Diagnosed with IBD

The relationship between fiber and digestive health is complicated, and fiber is by no means beneficial for everyone.

In my opinion, what primarily determines whether various indigestible carbohydrates (including fiber) will be beneficial or harmful is your microbiome. If you have a healthy microbiome composed of predominantly benevolent species, supporting their growth by feeding them with indigestible carbs is more likely to be a net positive. On the other hand, if your microbiome was carpet-bombed with 1000 rounds of antibiotic as a child by well-meaning but ignorant parents and doctors (describing myself here), you've got bacteria that look like this:

View attachment 298180

In that case, the best thing you can do is starve them into submission, because supporting their growth only leads to inflammation and illness.

Removing fiber from the diet improves constipation:

Fiber can cause inflammation in people with IBD:

The low FODMAP (Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, And Polyols) diet is a first line therapy for management of IBS with a ton of evidence supporting its efficacy. Here's an example meta-analysis:

Low FODMAP may also reduce fibromyalgia symptoms:

Restricting starch and sugar can be equally beneficial as the low FODMAP diet (some starch and sugar will escape digestion and feed the microbiome as well):

Meat is nearly 100% digestible and leaves little/no residue. If you were to try a carnivore style diet for a short while, you would observe that it is the plant-based components of the diet that interfere with the digestive process. They contain enzyme inhibitors to prevent your digestive enzymes from breaking down food, phytic acid to prevent mineral absorption, and fiber to physically block nutrient absorption and food/enzyme interaction.

The experience of eating meat alone includes a complete lack of gas, bloating, burping, farting - these are all symptoms of excessive fermentation and indigestion caused by plant material.

Restriction of carbohydrates improves GERD symptoms:

That's another aspect, yes: inflammation caused directly by plant defense chemicals and inflammatory proteins. Here's a good overview of the many ways plants you eat are trying to kill you:

Where can u go or who does gut biome testing? L-glutamine is also supposed to help alleviate issues… or so they say…
The relationship between fiber and digestive health is complicated, and fiber is by no means beneficial for everyone.

In my opinion, what primarily determines whether various indigestible carbohydrates (including fiber) will be beneficial or harmful is your microbiome. If you have a healthy microbiome composed of predominantly benevolent species, supporting their growth by feeding them with indigestible carbs is more likely to be a net positive. On the other hand, if your microbiome was carpet-bombed with 1000 rounds of antibiotic as a child by well-meaning but ignorant parents and doctors (describing myself here), you've got bacteria that look like this:

View attachment 298180

In that case, the best thing you can do is starve them into submission, because supporting their growth only leads to inflammation and illness.

Removing fiber from the diet improves constipation:

Fiber can cause inflammation in people with IBD:

The low FODMAP (Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, And Polyols) diet is a first line therapy for management of IBS with a ton of evidence supporting its efficacy. Here's an example meta-analysis:

Low FODMAP may also reduce fibromyalgia symptoms:

Restricting starch and sugar can be equally beneficial as the low FODMAP diet (some starch and sugar will escape digestion and feed the microbiome as well):

Meat is nearly 100% digestible and leaves little/no residue. If you were to try a carnivore style diet for a short while, you would observe that it is the plant-based components of the diet that interfere with the digestive process. They contain enzyme inhibitors to prevent your digestive enzymes from breaking down food, phytic acid to prevent mineral absorption, and fiber to physically block nutrient absorption and food/enzyme interaction.

The experience of eating meat alone includes a complete lack of gas, bloating, burping, farting - these are all symptoms of excessive fermentation and indigestion caused by plant material.

Restriction of carbohydrates improves GERD symptoms:

That's another aspect, yes: inflammation caused directly by plant defense chemicals and inflammatory proteins. Here's a good overview of the many ways plants you eat are trying to kill you:

Thank you very much for your kindness.
I will certainly have a look.
I am interested, mainly for my mum.
But i have not been immune to this kind of problems, so I look forward to reading all this.

I do love my carbs. Living without them is unthinkable.
I suppose if you have to, it's just the way it is.

I really admire people like you, who are able to be so strict with what they eat, all the time; no cravings, no munching on stuff because you are bored.
I suppose eating just one thing resolves a lot of issues in terms of "what can I have for lunch", lol.
It's awesome you have found a very simple way to better health.
May it continue.
I will watch out for your posts.

L glutamine is supposedly good even my gi specialist recommended it. But imo you need to double the dose that the container recommends.

Yep, when I took it for a while a few years ago it was 20gr for a few days and then 10gr x day.
Tbh, I don't remember if it did anything, but I tried it out.

Have you found a way to keep that colitis under control, a bit more?

Can I ask you what caused it?
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Not sure if this is relevant to the answers you're looking for OP

But I've found these really beneficial to digestion and gut health:
Digestive enzymes
A good multi vitamin

I'd get a lot of the bloating issues especially when pushing the food, and I've found these help a ton in aiding my digestion

Not sure how it would affect IBD though, can't imagine it would make it worse
I have Crohns and take budesonide and dicyclomine (sp?). The dicyclomine helps with cramping. I can eat spicy foods and be fine, but lettuce or watermelon will tear me up. Alcohol is a BIG no no.
The relationship between fiber and digestive health is complicated, and fiber is by no means beneficial for everyone.

In my opinion, what primarily determines whether various indigestible carbohydrates (including fiber) will be beneficial or harmful is your microbiome. If you have a healthy microbiome composed of predominantly benevolent species, supporting their growth by feeding them with indigestible carbs is more likely to be a net positive. On the other hand, if your microbiome was carpet-bombed with 1000 rounds of antibiotic as a child by well-meaning but ignorant parents and doctors (describing myself here), you've got bacteria that look like this:

View attachment 298180

In that case, the best thing you can do is starve them into submission, because supporting their growth only leads to inflammation and illness.

Removing fiber from the diet improves constipation:

Fiber can cause inflammation in people with IBD:

The low FODMAP (Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, And Polyols) diet is a first line therapy for management of IBS with a ton of evidence supporting its efficacy. Here's an example meta-analysis:

Low FODMAP may also reduce fibromyalgia symptoms:

Restricting starch and sugar can be equally beneficial as the low FODMAP diet (some starch and sugar will escape digestion and feed the microbiome as well):

Meat is nearly 100% digestible and leaves little/no residue. If you were to try a carnivore style diet for a short while, you would observe that it is the plant-based components of the diet that interfere with the digestive process. They contain enzyme inhibitors to prevent your digestive enzymes from breaking down food, phytic acid to prevent mineral absorption, and fiber to physically block nutrient absorption and food/enzyme interaction.

The experience of eating meat alone includes a complete lack of gas, bloating, burping, farting - these are all symptoms of excessive fermentation and indigestion caused by plant material.

Restriction of carbohydrates improves GERD symptoms:

That's another aspect, yes: inflammation caused directly by plant defense chemicals and inflammatory proteins. Here's a good overview of the many ways plants you eat are trying to kill you:
I bow.
Yep, when I took it for a while a few years ago it was 20gr for a few days and then 10gr x day.
Tbh, I don't remember if it did anything, but I tried it out.

Have you found a way to keep that colitis under control, a bit more?

Can I ask you what caused it?
Yea I can’t remember I think the bottle says 5g2x daily but I take a min 15g daily with apple cider vinegar sometimes.

John meddows has some great videos on ibd ibs with a great dietitian friend of his also, much better than Stan efriding with his cookie cutter low fodmap lmao, any one can google that , mabe he adds bone broth but the internet also adds that , and he’s a diet god lmfao. Joke/ gimmick.

The best Ibd dr’s dietitians and pharmacists, yea I have special pharmacists for ibd specificity, recommend a Mediterranean diet over lowfodmap.

he had severe uc like mine and decided to just have his entire large intestine “colon” removed he got his pro card after that . I’m in the same boat none of the steroids or biologicals are working for me, prednisone, Inflectra. Enrivityo. Ect. F’in anal suppositories the size of a large bullet lol.

I asked what caused it, occasional cannabis and alcohol use ? They laughed said no my mom had some type of ibd and has to be genetics and possibly crappy western diet contributed.

I have also had 2 dr’s who low key know about my aas use and have had nothing negative to say about it, and my gut/ health issues. If anything the heat is keeping my blood thick and keeping me from being anemic and needing a blood transfusion.
Yea I can’t remember I think the bottle says 5g2x daily but I take a min 15g daily with apple cider vinegar sometimes.

John meddows has some great videos on ibd ibs with a great dietitian friend of his also, much better than Stan efriding with his cookie cutter low fodmap lmao, any one can google that , mabe he adds bone broth but the internet also adds that , and he’s a diet god lmfao. Joke/ gimmick.

The best Ibd dr’s dietitians and pharmacists, yea I have special pharmacists for ibd specificity, recommend a Mediterranean diet over lowfodmap.

he had severe uc like mine and decided to just have his entire large intestine “colon” removed he got his pro card after that . I’m in the same boat none of the steroids or biologicals are working for me, prednisone, Inflectra. Enrivityo. Ect. F’in anal suppositories the size of a large bullet lol.

I asked what caused it, occasional cannabis and alcohol use ? They laughed said no my mom had some type of ibd and has to be genetics and possibly crappy western diet contributed.

I have also had 2 dr’s who low key know about my aas use and have had nothing negative to say about it, and my gut/ health issues. If anything the heat is keeping my blood thick and keeping me from being anemic and needing a blood transfusion.

I had a google and it says it may also be an autoimmune condition.

You poor thing, knowing you are in such pain and discomfort is heart breaking.
I so wish something could be done, that is not surgery.
I suppose you are used to it and know how to manage it a bit, but it must be quite distressing.
With so much research into drugs, I hope they will find something that will actually work and help you.
Regardless of this pita, you are amazing, talented and beautiful inside and out.
Your wife tells you this every day.
This colitis crap ain't going to change that.
Where can u go or who does gut biome testing? L-glutamine is also supposed to help alleviate issues… or so they sayl

I have Crohns and take budesonide and dicyclomine (sp?). The dicyclomine helps with cramping. I can eat spicy foods and be fine, but lettuce or watermelon will tear me up. Alcohol is a BIG no no.
Quit drinking and drugging years ago so that’s not the issue anymore thank God. They just prescribed me a prednisone taper and mesalomine
Yep, when I took it for a while a few years ago it was 20gr for a few days and then 10gr x day.
Tbh, I don't remember if it did anything, but I tried it out.

Have you found a way to keep that colitis under control, a bit more?

Can I ask you what caused it?
Sorry I was hating on lowfodmap and Dident add my current recommended diet, Mediterranean.
Quit drinking and drugging years ago so that’s not the issue anymore thank God. They just prescribed me a prednisone taper and mesalomine
lol that prednisone is gana work for a little then cause all types of joint pain . And that mesalomine is the weakest entry med for ibd, if it helps it won’t for long, I’d bet money.

I told u guys I know this shit already.