Problem or just light PIP?

I don’t think it’s been mentioned yet but only having two injections sites is asking for issues. You need to spread that out..

I do glutes quads delts and just recently thanks to a member who’s a fucking wizard, lats.
I also enjoy pinning the tear drop part of my quad every-once in a while, feels nice.
I like GL’s mct products myself. I think many of the suggestions here are pretty good. Personally I like the following and using it GL has been Pip free for me

Eod pin
Alcohol swab vial and site
Draw with a 25 instead of the 20 so there is less stopper debris
Switch to VG site as it’s more forgiving
Check your depth as 1inch is only if your very lean 1.5 is more common for glutes.
Slow Down your pinning to slow insertion and 1 full minute of dispensing and watch out for wiggling the tip as that damages more tissue

Add in delts with a 25 1inch or
Maybe add in quads as it’s the 2nd safest site
Swab site after pin

I haven’t backloaded a slin pin but I imagine it would help with less site trama and slowing down the oil insertion
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duuuuuuude if you are getting pip bad and if its fucking up your training get a new source. I can't believe anyone uses these small UGLs man you get what you pay for, I will only use super lab UGLs like balkan, SP, I mainly use pharma but if I do have to use UGL I will use balkan, SP, or alpha pharma. Just pinned my first couple shots I'm using some alpha eq and some organon sustanon, pinned quads with literally no pip you wouldn't even know you pinned it. 3ccs in each quad two days apart. I use a 25g 1 in for these shots. OP, you're injecting this shit into your body use a good UGL or go pharma. Alpha is always smooth as fuck for me been using them for years they make good quality gear idc what anyone says never had one bad amp or bottle from them. Phamraqo is good too but I've only used their orals, test, primo, Tren. I heard that used to be SIS labs so idk but their gear right now is really good.
duuuuuuude if you are getting pip bad and if its fucking up your training get a new source. I can't believe anyone uses these small UGLs man you get what you pay for, I will only use super lab UGLs like balkan, SP, I mainly use pharma but if I do have to use UGL I will use balkan, SP, or alpha pharma. Just pinned my first couple shots I'm using some alpha eq and some organon sustanon, pinned quads with literally no pip you wouldn't even know you pinned it. 3ccs in each quad two days apart. I use a 25g 1 in for these shots. OP, you're injecting this shit into your body use a good UGL or go pharma. Alpha is always smooth as fuck for me been using them for years they make good quality gear idc what anyone says never had one bad amp or bottle from them.
GL is an absolutely great UGL, don't really care if I sound like a shill. Plenty of people here who compete and use his gear, along with rec users, with 0 issues. I highly doubt it's OP's source and moreso the amount of oil + virgin muscle. He's doing 450mg Test C weekly split into 2 injections. Even if I injected 225mg of Test C in one injection from my TRT doc, I'd still get PIP. PIP is also highly individual and not a one size fits all for every person.
GL is an absolutely great UGL, don't really care if I sound like a shill. Plenty of people here who compete and use his gear, along with rec users, with 0 issues. I highly doubt it's OP's source and moreso the amount of oil + virgin muscle. He's doing 450mg Test C weekly split into 2 injections. Even if I injected 225mg of Test C in one injection from my TRT doc, I'd still get PIP. PIP is also highly individual and not a one size fits all for every person.
True, its just in my experience with these kind of UGLs (hulk body, Roxy, muscleteklabs, yeah its been a while since I used a home-brew lab) but all these labs gave me pip like a bitch and I got an infection from hulks gear. Idk I've just never used a home-brew lab that was even close to balkan, or sp. I think its just a risky gamble.
True, its just in my experience with these kind of UGLs (hulk body, Roxy, muscleteklabs, yeah its been a while since I used a home-brew lab) but all these labs gave me pip like a bitch and I got an infection from hulks gear. Idk I've just never used a home-brew lab that was even close to balkan, or sp. I think its just a risky gamble.
Completely understand where you're coming from man. There are plenty of people here who can inject 500mg Test E from a UGL and get 0 PIP, meanwhile a huge chunk of people can't inject 150mg of Test E from any of the sources we have available here without getting crippling pain. It is what it is. I'm one of those people that can heat up my vial, massage the area after injection, and get a blowjob right afterwards...but I'm still gonna get PIP if I inject too much oil (regardless of UGL, Pharma, or concentration).
Completely understand where you're coming from man. There are plenty of people here who can inject 500mg Test E from a UGL and get 0 PIP, meanwhile a huge chunk of people can't inject 150mg of Test E from any of the sources we have available here without getting crippling pain. It is what it is. I'm one of those people that can heat up my vial, massage the area after injection, and get a blowjob right afterwards...but I'm still gonna get PIP if I inject too much oil (regardless of UGL, Pharma, or concentration).
Bro I know some guys are blessed that way I had a buddy who could shoot fucking 500mg a ml of any gear and blends and have no pip fucking crazy I wish I could do that. Idk why but anything over 300mg I get pip and I'm a baby when it comes to that haha anything that fucks up my training I think is counterproductive. Idk about you but when it would get pip I never got lumps or swelling or redness isn't that something to do with what they brewed the gear with? From my understanding pip shouldn't have anything but some soreness and be gone in a couple days.
Bro I know some guys are blessed that way I had a buddy who could shoot fucking 500mg a ml of any gear and blends and have no pip fucking crazy I wish I could do that. Idk why but anything over 300mg I get pip and I'm a baby when it comes to that haha anything that fucks up my training I think is counterproductive. Idk about you but when it would get pip I never got lumps or swelling or redness isn't that something to do with what they brewed the gear with? From my understanding pip shouldn't have anything but some soreness and be gone in a couple days.
Never gotten bumps, swelling, or any of that. Only PIP.

Funny story, my first time EVER buying UGL from MESO...I got an infection from bad gear lmao (there's a thread I can dig up if you're interested). I'd had PIP before, but this shit was on a different level, literally had to go to the ER and get IV antibiotics and shit.

After that I learned my lesson to never go with newer sources and stick to the ones everyone has good reviews of, bloodwork, and lab tests.
Never gotten bumps, swelling, or any of that. Only PIP.

Funny story, my first time EVER buying UGL from MESO...I got an infection from bad gear lmao (there's a thread I can dig up if you're interested). I'd had PIP before, but this shit was on a different level, literally had to go to the ER and get IV antibiotics and shit.

After that I learned my lesson to never go with newer sources and stick to the ones everyone has good reviews of, bloodwork, and lab tests.
Ohhh shit yeah that's what I'm saying you just never know.. There was a guy who ended up with quarter size holes in his ass cheeks probably bigger actually and the shit ate away at his muscle and skin from injection bad tren from a UGL that had staph bacteria in it you can find it on google the photos will make you never wanna shoot UGL gear again.
Completely understand where you're coming from man. There are plenty of people here who can inject 500mg Test E from a UGL and get 0 PIP, meanwhile a huge chunk of people can't inject 150mg of Test E from any of the sources we have available here without getting crippling pain. It is what it is. I'm one of those people that can heat up my vial, massage the area after injection, and get a blowjob right afterwards...but I'm still gonna get PIP if I inject too much oil (regardless of UGL, Pharma, or concentration).
idk lol GL is so fast, fixes any issues, and charges a lot less. A vial of primo from pharmacom (coach’s rec) is just a bit higher that’s hard to justify when I’m spending the rest of gear budget on gh lol. Chicken breast prices are wild enough as is, gotta save money somehow
idk lol GL is so fast, fixes any issues, and charges a lot less. A vial of primo from pharmacom (coach’s rec) is just a bit higher that’s hard to justify when I’m spending the rest of gear budget on gh lol. Chicken breast prices are wild enough as is, gotta save money somehow
curious what does your coach recommend for gh? Never have used pharmacom idk if you remember but they were not making shit for a few years they were out of stock everywhere. Always wanted to try them they are a good lab from what have found through research. They up there with balkan, SP, Alpha. (actullly have a lab they drive to work). Ill be honest, any gear I can smell without opening the bottle I won't use. I'm really picky thought idk It just smells toxic.
Great post, I have been pinning in my shoulders, rotating between the two with an insulin syringe, injecting every other day. I tried injecting in my thighs the other day on my right I pinned 0.4ml Test E and 0.4ml Mast E and on my left 3ml LCAR (QSC). Been sore in both thighs for the last day. I was surprised since the needle is so small, no lumps just soreness where I injected. Is it because the muscles are unfamiliar with being injected?
Great post, I have been pinning in my shoulders, rotating between the two with an insulin syringe, injecting every other day. I tried injecting in my thighs the other day on my right I pinned 0.4ml Test E and 0.4ml Mast E and on my left 3ml LCAR (QSC). Been sore in both thighs for the last day. I was surprised since the needle is so small, no lumps just soreness where I injected. Is it because the muscles are unfamiliar with being injected?
Are you injecting into your quad area?
Great post, I have been pinning in my shoulders, rotating between the two with an insulin syringe, injecting every other day. I tried injecting in my thighs the other day on my right I pinned 0.4ml Test E and 0.4ml Mast E and on my left 3ml LCAR (QSC). Been sore in both thighs for the last day. I was surprised since the needle is so small, no lumps just soreness where I injected. Is it because the muscles are unfamiliar with being injected?
bro if you are not sure about pinning you can go on YouTube and there's a nurse who shows exactly how and where to pin. its really helpful, takes away any doubt.
Are you injecting into your quad area?
bro if you are not sure about pinning you can go on YouTube and there's a nurse who shows exactly how and where to pin. its really helpful, takes away any doubt.
Yeah injecting in quads, the soreness is gone, and I actually just pinned an hour ago with no issues and no pip, I think its because I was tensing my muscles when I injected. They were just little boys, now they are men.
This post I read as the main character for doom. Epic

Ps: some people just can’t do quads at all without pip and I’m one of them. They just pulse the second a pin goes in and I’m always worried about veins. Photo evidence of crazy leg veins bellow.


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