
New Member
I’ve got a cycle ready to start

.8cc - 1.0cc ED 100mg 1-test cyp (DHB)
250 mg week Test Cyp
Proviron 100 mg/day
Var 75-100 mg/day

Pct nolva

Question is, should I wait until about week 2 or 3 to begin pinning DHB or start running DHB from the first pin along w the test cyp?
I’ve got a cycle ready to start

.8cc - 1.0cc ED 100mg 1-test cyp (DHB)
250 mg week Test Cyp
Proviron 100 mg/day
Var 75-100 mg/day

Pct nolva

Question is, should I wait until about week 2 or 3 to begin pinning DHB or start running DHB from the first pin along w the test cyp?
IMO you can start pinning DHB from day one, but you'd better pyramid up dosages so all that DHB at once doesn't shock your body, and you get enough time to monitor your BP (and take BP meds if needed).
IMO you can start pinning DHB from day one, but you'd better pyramid up dosages so all that DHB at once doesn't shock your body, and you get enough time to monitor your BP (and take BP meds if needed).

taking baby asp for BP. Not seeing much about needing to pyramid up.

Can you elaborate on need to pyramid

Thanks friend

taking baby asp for BP. Not seeing much about needing to pyramid up.

Can you elaborate on need to pyramid

Thanks friend
All that DHB at once can shoot your BP to the roof, and potentially send you to ER. A stroke or heart attack is no joke, you know.

By slowly increasing your dosages (pyramiding up), something like
1st week 25% of total dosage
2nd week 50%
3rd week 75%
4th-onwards 100%
you get enough time to monitor rising BP and take meds if needed
Same for high hematocrit, it gives you some time to get bloodwork and donate blood if needed (albeit donating doesn't lower Hct that fast, it helps a bit).
Why pin the dhb every day? It has a cyponate ester attached to it. Is it because of the pip, or maby the volume? I have no experience with dhb...yet.
Why pin the dhb every day? It has a cyponate ester attached to it. Is it because of the pip, or maby the volume? I have no experience with dhb...yet.
I'm assuming because the PIP is so bad, it's possible the PIP isn't as bad if the volume injected is smaller.
All that DHB at once can shoot your BP to the roof, and potentially send you to ER. A stroke or heart attack is no joke, you know.

By slowly increasing your dosages (pyramiding up), something like
1st week 25% of total dosage
2nd week 50%
3rd week 75%
4th-onwards 100%
you get enough time to monitor rising BP and take meds if needed
Same for high hematocrit, it gives you some time to get bloodwork and donate blood if needed (albeit donating doesn't lower Hct that fast, it helps a bit).
I've never heard of AAS users experiencing heart attacks from large doses of AAS. From what I've read AAS related heart issues are related to long term abuse/improper treatment of BP long term.

If large doses of AAS cause acute heart attacks that's news to me, although I haven't done much studying on DHB yet.
I’ve got a cycle ready to start

.8cc - 1.0cc ED 100mg 1-test cyp (DHB)
250 mg week Test Cyp
Proviron 100 mg/day
Var 75-100 mg/day

Pct nolva

Question is, should I wait until about week 2 or 3 to begin pinning DHB or start running DHB from the first pin along w the test cyp?
Start injecting DHB right away with test cyp. I would lower proviron to 50mg a day. The anavar can be run for the first 5 weeks. You should not need to worry about high blood pressure on a cycle like this.
How long do you plan to run DHB?
I'm currently running DHB and injecting 3x a week. I have two buddies that are on the same cycle and regime.

2x a week- 1ml of Test E (250mg) and 1ml of DHB (100mg)
1x a week - 2ml of DHB

The single shot of 2ml DHB gives the absolute worst PIP. A fat knot and swelling. The PIP occurs two days post injection. I would recommend no more than 1ml of DHB in the same pin location at a time.
I'm currently running DHB and injecting 3x a week. I have two buddies that are on the same cycle and regime.

2x a week- 1ml of Test E (250mg) and 1ml of DHB (100mg)
1x a week - 2ml of DHB

The single shot of 2ml DHB gives the absolute worst PIP. A fat knot and swelling. The PIP occurs two days post injection. I would recommend no more than 1ml of DHB in the same pin location at a time.
Make sure you post your experience, I haven't seen many people running a DHB/Test cycle.

How far along in the cycle are you? What do you think about dhb so far?
I have been debating on starting a cycle log because the last one I started for a previous cycle the thread went to poo poo.

I just started week 3 and can't really comment on it yet.

The PIP is brutal at 2ml of DHB in one injection site. I pinned my quad and felt nothing for 2 days and then my quad/leg got sore on each passing day peaking at day 7 post injection. The pain is the worst pain I have felt in my life. I tried 2mls of DHB in the glute and same thing minus the pain. A fatty deformed butt cheek. Currently at 6 days post injection on the glute and still have a fatty lump.

1ml of DHB with Test and PIP is minimal. There is some soreness but its what you would expect running DHB. Very manageable.

Anyone that says their DHB is PIP free is a liar or it's not DHB they are running. You will feel some pip on day 2 post injection.
How does aspirin help your blood pressure?
Not by much, if any
OTOH aspirin thins out blood making it easier to pass trough tiny brain capillaries reducing chance of getting stroke (albeit if stroke happens it makes it harder to stop bleeding), or trough (partially) clogged heart arteries, preventing a heart attack.

No substitute for getting BP and Hct in check.
I have been debating on starting a cycle log because the last one I started for a previous cycle the thread went to poo poo.

I just started week 3 and can't really comment on it yet.

The PIP is brutal at 2ml of DHB in one injection site. I pinned my quad and felt nothing for 2 days and then my quad/leg got sore on each passing day peaking at day 7 post injection. The pain is the worst pain I have felt in my life. I tried 2mls of DHB in the glute and same thing minus the pain. A fatty deformed butt cheek. Currently at 6 days post injection on the glute and still have a fatty lump.

1ml of DHB with Test and PIP is minimal. There is some soreness but its what you would expect running DHB. Very manageable.

Anyone that says their DHB is PIP free is a liar or it's not DHB they are running. You will feel some pip on day 2 post injection.
I should mention that a few labs out there are putting in EO in their DHB products. I myself have used a DHB product with EO in it from one Canadian lab and I was able to inject 100mg/1ml every day (700mg total a week) in various muscle groups without any PIP whatsoever. If you can get a DHB product with EO in it then I would recommend trying it out. DHB really defines the body nicely. Its a really good overall recomp anabolic steroid.
I brew mine with ethyl oleate too. I get mild PIP at worst at 100 mg/ml.

DHB has been one of my favorites since I first tried it in 2004. I'm on a low(ish) dose DHB cycle now with test and trest.
My last batch was 2% BA and 20% BB with half EO / half miglyol as the carrier oil. I've done similar batches in the past with GSO instead of miglyol.

PIP is minimal at 100 mg/ml. Sometimes a vial will crash when I'm halfway through it, but a little heat fixes that.
IMO you can start pinning DHB from day one, but you'd better pyramid up dosages so all that DHB at once doesn't shock your body, and you get enough time to monitor your BP (and take BP meds if needed).
I have a ton of mini press if anyone is interested. Pm me. Sell it dirt cheap
I brew mine with ethyl oleate too. I get mild PIP at worst at 100 mg/ml.

DHB has been one of my favorites since I first tried it in 2004. I'm on a low(ish) dose DHB cycle now with test and trest.
What dosage do you run it at and for how long?

