DHB advice

dhb is great. Doesn't crash your e2 like primo but helps manage it. ~500wk starts to get pippy after a few weeks, ~300 is fine. Hurts your CRP but those go back after cycle anyways.

PIP isn't bad at all, but after a few weeks on cycle you can kinda tell.

Not interested in mast, nothing has hurt my hair but not gonna risk it.
Running 300mg a week right now. Switched to subq injections after a bad PIP injection that left me having trouble walking, was a 200mg/ml that had no PIP until it crashed and had to be uncrashed. CRP at 6 weeks was right in muddle of normal range.

The vascularity and hard muscles are a nice effect from DHB.

500 test
300 DHB
25 proviron
Running 300mg a week right now. Switched to subq injections after a bad PIP injection that left me having trouble walking, was a 200mg/ml that had no PIP until it crashed and had to be uncrashed. CRP at 6 weeks was right in muddle of normal range.

The vascularity and hard muscles are a nice effect from DHB.

500 test
300 DHB
25 proviron
If I fucked with 19-nors I’d love to stack nandrolone with DHB some day but I know my body fucking hates 19-nors so I’m not risking it lmao with all the e2 problems I get from low dose test I’ll be lactating overnight with deca or tren
Ohhh and forgot to add, Dont waste your time with those reddit dosages...
50 and 100mg/week....Its exactly what you see on reddit "i dont know why would anyone use 200mg tren, I use 5mg e365d and its so strong im so horny and strong and i can eat 40k calories/day and waking up with abs out of nowhere"
DHB is nowhere near that strong that 50 and 100mg a week would do anything that you could notice.
Every heard of someone with a decent body says dude just blasts 150 primo a week and you are going to be huge...
Im all for longevity and moderate dosage but if you inject something into your body at least it should be worth doing so.

Tren 5 mlg daily… I’ve heard this is great…
I also have 10 vials of DHB sitting here screaming out my name. How are the dht effects for those who've run it? I love mast because it negates almost any 19nor sides I get. Keeps me happy and horny. Not sure I'd wanna replace it for DHB unless I got similar effects.
Thinking of going 300/300/300 with Test / DHB / NPP for my next small blast (14 weeks probably)
Whats up fellas ..

Going to give DHB a go. I've been on Test,Mast Var pre workout for a good while looking to switch it up

Any thoughts advice as far as what to stack it with.. sides to look out for etc.. would be appreciated.

PS if you're just going to to tell me it sucks or criticize my previous cycle please troll someone else I'll just ignore you
Enjoy the unbereable PIP of DHB.

Is that so hard to run what every pro bb runs? Test + Nandrolone/EQ/Primo (+ maybe some Tren if you want to push it). Instead of going for exotic shit?
High pip at high doses, slightly lowers E2 (lowered it around 10-15 pg/mL for me at 300mg/wk), good well being, cosmetic benefits are all positive (dryer and fuller) but not as noticeable as Tren, blood work good after 12 weeks of 300mg/mL.