullshit on the life issues, more like stall tactics. I might be wrong, but his credibility is shot
Yep^^. My experience was good, but no way I can bring myself to go back after the shitstorm that has transpired.
I'm glad he got back to you, I was an advocate for him and I feel like an asshole now, but others have said he's been active on other sites, so I might call bullshit on the life issues, more like stall tactics. I might be wrong, but his credibility is shot
Im right there with you brother. And honestly im still an advocate.
DGS is replacing my products and I will labmax them upon arrival. He said he had a bad filter.

Yeah, he also admitted to completely forgetting to filter an entire batch, too.

Also, bad filter or not, mother fucken Stevie Wonder could have and should have seen fucking hairs and large particles floating in that garbage gear, if he gave a fuck!

Dump this dangerous bastard and his dirty ass gear. Show some self respect and don't fall for this guys bullshit excuses. There are too many alternatives out there to settle for these lame ass excuses.

DGS = Dirty Gear Slinger! Inject at your own risk!
Damn, come guys!!! Quit ordering from this dude. I was on his side until he proved to give two shits about sending clean gear. If he fucked up once in this manner, it shows what he really cares about... the next customers money no matter the cost. FUCK DGS AND HIS DIRTY FUCKING GEAR. ---------------DO NOT ORDER FROM DGS--------- I fucking spelled it out several pages ago and warned folks about unfiltered gear and mislabeled vials. If you continue to order because you had no issues and crawl back to the key board one day with an infections from the dirty gear.... I TOLD YOU SO WILL BE WARRANTED.
Public Service Announcement.

First off. i have not read any responses to this thread. Sorry I’ve been gone and took so long to reply to emails. My wife left me and decided she wants a divorce. I have replied to over 300 emails in my inbox. I’ve been in meetings with attorneys and bankers all week trying to figure things out, so I haven’t replied back to anyone. I will be answering all emails tomorrow.


Test prop. I have tested the test p and it came back positive. I have blood work from someone that has been on it 6 weeks and his levels are 3500. I will post the results once I can black out his personal into. The test was done on 10/8.

PIP: the stronger the dose the more the PIP. i try to decrease the BA as much as I can, but it wont always cure it. I decreased it in the last batch of test e and i made it cloudy. added a little BA to it and it was crystal clear. there is always a trade off. i do my best to limit the PIP.

“Particles” I had some filters bust during filtration and did not realize it until ya’ll pointed it out. My apologizes. i have switched to a different brand of filters and have not had a problem since. Some of the particles come from the actual rubber stopper. Sometimes when they are clamped down it will dislodge a loose piece. The few bottles that have had a hair in it I honestly don’t know what happened. Guess an eyelash or something feel off.

PLEASE let this thread die. If you have a problem email me. I always take care of my customers and I know many people can back me up on that. I never place blame and always take responsibility. Just keep it off the board and email me. I want this thread to die. Don’t need all the exposure. I am now dealing with 3 ifbb pro physique and 2 ifbb pro bodybuilders. So I need to limit my name out there.

Also I am in the process of changing labels out. This has nothing to do with this board. I try to change it up every so often to stay a little safer.

PLEASE do not PM me, start a conversation with me. I do not check them. I only check my email.

Once again. Let this thread die please. Always email me.

Open for business. Stay safe and smart.

Public Service Announcement.

First off. i have not read any responses to this thread. Sorry I’ve been gone and took so long to reply to emails. My wife left me and decided she wants a divorce. I have replied to over 300 emails in my inbox. I’ve been in meetings with attorneys and bankers all week trying to figure things out, so I haven’t replied back to anyone. I will be answering all emails tomorrow.


Test prop. I have tested the test p and it came back positive. I have blood work from someone that has been on it 6 weeks and his levels are 3500. I will post the results once I can black out his personal into. The test was done on 10/8.

PIP: the stronger the dose the more the PIP. i try to decrease the BA as much as I can, but it wont always cure it. I decreased it in the last batch of test e and i made it cloudy. added a little BA to it and it was crystal clear. there is always a trade off. i do my best to limit the PIP.

“Particles” I had some filters bust during filtration and did not realize it until ya’ll pointed it out. My apologizes. i have switched to a different brand of filters and have not had a problem since. Some of the particles come from the actual rubber stopper. Sometimes when they are clamped down it will dislodge a loose piece. The few bottles that have had a hair in it I honestly don’t know what happened. Guess an eyelash or something feel off.

PLEASE let this thread die. If you have a problem email me. I always take care of my customers and I know many people can back me up on that. I never place blame and always take responsibility. Just keep it off the board and email me. I want this thread to die. Don’t need all the exposure. I am now dealing with 3 ifbb pro physique and 2 ifbb pro bodybuilders. So I need to limit my name out there.

Also I am in the process of changing labels out. This has nothing to do with this board. I try to change it up every so often to stay a little safer.

PLEASE do not PM me, start a conversation with me. I do not check them. I only check my email.

Once again. Let this thread die please. Always email me.

Open for business. Stay safe and smart.


Get fucked.. With all the bullshit going around about you the thread will not be dying anytime soon.. You don't get show up here looking for sales then decide you want to be private when shit hits the fan..

You think all the people having problems with you give a fuck about some online drug dealer's personal problems? You've got some freaking nerve..

Maybe you should be reading your own fucking thread and handling your business you piece of shit..
Get fucked.. With all the bullshit going around about you the thread will not be dying anytime soon.. You don't get show up here looking for sales then decide you want to be private when shit hits the fan..

You think all the people having problems with you give a fuck about some online drug dealer's personal problems? You've got some freaking nerve..

Maybe you should be reading your own fucking thread and handling your business you piece of shit..

Where's your compassion, Johnny? The man's wife left him. That's always a bad omen for sources. The next thing you know, email doesn't work properly or the internet connection gets shut off because he "forgot" to pay the bill, making it next to impossible to log in. Then he'll need to fly his offspring half way across the country to get a rare operation for a condition so rare that only three other people in the entire world have had it. And of course, his shipper will run off with all his gear. Then, he'll have the compulsory "death in the family" - that's a given. Perhaps his roof will cave in or maybe he'll come down with a touch of the Ebola, but just the 24-hour variety. He'll live, of course, but will be far too ill to send out orders. And don't forget that some family member will turn lesbian. There's always at least one lesbian involved in these things.

I feel awful about what lies ahead for this poor dude. He deserves our sympathy, not scorn! :rolleyes:
Please let this thread die, guys. He even asked in all caps - PLEASE.

Well, I guess if I were fucking people over, not communicating with them, sending out dirty gear, etc, etc, I'd be pretty fucking anxious to have people stop talking about it too.

DGS, you are a pompous mother fucker. You come around here TWICE in the last year to round up some bidness, and it's all good and well to use Meso to grab that green, but now that your operation has faltered (have we mentioned DIRTY GEAR yet?) - now you want to disappear again? You want us to keep your name off the board now, huh? Fuck that noise!

So earlier this year (right before your trouble began) you told the board that you would be going through some personal problems this summer, so you needed to go private. And now you are telling us this little "wife leaving you" thing jumped up on you, as well? This in addition to the other problems you had coming? Well ain't that a bitch.

And I love the little touch of self promotion you sprinkled in here, mentioning the almighty IFBB pros you are working with. Was that hair in the vial one of your fake eye lashes that got knocked off while Mr. Olympia 2016 was pounding you from behind?

Did Pericles set you up with them IFBB pro's?

STAY AWAY FROM DGS. Dirty Gear Slinger, y'all!
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Wow...who the fuck is this guy?
I remember communicating with an individual that continued to impress me with his professionalism and prompt communication. "Guess an eyelash or something feel off." WTF?? This is probably the worst example or someone falling off I've seen in a long time...and he doesn't even give 2 flying fucks.
If we anyone has a problem keep it to email?? FUCK YOU!!! We will continue to post your dirty drug dealing business here until our members get a clue a quit sending your ass money. Bow about YOU stay the fuck away from our members bitch!