DHB Homebrew recipe?

Do you know if is more prone to crashing if it's made with castor oil?

I had made some test d with 2/20 at 400 mg in castor but I don't know if it will hold. In mct I tested and it's holding no problem at room temperature at least.

I didn't had time to filter or check if it's crashed because I have my jar at home and I wasn't at home for about a week.
A update on this

It's holding fine but I added another 5% BB so it's under 400 mg/ml now.
I pinned and it's very smooth. No pip or anything and I pin 5 ml at once. I can't feel any discomfort in that area either. It's great

The negative part is that is very thick and if you pin with a 25g or 26g you will have a hard time to push the oil in. I pin with a 22g and I can go with a 21g if it's needed as it doesn't bother me that but even at that gouge it's takes few minutes to get all in.

Also it's harder at filtering but if it's warm it's getting better. Making 50/50 with mct or gso it will improve the thickness problem. Next time I will try 75% castor 25% mct or gso and increase the bb to 30%.

I say it's worth giving a try to castor oil to see if it's better than other oils for you. A small batch just to get the feet wet and not lose raws if you don't like.
A update on this

It's holding fine but I added another 5% BB so it's under 400 mg/ml now.
I pinned and it's very smooth. No pip or anything and I pin 5 ml at once. I can't feel any discomfort in that area either. It's great

The negative part is that is very thick and if you pin with a 25g or 26g you will have a hard time to push the oil in. I pin with a 22g and I can go with a 21g if it's needed as it doesn't bother me that but even at that gouge it's takes few minutes to get all in.

Also it's harder at filtering but if it's warm it's getting better. Making 50/50 with mct or gso it will improve the thickness problem. Next time I will try 75% castor 25% mct or gso and increase the bb to 30%.

I say it's worth giving a try to castor oil to see if it's better than other oils for you. A small batch just to get the feet wet and not lose raws if you don't like.
You pinned 2 grams of test in one shot?
Okay to update. So some heat and mixing, and 1/20/GSO 100mg brewed. It holds, but occassionally crashes and I need to heat it on a hot plate to get it to resettle.

Zero PIP. Got it from DO which has been a solid source in the past, smells awful, gotten fever chills a few times so I'm sure it's real (plus the crashing as well).

However this was just a trial brew and plan to brew a larger batch, and I'd like to do so so it holds better.

Should I go with 30% BB, or EO/guiaicol?

Gonna bump this to see if anyone's got updates

I did 1/30/gso and it held mostly, slight crystals sometimes but running under hot water would fix it and with the pip and all, something I always did.

Pip was very mild, tolerable, but did wear in you after weeks on cycle

Want to brew again but thinking a different recipe. Maybe Eo instead of gso? I feel like I read somewhere someone said adding some guaiacol removed pip....

Anyways thanks. What i did worked, minimal pip, but always looking to improve recipes
Bump. I need some help attempting to brew this garbage (tried 3 times now and failed).

Using USP MCT oil with benzoyl benzoate (20%), heated up to 60-70°c and added in raws onto the magnetic stirrer for an hour, nothing happened. Kept slowly bumping up the heat and only got it to dissolve into something reasonably clear around 95°- 100°c.

Oil starts to emit faint smoke and smells of burning at this point. Kept it at this temp for about 20 minutes, taking it off of the plate as it cools down quickly reveals a bunch of jelly/gel at the bottom of the beaker and the whole solution starts to turn into a similar thing. Junked it.

No idea how to brew this 100mg/mL at 2/20 BA/BB with MCT without using pretty high heat and even then the end product is a failure. Do I need to keep it under heat for longer or what? What causes this jelly to form?

Don't wanna use guaiacol or EO.
Bump. I need some help attempting to brew this garbage (tried 3 times now and failed).

Using USP MCT oil with benzoyl benzoate (20%), heated up to 60-70°c and added in raws onto the magnetic stirrer for an hour, nothing happened. Kept slowly bumping up the heat and only got it to dissolve into something reasonably clear around 95°- 100°c.

Oil starts to emit faint smoke and smells of burning at this point. Kept it at this temp for about 20 minutes, taking it off of the plate as it cools down quickly reveals a bunch of jelly/gel at the bottom of the beaker and the whole solution starts to turn into a similar thing. Junked it.

No idea how to brew this 100mg/mL at 2/20 BA/BB with MCT without using pretty high heat and even then the end product is a failure. Do I need to keep it under heat for longer or what? What causes this jelly to form?

Don't wanna use guaiacol or EO.
Number one, if you have not used DHB before, I would brew it at 50mg/ml to get used to it. Brew it in GSO with a standard 2/20 BA/BB. DHB can be a bitch with the PIP and I can guarantee you that it will be easier on your body if you start with a 50mg/ml brew. Once you get accustomed to it, you can brew it at 66 or 75 mg/ml, bumping up the BB to 25%. Honestly, I would not go above 66 or 75, based upon my personal experience because it can be a PIP from hell. There will be people who say brew it at 100 and inject less, but I personally have found it feels much better with the extra carrier oil.
I tried 60 mg/mL, same thing. As soon as those raws hit the solution, it all goes cloudy with lots of undissolved flakes and stays that way unless you go as high as 90°c.

I wonder if there is something wrong with the powder. It is kinda sticky and likes to form these pea sized clumps even if you crush it inside of the bag, it tends to clump up again. Maybe it suffered condensation damage or something? First time dealing with DHB so not sure what's normal.
I tried 60 mg/mL, same thing. As soon as those raws hit the solution, it all goes cloudy with lots of undissolved flakes and stays that way unless you go as high as 90°c.

I wonder if there is something wrong with the powder. It is kinda sticky and likes to form these pea sized clumps even if you crush it inside of the bag, it tends to clump up again. Maybe it suffered condensation damage or something? First time dealing with DHB so not sure what's normal.
It requires heat to fully dissolve. Are you using a magnetic stirrer?

Did you order more than one type of raw at the same time?
It requires heat to fully dissolve. Are you using a magnetic stirrer?

Did you order more than one type of raw at the same time?

Yes, stirring constantly. I did heat it up to around 90°c as I said, at that point it looked pretty much dissolved, but 15 minutes later when I took it off of the stirrer and it started to cool, there was "gel" on the bottom and the rest of the liquid started to turn into gel soon too.

4 different raws but only DHT and DHB in the same amount. Both labeled with the same number (source f'd up) so had no idea what was what. Contacted them and they helped me ID them, but I guess I can't be 100% sure without testing.
after many trail runs this is what I found that worked for me and minor pip. Again everyone has their own preferences, for me this is what worked out great without worrying about it crashing.

My DHB raws were 96% I use the Steroid Home Brew calculator to adjust to 100%

Had my dosed at 92mg/ml


BA 1.5%
BB 20%
Carrier EO/MCT

Heated up to 240F for 20mins then gradually drop the temperature down before adding BA and filtered.

Never had an issue. I’m sure I probably could drop the EO down but I personally never had an issue with EO. No finish vials crashed and minor pip I’m talking about minor.
Yes, stirring constantly. I did heat it up to around 90°c as I said, at that point it looked pretty much dissolved, but 15 minutes later when I took it off of the stirrer and it started to cool, there was "gel" on the bottom and the rest of the liquid started to turn into gel soon too.

4 different raws but only DHT and DHB in the same amount. Both labeled with the same number (source f'd up) so had no idea what was what. Contacted them and they helped me ID them, but I guess I can't be 100% sure without testing.
They probably gave you the wrong information. You probably need to try using the other one and that’ll probably confirm it for you.
They probably gave you the wrong information. You probably need to try using the other one and that’ll probably confirm it for you.

The other one needed 10-15°c more to dissolve (DHT should be harder to dissolve and have worse solubility so that checks out), and also started crashing below 60°c, so I think the powders are probably identified correctly.

Tried the DHB again today, this is the result (a crashed soup). It was perfectly dissolved at ~105°c. Kept stirring and slowly bringing the temp down over the next 30 minutes and it ended up like this:

If you're a horse it works. I might be a beast but I'm not a farm animal yet

Come on, 25g is not bad at all... I've done 23g.

OK so, I am doing some further testing on what exactly I have before I send it to Jano for confirmation.

I've seen quotes on DHB melting point being around 190°c. I am not sure where that number comes from but it seems way too high. We have to consider that 90% of us we are dealing with DHB cypionate here, not base DHB. An ester would lower the melting point. So the figures you see thrown around online are probably all inaccurate.

From my limited testing thus far, this compound seems to melt at around close to 100°c but I am going to get a more exact number tommorow. This site is the only one I've found that states a melting point in that range.

When I brew, around 90°c is when the smoke starts to rise from the beaker and before that the compound does not dissolve at all, so a standard vehicle of BA/BB/MCT cannot even get this compound to dissolve before it gets past melting point. Even then it crashes once cool, so I will most likely have to take it even further and go up to 130-140°c which is really high heat and starting to hit the smoke point of the MCT oil itself already.

Either I have something that is entirely not DHB cypionate, the raws are moisture damaged or just a really bad batch like someone had here with Test cyp: Anyone having issues with Cyp lately?
Come on, 25g is not bad at all... I've done 23g.

OK so, I am doing some further testing on what exactly I have before I send it to Jano for confirmation.

I've seen quotes on DHB melting point being around 190°c. I am not sure where that number comes from but it seems way too high. We have to consider that 90% of us we are dealing with DHB cypionate here, not base DHB. An ester would lower the melting point. So the figures you see thrown around online are probably all inaccurate.

From my limited testing thus far, this compound seems to melt at around close to 100°c but I am going to get a more exact number tommorow. This site is the only one I've found that states a melting point in that range.

When I brew, around 90°c is when the smoke starts to rise from the beaker and before that the compound does not dissolve at all, so a standard vehicle of BA/BB/MCT cannot even get this compound to dissolve before it gets past melting point. Even then it crashes once cool, so I will most likely have to take it even further and go up to 130-140°c which is really high heat and starting to hit the smoke point of the MCT oil itself already.

Either I have something that is entirely not DHB cypionate, the raws are moisture damaged or just a really bad batch like someone had here with Test cyp: Anyone having issues with Cyp lately?
DHB needs heat !
for 100 mg/ml DHB
Castor oil, EO 50%
20%bb 1%Ba
no crashing, no pain