DHB lumps??


New Member
I'm about 5 weeks into a cyp/dhb cut cycle. 450cyp and 225 DHB. Blend vials from a sponsor source I got about a year ago. The pip has some bite that's for sure. I only pin glutes and today I noticed golf ball sized lumps on each side. When relaxed you can't tell at all but when I flex it's very pronounced. No warmth, redness, or pain so I don't believe infection. I've had an infection before and it was way more painful and became red and warm to the touch. This is not that but still a little alarming. I'm wondering if it's just oil buildup or what and what I should do about it. I'm going to skip my shots for the week and see if it goes down but i guess my question would be if it's still safe to pin. I've read numerous accounts of guys getting lumps from DHB. TIA!
That's common u can try heating ur vial/syringe before injecting.

Rotate many spots and pinning ED or EOD small quantities can help as well.
Rotate to injection sites other than glutes. There can be a “build up” of PIP from too frequent injections in the same spot
Rotate to injection sites other than glutes. There can be a “build up” of PIP from too frequent injections in the same spot
I've never pined anywhere else. I've wanted to try delts but I feel like DHB is not a great first compound for a virgin muscle lol
That's a sterile abscess. It will dissolve in a few weeks. Rotate injection sites and warm before administration
That's common u can try heating ur vial/syringe before injecting.

Rotate many spots and pinning ED or EOD small quantities can help as well.
I usually run the barrell under hot water for a minute before I pin it. I want to try delts but I hear it can be painfull.
I've always only used glutes and I've pined way more oil in the past. During a bulk with test and npp I was using almost double what I am now and this never happened. I've also never been this lean so it's possible I just never noticed
I usually run the barrell under hot water for a minute before I pin it. I want to try delts but I hear it can be painfull.
I've always only used glutes and I've pined way more oil in the past. During a bulk with test and npp I was using almost double what I am now and this never happened. I've also never been this lean so it's possible I just never noticed
Pinning daily or EOD small quantities and heating well the oil can help.

Try to learn how to pin other spots and rotate at least 6 of them, glutes, thigh, delts whatever.
After doing some reading I'm starting to wonder if it's the pins I'm using. I've always used 23g 1in. I've seen people saying they use 25 or even 27 for glutes.
After doing some reading I'm starting to wonder if it's the pins I'm using. I've always used 23g 1in. I've seen people saying they use 25 or even 27 for glutes.
For glutes I prefer to go deeper and use 1.5 inch 24g usually.

Thigh and shoulders I use 25g 1 inch.
Im getting ready for my first dhb cycle in September. I was going to pin 300 dhb and 750 cyp a week pinning Mon, Wed, Friday 1 ml each on each days. I was going to pin shoulders to give the dhb a shot for myself. I’ve pinned 2ml of other stuff in delts with no problem. I was going to try dhb. I been hearing stories of pip but, im hard headed i was going to find out myself if i can handle it. If pip sucks then no shoulder workout that week and try it somewhere else.
Im getting ready for my first dhb cycle in September. I was going to pin 300 dhb and 750 cyp a week pinning Mon, Wed, Friday 1 ml each on each days. I was going to pin shoulders to give the dhb a shot for myself. I’ve pinned 2ml of other stuff in delts with no problem. I was going to try dhb. I been hearing stories of pip but, im hard headed i was going to find out myself if i can handle it. If pip sucks then no shoulder workout that week and try it somewhere else.
It's really an awesome compound if you can tolerate it. I'm on 450 cyp and 225 dhb and I've never been this lean, vascular, or defined in my life. Unfortunately it's given me an infection in the past and now these massive lumps so I'm probably going to have to scrap it
It's really an awesome compound if you can tolerate it. I'm on 450 cyp and 225 dhb and I've never been this lean, vascular, or defined in my life. Unfortunately it's given me an infection in the past and now these massive lumps so I'm probably going to have to scrap it
That really sucks. Sorry you have to go though that. Scrapping hard earned money sucks. I’ve been sitting on it for a couple months I really am excited from what I’ve learned it seems awesome. Now i know everyone reacts differently but, some stuff I’ve read made me a little bit nervous. I wont know for sure until i try it. But honestly i hope get through it as painless and quickly as possible.
I’m 3 weeks in on 250 test 500 DHB. So far it’s been great. Definitely more full and vascularity, I’m in a deficit but somehow the scale is going up slightly lol

Going to get bloods in 2-3 weeks to see if the DHB is effecting my liver/ inflammatory markers like it does for some people.

No pip no issues at all. I’m planning to stay at these doses for 12-14 weeks
So I'm guessing the gains is worth all the troubles for some of you guys.

It's like tren for some people, no matter how crazy and sleep deprived they will get, they still won't let go of the tren!
I'm about 5 weeks into a cyp/dhb cut cycle. 450cyp and 225 DHB. Blend vials from a sponsor source I got about a year ago. The pip has some bite that's for sure. I only pin glutes and today I noticed golf ball sized lumps on each side. When relaxed you can't tell at all but when I flex it's very pronounced. No warmth, redness, or pain so I don't believe infection. I've had an infection before and it was way more painful and became red and warm to the touch. This is not that but still a little alarming. I'm wondering if it's just oil buildup or what and what I should do about it. I'm going to skip my shots for the week and see if it goes down but i guess my question would be if it's still safe to pin. I've read numerous accounts of guys getting lumps from DHB. TIA!
PIP is one of DHB’s biggest issues. It’s best if diluted down and multiple pun sites. Some people can’t run it at all. My gut tells me it has to do with immune system response. That’s why there are some people who have no issue and others can’t tolerate it.
It's really an awesome compound if you can tolerate it. I'm on 450 cyp and 225 dhb and I've never been this lean, vascular, or defined in my life. Unfortunately it's given me an infection in the past and now these massive lumps so I'm probably going to have to scrap it
Did your skin break out in hives by chance in conjunction with your infection?
I posted a thread a couple days back asking if anyone had experienced anything similar to my reaction with DHB. Most of the time I just see pip and golf ball welt type comments. Not sure if anyone else has been this unfortunate.