DHB advice


New Member
Whats up fellas ..

Going to give DHB a go. I've been on Test,Mast Var pre workout for a good while looking to switch it up

Any thoughts advice as far as what to stack it with.. sides to look out for etc.. would be appreciated.

PS if you're just going to to tell me it sucks or criticize my previous cycle please troll someone else I'll just ignore you
I won’t run it anymore due to it potentially being what thinned my hair, the eventual lead to pip as usage prolongs, and the potential higher inflammation it can cause.

I don’t *think* I ever went above 300mg/wk (I really should take notes*. Didn’t notice any wild muscle building attributes but it dried me out (even being a little chunky) more than any thing else I’ve tried.

As always, YMMV.
I keep Test around or under 300mh/wk. DHB at 350mg to 450mg. 4-5iu GH and you will be thick and hard as nails in several weeks. And I like it with Tirzepatide. Talk about lean and hard!
Man this stuff probably turns your liver into a sponge of toxins but lately i realised that more people than i thought use DHB. I was listening to a podcast of some UK bbers and they were all on DHB. Keep in mind though they were talking about around 200mg per week. Don't go balls in with it, it's not like primo.. And definitely keep monitoring your liver. They are reports of ALT or AST in 2000s..
Man this stuff probably turns your liver into a sponge of toxins but lately i realised that more people than i thought use DHB. I was listening to a podcast of some UK bbers and they were all on DHB. Keep in mind though they were talking about around 200mg per week. Don't go balls in with it, it's not like primo.. And definitely keep monitoring your liver. They are reports of ALT or AST in 2000s..
those are actually terrifying liver values. geeze.. I would think since it's injectable it wouldn't be as harsh, but that doesn't sound worth the risk honestly. Rather run oral superdrol if im going that route
Whats up fellas ..

Going to give DHB a go. I've been on Test,Mast Var pre workout for a good while looking to switch it up

Any thoughts advice as far as what to stack it with.. sides to look out for etc.. would be appreciated.

PS if you're just going to to tell me it sucks or criticize my previous cycle please troll someone else I'll just ignore you

I ran DHB from Goodlyfe for about 5 months. Ran it at 350 PW (1mL/100mg pinned EOD). Insane libido increase due to DHB producing DHT as a byproduct of it being metabolized. Mental energy increased as well. I never got any symptoms showing liver impairment and my blood work did not show any elevated levels.

What was most odd about DHB for me was that my IGF tested considerably lower while running it. I use Opti Greys and I was doing 7iu a day all at night. When I ran GLs blacktop GH at 3iu a day I tested at 330. With the Greys my IGF was in the 200s. I haven’t retested since getting off the DHB and the lowered IGF could be from many other reasons but that was the only negative thing I noticed.

Mood was great. Appetite increased along with endurance. As for strength or muscle gains, it was nothing special. But it did make my skin look great and by the end I was legit only taking it for the amazing libido effects. Swear it grew my dick some too lol. Made me want to try injecting straight DHT.

Now if I want a libido increase I stick with mast. DHB does worry me some with it purportedly increasing liver weight in rats. Not sure it’s a risk I’m willing to play with when mast can achieve a similar effect at the right dose.
What kind of dose are you thinking OP?

I just ran a short (ten week) run of DHB at 100mg E3D on top of 100mg TestE+100mgMastE E3D.

It was okay. Moderate gains, no sides. Bloods all came back good.

Mostly I'm in to follow this thread to see what other people say about DHB.
I keep Test around or under 300mh/wk. DHB at 350mg to 450mg. 4-5iu GH and you will be thick and hard as nails in several weeks. And I like it with Tirzepatide. Talk about lean and hard!
Really . That's kind of what I go far .. not trying to be the biggest guy in the gym .. 235-?240 or so .. quality is what I am happiest at. Funny you mention Tirza I have 10 bottles coming from QSC ...Ive never tried it.. is it in the Sema class of drugs ? because i literally had brutal dry heaves for almost 3 days when i took my first dose of SEMA

Im on 4iu and 300 test E almost identical to you .. im also running 300 mast would that be redundant with the DHB ? thanks for the info
What kind of dose are you thinking OP?

I just ran a short (ten week) run of DHB at 100mg E3D on top of 100mg TestE+100mgMastE E3D.

It was okay. Moderate gains, no sides. Bloods all came back good.

Mostly I'm in to follow this thread to see what other people say about DHB.
300 to start is what I'm hearing .. I'll start there and gauge results
I ran DHB from Goodlyfe for about 5 months. Ran it at 350 PW (1mL/100mg pinned EOD). Insane libido increase due to DHB producing DHT as a byproduct of it being metabolized. Mental energy increased as well. I never got any symptoms showing liver impairment and my blood work did not show any elevated levels.

What was most odd about DHB for me was that my IGF tested considerably lower while running it. I use Opti Greys and I was doing 7iu a day all at night. When I ran GLs blacktop GH at 3iu a day I tested at 330. With the Greys my IGF was in the 200s. I haven’t retested since getting off the DHB and the lowered IGF could be from many other reasons but that was the only negative thing I noticed.

Mood was great. Appetite increased along with endurance. As for strength or muscle gains, it was nothing special. But it did make my skin look great and by the end I was legit only taking it for the amazing libido effects. Swear it grew my dick some too lol. Made me want to try injecting straight DHT.

Now if I want a libido increase I stick with mast. DHB does worry me some with it purportedly increasing liver weight in rats. Not sure it’s a risk I’m willing to play with when mast can achieve a similar effect at the right dose.

DHB has a cyp ester so taking it PW isn’t going to make a difference. You’d most likely be better off pinning the weekly dose at once to reduce scar tissue.

Also I don’t think DiHydroBoldelone would reduce to DiHydroTestosterone. That doesn’t make a lot of sense.

The IGF reduction is interesting, as far as I know Tren is the only compound that displays that same propert.
those are actually terrifying liver values. geeze.. I would think since it's injectable it wouldn't be as harsh, but that doesn't sound worth the risk honestly. Rather run oral superdrol if im going that route

Yeah i doubt it affects all guys the same, it's like orals, some guys on 100-150 anadrol and their liver enzymes are still in range but i don't think i'd mess with it. Most say it's a mix of tren and primo, you get leaner and vascular while it helps with strength as well minus the trensomnia and rage. Possibly has a significant PIP too. Personally i'd prefer to run more milligrams from less harsher compounds instead of running this. Otherwise i'd titrate slow with liver protection in place and bloodwork ofc.
I have 10 vials of DHB rotting. They sure look pretty though.

I can see the benefit of using DHB if you can not tolerate tren mentally or if you want a shorter blast (8 to 10 weeks) in which EQ would not be ideal or you dont tolerate EQ mentally either.

Low dose is the way to go (100 to 300mg), it really doesnt take much with DHB and going too high can bite you with pip and feeling shit. We can call it a light tren but for me its a combo of EQ/Mast with a smidge of Trens nutrient partioning.

If I run it again, ill be getting bloods done purely out of curiosity. I could see myself maybe running it in a short cut for 4 to 6 weeks prior to a trt cruise, in which I dont want to commit to EQ and dont want to deal with Tren.

Keep us updated on your run, the board needs more DHB feedback. It does potentially fill a niche role, I think like Tren, we dose it too high and that is where people get into trouble. Its potent.
Yeah i doubt it affects all guys the same, it's like orals, some guys on 100-150 anadrol and their liver enzymes are still in range but i don't think i'd mess with it. Most say it's a mix of tren and primo, you get leaner and vascular while it helps with strength as well minus the trensomnia and rage. Possibly has a significant PIP too. Personally i'd prefer to run more milligrams from less harsher compounds instead of running this. Otherwise i'd titrate slow with liver protection in place and bloodwork ofc.
not going to lie-- a mix of tren and primo without the tren sides sounds pretty damn awesome

I'll have to do more research into it. My interest has been peaked

does it aromatise at all, or is more like a DHT compound?
not going to lie-- a mix of tren and primo without the tren sides sounds pretty damn awesome

I'll have to do more research into it. My interest has been peaked

does it aromatise at all, or is more like a DHT compound?

Did you read the part where it’s potentially hepatoxic? Just run tren and primo
not going to lie-- a mix of tren and primo without the tren sides sounds pretty damn awesome

I'll have to do more research into it. My interest has been peaked

does it aromatise at all, or is more like a DHT compound?
Ive heard its turning out to be the strongest dht compound out there thats not straight up injecting dht. Theres a guy on youtube who says he used depakote in extremely high iq destroying doses with dhb injections into his dick to make it grow lmao.

heres the guy. what a nasty bullshitter right depakote over dosing for HDAC inhibition + dhb dick injections...thats nasty asf you could fuck yourself up so bad but..... what if it works
I ran DHB from Goodlyfe for about 5 months. Ran it at 350 PW (1mL/100mg pinned EOD). Insane libido increase due to DHB producing DHT as a byproduct of it being metabolized. Mental energy increased as well. I never got any symptoms showing liver impairment and my blood work did not show any elevated levels.

What was most odd about DHB for me was that my IGF tested considerably lower while running it. I use Opti Greys and I was doing 7iu a day all at night. When I ran GLs blacktop GH at 3iu a day I tested at 330. With the Greys my IGF was in the 200s. I haven’t retested since getting off the DHB and the lowered IGF could be from many other reasons but that was the only negative thing I noticed.

Mood was great. Appetite increased along with endurance. As for strength or muscle gains, it was nothing special. But it did make my skin look great and by the end I was legit only taking it for the amazing libido effects. Swear it grew my dick some too lol. Made me want to try injecting straight DHT.

Now if I want a libido increase I stick with mast. DHB does worry me some with it purportedly increasing liver weight in rats. Not sure it’s a risk I’m willing to play with when mast can achieve a similar effect at the right dose.

I have 10 vials of DHB rotting. They sure look pretty though.

I can see the benefit of using DHB if you can not tolerate tren mentally or if you want a shorter blast (8 to 10 weeks) in which EQ would not be ideal or you dont tolerate EQ mentally either.

Low dose is the way to go (100 to 300mg), it really doesnt take much with DHB and going too high can bite you with pip and feeling shit. We can call it a light tren but for me its a combo of EQ/Mast with a smidge of Trens nutrient partioning.

If I run it again, ill be getting bloods done purely out of curiosity. I could see myself maybe running it in a short cut for 4 to 6 weeks prior to a trt cruise, in which I dont want to commit to EQ and dont want to deal with Tren.

Keep us updated on your run, the board needs more DHB feedback. It does potentially fill a niche role, I think like Tren, we dose it too high and that is where people get into trouble. Its potent.
I love Tren but unfortunately as i got older it doesn't like me...LOL

incurable insomnia and everyone is trying to fuck my GF in my mind...used to be tolerable now just not worth it..So yeah a tren like blast works for me

Size I'll always have i;m just a big guy, i go for quality and dry, luckily my hairlne is rock solid so i can run DHTs and the like,,,and not go bald
Man this stuff probably turns your liver into a sponge of toxins but lately i realised that more people than i thought use DHB. I was listening to a podcast of some UK bbers and they were all on DHB. Keep in mind though they were talking about around 200mg per week. Don't go balls in with it, it's not like primo.. And definitely keep monitoring your liver. They are reports of ALT or AST in 2000s..
That's insane 2000 alt is like fried liver .. not doubting that is hepatoxic but those levels might be just a tad exaggerated ..LOL my Ex GF had liver problems and when her levels reached 800 she was fucking green literally it scared the shit out of me
I ran DHB from Goodlyfe for about 5 months. Ran it at 350 PW (1mL/100mg pinned EOD). Insane libido increase due to DHB producing DHT as a byproduct of it being metabolized. Mental energy increased as well. I never got any symptoms showing liver impairment and my blood work did not show any elevated levels.

What was most odd about DHB for me was that my IGF tested considerably lower while running it. I use Opti Greys and I was doing 7iu a day all at night. When I ran GLs blacktop GH at 3iu a day I tested at 330. With the Greys my IGF was in the 200s. I haven’t retested since getting off the DHB and the lowered IGF could be from many other reasons but that was the only negative thing I noticed.

Mood was great. Appetite increased along with endurance. As for strength or muscle gains, it was nothing special. But it did make my skin look great and by the end I was legit only taking it for the amazing libido effects. Swear it grew my dick some too lol. Made me want to try injecting straight DHT.

Now if I want a libido increase I stick with mast. DHB does worry me some with it purportedly increasing liver weight in rats. Not sure it’s a risk I’m willing to play with when mast can achieve a similar effect at the right dose.
I'm a big fan of Mast ..my go to is Mast and Var ..I've been running it a good while and I am most definitely getting diminishing returns time to give it a rest