DHB advice

not going to lie-- a mix of tren and primo without the tren sides sounds pretty damn awesome

I'll have to do more research into it. My interest has been peaked

does it aromatise at all, or is more like a DHT compound?

Haha who wouldn't like it man? Definitely sounds interesting. As far as i know it behaves like boldenone so there's a good chance to convert to e1 (estrone), this is gene dependent, i think if you ever run boldenone in the past and checked e1 + e2 values you could know what to expect.
That's insane 2000 alt is like fried liver .. not doubting that is hepatoxic but those levels might be just a tad exaggerated ..LOL my Ex GF had liver problems and when her levels reached 800 she was fucking green literally it scared the shit out of me

Yeah, that 2000 i heard it from a guy that sees a lot of bloodwork for years now and he was running 5 grams of gear, Dave Crossland.

There was a guy here not that long ago, @Sector maybe remember him, he had crazy skyhigh alt from tren, it was 1000 or 2000 i don't remember exactly and he was asking if he's able to run tren again lol.

Also there's a bloodwork thread here from a guy who run DHB and ended up with bad markers overall, NAC and TUDCA included.. His CRP was 17 (!!) Sector has seen this too. Just spend some money to bloodwork during and after your cycle, i think if you do this at least the first time then you'll know what to expect if you decide to run it again. I'm not gonna lie, the effects of it sound as promising as deleterious its side effects. If i could handle it without fakking me up much then i could run it.
my advice - just skip that mystery roid "dhb" all looking for the holy grail..

-In small amounts of mg cycle its "ok" up to 300mg per week.

-most people get stomach/liver problems above this dosage and cant eat... so may be good on a cut.

-So the upper limit is 300mg for about 50% of people.

-Rather stick to primo or mast ... these compounds can also run above 1g with better impact on bloods and result in more muscle gain.
Plenty experience with DHB up to 800mgs.
To me it felt like tren/ mast had a baby with less sides than higher doses of tren.
But I ran all 3 compounds most of the time so could be wrong in that ngl.

For me worst was the extreme increased feeling of inflammation all around and the PIP after longer periods.
Best was strength increases (on par with oxy, higher than tren for me)
Nutrient partitioning
Dry vascular look

Would not run it again, rather go the safe route of test, mast, gh and slin
You should try it and see it for yourself, dhb affects everyone different.
For me, its by far the best injectable, i have several blood work on very very long dhb cycles and all my values are great.
No pip, no inflammation, no crp increase, no liver enzymes, nothing.
But for me it acts as an ai and i could prove that with tons of blood work too, it reduces my e2 and there was a time or two when i fucked up the test-dhb ratio and my blood come back with like 27pg e2 on 750 test.
I have used is from 300-600mg/week, obviously the more the "better" like with every steroid, but with this i dont have any side effect, so it really is better.
But i gave the same dhb i use to a friend and he felt like death and couldnt workout....Its not a miracle drug (i dont think there is any) but there are people who really get that mast/primo/tren lite-lite effect with all the benefits and none of the sides that comes with them.
The looks it gives is fucking is amazing, you look full,hard and a few %body fat leaner.
Didnt get any strength increase tho.
Ohhh and i would rather die than be bald, for me its the most disgusting a person can look so believe me if it would cause shedding, i wouldnt touch it ever again.
Running it right now for a second time. 250T/100NPP/100DHB is perfect combo for me.
With DHB less is more. I don't get why people start with 300mg/wk if you can get mostly the same effects from 100mg/wk. Very noticeable boost of libido. Also lowers E2, so you can run more Test/NPP if you want to or you are a big guy. It is hair safe. Increased my liver enzymes slightly over a 8wk run.
Haha who wouldn't like it man? Definitely sounds interesting. As far as i know it behaves like boldenone so there's a good chance to convert to e1 (estrone), this is gene dependent, i think if you ever run boldenone in the past and checked e1 + e2 values you could know what to expect.

Yeah, that 2000 i heard it from a guy that sees a lot of bloodwork for years now and he was running 5 grams of gear, Dave Crossland.

There was a guy here not that long ago, @Sector maybe remember him, he had crazy skyhigh alt from tren, it was 1000 or 2000 i don't remember exactly and he was asking if he's able to run tren again lol.

Also there's a bloodwork thread here from a guy who run DHB and ended up with bad markers overall, NAC and TUDCA included.. His CRP was 17 (!!) Sector has seen this too. Just spend some money to bloodwork during and after your cycle, i think if you do this at least the first time then you'll know what to expect if you decide to run it again. I'm not gonna lie, the effects of it sound as promising as deleterious its side effects. If i could handle it without fakking me up much then i could run it.
These cases may well be caused by toxic brews. DHB does not like high concentrations and crashes readily. I have it from two reputable sources at 100mg/ml and both crash at room temperature often. I suspect a lot of DHB brews are spiked with solvents, and when you start shooting these brews at 4-5ml/wk they certainly rape your liver.
No pip, but it literally makes me and several of my friends feel like they have chronic fatigue syndrome mixed with the flu after 2-4 weeks at doses as low as 50mg a week.
Ive heard its turning out to be the strongest dht compound out there thats not straight up injecting dht. Theres a guy on youtube who says he used depakote in extremely high iq destroying doses with dhb injections into his dick to make it grow lmao.
Why are you YouTube videos on how to make your dick bigger
my advice - just skip that mystery roid "dhb" all looking for the holy grail..

-In small amounts of mg cycle its "ok" up to 300mg per week.

-most people get stomach/liver problems above this dosage and cant eat... so may be good on a cut.

-So the upper limit is 300mg for about 50% of people.

-Rather stick to primo or mast ... these compounds can also run above 1g with better impact on bloods and result in more muscle gain.
Neither primo nor mast are anything like DHB. DHB is a legit compound that packs on super lean muscle with basically zero water retention.

It almost always comes with some level of PIP. I’m using 808 labs and while I don’t have any good feels/gains report yet, I can tell you this minor level of PIP is exactly what you want in a brewer. It’s not an easy compound to make smooth and painless. Minor PIP on daily dosing is impressive. Hopefully the potency is right.

DHB is a badass compound if you like lean, hard, strength gains. But it’s not a beginner compound. You need to know your gear threshold anyway. DHB is more for moderate/advanced users. But once it’s magic is understood, it will likely become a personal favorite.
Ohhh and forgot to add, Dont waste your time with those reddit dosages...
50 and 100mg/week....Its exactly what you see on reddit "i dont know why would anyone use 200mg tren, I use 5mg e365d and its so strong im so horny and strong and i can eat 40k calories/day and waking up with abs out of nowhere"
DHB is nowhere near that strong that 50 and 100mg a week would do anything that you could notice.
Every heard of someone with a decent body says dude just blasts 150 primo a week and you are going to be huge...
Im all for longevity and moderate dosage but if you inject something into your body at least it should be worth doing so.
Neither primo nor mast are anything like DHB. DHB is a legit compound that packs on super lean muscle with basically zero water retention.

It almost always comes with some level of PIP. I’m using 808 labs and while I don’t have any good feels/gains report yet, I can tell you this minor level of PIP is exactly what you want in a brewer. It’s not an easy compound to make smooth and painless. Minor PIP on daily dosing is impressive. Hopefully the potency is right.

DHB is a badass compound if you like lean, hard, strength gains. But it’s not a beginner compound. You need to know your gear threshold anyway. DHB is more for moderate/advanced users. But once it’s magic is understood, it will likely become a personal favorite.
Mmmm I'm so tempted. Regret not picking some up recently. F...

Maybe next blast. How long do you run it for typically? Doesn't it have a long ester attached to it?
There’s also a fair amount of anecdotal evidence that tren is also liver toxic due to its highly androgenic nature. Highly androgenic compounds with a long residence time tend to cause liver cancer. So I wouldn’t be quick to recommend tren as less liver toxic than DHB. DHB has a 200:100 Anabolic:androgenic ratio…Tren is 500:500 bro.

Let that sink in…I’d still take DHB over Tren any day. It’s not like theres jack shit for human studies on Tren either ya know?
It’s also been proven that tren is DEFINITELY neurotoxic (as in it directly increases markers for Alzheimers).

I understand the risk associated with DHB, and I’m still fairly confident it can’t be harder on you than tren. Just simply can’t be and no one will convince me otherwise!
Did you read the part where it’s potentially hepatoxic? Just run tren and primo
There’s also a fair amount of anecdotal evidence that tren is also liver toxic due to its highly androgenic nature. Highly androgenic compounds with a long residence time tend to cause liver cancer. So I wouldn’t be quick to recommend tren as less liver toxic than DHB. DHB has a 200:100 Anabolic:androgenic ratio…Tren is 500:500 bro.

Let that sink in…I’d still take DHB over Tren any day. It’s not like theres jack shit for human studies on Tren either ya know?
It’s also been proven that tren is DEFINITELY neurotoxic (as in it directly increases markers for Alzheimers).

I understand the risk associated with DHB, and I’m still fairly confident it can’t be harder on you than tren. Just simply can’t be and no one will convince me otherwise!
Brother what? Tren has been brought to market pharma for human use. There’s absolutely been human trials lol. Parabolan.

1. It’s not hepatoxic
2. It doesn’t have to do with androgen activity. Because even pushing test high isn’t going to damage your liver.
3. The anabolic:androgen ratios that are provided don’t translate to the real world like they do on paper.
Does dihydroboldenone lead to unbearable pain after an injection for everyone?
Depends on the brew and how much you cut it. I’ve been doing an equal amount of mast E (as it is by far the least painful compound in my experience) in each syringe and at worst I’ll have some very light dull aches for a day or two but I barely notice it.

I did inject a full cc of Dhb (100mg/ml) in my left quad uncut and that shit hurt, gave me a knot for about a week at the site. Also was considerably more painful than when cutting it.