Problem or just light PIP?

curious what does your coach recommend for gh? Never have used pharmacom idk if you remember but they were not making shit for a few years they were out of stock everywhere. Always wanted to try them they are a good lab from what have found through research. They up there with balkan, SP, Alpha. (actullly have a lab they drive to work). Ill be honest, any gear I can smell without opening the bottle I won't use. I'm really picky thought idk It just smells toxic.
Unsure but he may just go with pharmacom too. He’s asked about bulk orders but i’ve loved Opti with only occasional tingles on 5iu so haven’t felt a reason to switch especially for the price of his black and greys again lol
This post I read as the main character for doom. Epic

Ps: some people just can’t do quads at all without pip and I’m one of them. They just pulse the second a pin goes in and I’m always worried about veins. Photo evidence of crazy leg veins bellow.
Epic vascularity! Rip and tear until it is done!

